Echo Ireland

The Irish radio Transmitters Society Journal "Echo Ireland" is published quarterly.

It contains Amateur Radio news and reports from clubs and society officers and members around the country, in addition to regular features, such as EI DXCC listings, for sale pages and individual articles and features from IRTS members.

Echo Ireland is available as a printed magazine, and as a digital download. You will receive an automated email when the magazine is published.

Click here to access the Echo Ireland downloads page. Enter your callsign and the password which will have been issued to you via email when the magazine is published

Guidance on advertisements and submitting articles for publishing.

The society would welcome any articles or special features of interest to members for publishing. Private advertisements from paid up members are free of charge. Articles and event information for publication should be sent to the newsteam as a word document attachment, not as a PDF. Images and illustrations should be embedded in the file for indicative position only, and should also be sent as seperate attached image files. Please ensure to put captions for all images and illustrations at the end of the article, rather than embedded within the images of the main text of your article.

Please include the full names and call signs of people included in photos and where necessary obtain their permission. All material published is subject to editing for length, clarity, style, rep, exaggeration, spelling, punctuation, grammar, legality and taste. Permission may, on their request, be given to other societies to reproduce articles. Matter published or opinions expressed in either publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the IRTS.

Updated: 10/10/2022

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