Applying for an Exam

Organisational Arrangements and Exam Scheduling

Under an agreement with ComReg, IRTS is responsible for setting and organising the Amateur Station Licence Exam.  The exam is usually held in Dublin but, where the numbers warrant it, exams can be held at other centres.  Exams would normally be held twice yearly, in May / June and November / December.

2024 Examination Dates

The next HAREC examination is scheduled for Saturday the 16th of November 2024. The venue is the Clayton Hotel at Dublin Airport, Stockhole Lane, Swords, Co Dublin, K67 X3H5, See website here for further details. Registration will commence at 10.30 a.m. and the exam will commence at 11 a.m, and finish at 1 p.m. The closing date for applications is Thursday the 7th of November and as there are a limited number of places, anyone wishing to sit the exam should forward their application along with the appropriate fee.

How to Enter

Places for exams are limited, they are allocated on a first come first served basis and are only reserved on receipt of an application form and the exam fee.  To reserve a place for the exam, candidates should Download the application form here

The PDF form can be filled electronically (including signature) using Acrobat Reader or the Chrome or Firefox web browsers and emailed directly to IRTS Exams.

If you cannot fill and sign electronically, it may be printed, filled by hand and scanned or photographed and emailed as above, but please ensure that it is signed and legible before emailing.

Alternatively, it may also be printed, filled by hand and posted to the IRTS at :

  • Dave O'Connor.
  • 13 Sydenham Mews,
  • Corrig Avenue,
  • Dunlaoghaire, Co Dublin. A96RF99

The exam fee is €50 or €25 for full-time registered students, repeat candidates and those who are retired, unemployed or have a disability.  Special facilities are available on request to candidates with disabilities including special font/colour examination papers and one to one examinations. Please include a note of any special requirements along with your application form. Payment may be made by credit card or PayPal using our online payments system.  Alternatively, Cheques or Money Orders payable to IRTS may be sent to the treasurer

N.B.  A completed application form must be submitted and payment must be made before a candidate can reserve a place for the exam.

The Exam Paper

The exam consists of a question paper of 60 multiple-choice questions divided into two main sections; The first section focuses on the technical aspects of radio communications. The second part covers operating rules, procedures, and regulations.

The time allowed is two hours.  The pass mark is 60% and a pass is required in each of the two main sections of the paper.


A sample exam paper can be found here. A Revised HAREC examination guide is now available. See HAREC Examination Guide And also see the exam syllabus page here

Photo ID

Suitable photo ID must be produced by candidates attending an exam.  The photo ID can be a driving licence, a passport, an employment photo identity card or a student card containing a photograph.  A national Garda photo ID is also acceptable.  Anyone who fails to produce photo ID on the day of the exam will not be allowed to sit the exam.

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