Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 2nd September 2018
Contest News
The IRTS 70cms and 2 metres Counties Contests, in which EI and GI counties are multipliers, take place on Sunday next, 9th September. The 70cms event is at 1.00pm local time, for one hour, and this is followed by the 2 metres contest from 2.00pm to 4.00pm local time. There are separate sections in these contest for portable and fixed stations, low power and high power, as well as an FM Only section for single ops and an SWL section. The portable sections are for field-day type operations, so those entering one of the portable sections should be aware of the requirements for portable section entries in the contest rules.
See for more details, which include the frequencies for these contests and the 'QSY Rule' that applies to FM QSOs.
In other contest news, the UKEICC one-hour evening contests are back, with and SSB contest at 20:00 UTC on Wednesday next, 5th September. The CW event is on the last Wednesday of the month, 26th September.
November HAREC Licence Examination
Closing date for applications to sit this exam are to be received no later than Thursday 1st November 2018. The examination itself will be held on Thursday 15th November 2018 in the ComReg offices in Dublin and at other centres if warranted by the numbers. Places for exams at the ComReg Offices are limited, they are allocated on a first come first served basis and are only reserved on receipt of an application form and the examination fee.
To reserve a place, candidates should forward a completed application form to Joe Ryan EI7GY. See for Joe's contact details and other information about the exam.
Some important dates for your 2019 diary are now available. The IRTS AGM event will take place on the 13th and 14th April 2019. Venue will be The Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Co Roscommon, N37 XR82. Dinner tickets are 35 euro. Talks and lectures will take place on Saturday, while the Rally and AGM shall take place on the Sunday. For further information please see and facebook page.
Limerick Radio Club
Limerick College of Further Education will be running a course HL050 on Introduction to Amateur Radio Technology/Transmitters. It is billed as a taster course to be run over 8 weeks on Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:00pm. See
An information evening will be held at the college on Wednesday September 5th from 7:30pm. Members of the Limerick Radio Club will be in attendance.
IRTS Committee meeting
A reminder that the next IRTS Committee meeting is to take place on the 8th September in Creggan Court Hotel, Athlone at 11am. For the remainder of the year the following IRTS Committee Meetings have been set to take place: 20th October in Portlaoise and 8th December in Athlone.
60 Meter Band
A number of new countries are now allocated access to the 5MHz band. Latest figures show that two third of the CEPT countries (32 out of 48 countries) now have access to the band for amateur radio usage.
Skywave Amateur Radio Club
The Committee of the Skywave Amateur Radio Club, would like to announce the formation of their new club in the Cork region. The club has been issued with the call sign EI0SW and are pleased to inform everyone that they are now accepting new members. For more details please see their website
IECRO Radio Club
The IECRO Radio Club has received sufficient interest to run another training course in the midlands. This course is about to begin. If you, a family member or a friend would like to have your names added to the clubs training list, please make contact within the next few days. Further information can be obtained from the IECRO website at or via email to “info /dot/ iecro /at/ gmail /dot/ com”
DX News
A group of Polish operators will sign EX0PL from Kyrgyzstan until 10th September. Look for them on all HF bands and QSLs go via SP9KAT.
Hans PA3HGT will operate holiday-style as 3B8/PA3HGT from Mauritius from 4th-24th September. He will be mainly on SSB on 40, 20 and 10m. QSL to the home call.
Manfred DL5FAB will be in French Guinea from 5th-18th September at the Space Centre. While there he will activate his FY/DL5FAB callsign on the HF bands using CW and FT8.
Zorro JH1AJT will be QRV again as A5A in Bhutan from 4th-14th September. He will be on 40 through to 10m on CW, SSB and FT8.
During the month of September members of the Wireless Institute of Australia will be using special event callsigns in the range VI1MARCONI to VK0MARCONI from different states. This is to mark the 100th anniversary of the first wireless transmission between Australia and the United Kingdom which took place on 22nd September 1918.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.