Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 10th August 2014
Silent Key Roderic, EI2P
We have learned of the passing of Roderic Mooney, EI2P, on Friday August 8th 2014. Roderic was a long standing member and Trustee of IRTS. He was predeceased by his wife, Kate of 67 years on July 29th 2014. Very sadly missed by his six children, his 9 grandchildren and relatives and friends. Funeral will take place after a humanist service on Monday 11th August at 3:30pm, Mount Jerome Crematorium Dublin 6W.
We send our deepest sympathies to his family and friends.
May he rest in peace.
IRTS 2m Contest 2014
The IRTS 2m contest this year takes place on Sunday August 24th and the closing date for the submission of completed logs is September 7th. Full details are available on
EJ5BPL Lighthouse Activation on Sherkin Island, Co.
Barrack Point Lighthouse on Sherkin Island opposite Baltimore, Co. Cork will be activated during August as part of ILLW and ARLHS lighthouse events. Using special event call sign EJ5BPL, operators EI2KA, EI4JN and possibly others will operate from a tent next to the small lighthouse which, along with the Baltimore Beacon on the mainland opposite, marks safe entry into Baltimore Harbour from the North Atlantic. Activity will also include the ILLW weekend on 16-17 August. Barrack Point Lighthouse has been designated IE0014 by ILLW and IRE036 by ARLHS. An attractive QSL card will be sent to all stations worked.
Ham radio users light up the airwaves at Loop Head
A group of amateur ham radio operators will wind back the clock at Loop Head Lighthouse this weekend 16th -17th August when they attempt to communicate via radio and Morse code with hundreds of radio clubs throughout the world.
The Limerick Radio Club, which features members from Clare, Kerry, Limerick and Tipperary, will broadcast non-stop for 48 hours from the West Clare lighthouse as part of the 17th International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend (ILLW).
During the broadcast from midnight on Friday to midnight on Sunday, visitors to the popular tourism landmark will be able to listen into communications with some of the other participating ham radio operators broadcasting from 400 other lighthouses and lightships in 65 countries.
Consultation on Spectrum Policy Priorities
The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources is currently undertaking a review of the radio spectrum and welcome submissions from interested parties. The consultation document is available on the Departments website on and click on Communications Policy. All responses must be in writing and reach the Department by close of business on Friday 26th September 2014.
North Cork Radio Group
North Cork Radio Group would like to remind listeners that our 5th Anniversary rally will be held on Sunday, 7th September 2014 at the Commons Inn, Blackpool, Cork and doors will open at 11am. Entry fee is €5 and children will be free as usual.
Anyone wishing to book a table should do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment as space is limited, please contact Lisa EI9GSB on 086 8427756 or ei9gsb /at/ There will also be a Bring and Buy table available on the day for anyone wishing to sell a few items.
Limerick Radio Club
Today Sunday August 10th, members of Limerick Radio Club will activate Foildarg Hill IE-031, as part of their SOTA activations. They will be QRV on 7.115 +/- QRM and also 2M.
DX News
Don AI5P, well known for his one-man expeditions to various DXCC entities, will visit Grenada from 12 – 22 August. He will be active as J3/AI5P mainly on CW on 40 – 10m. QSLs go via his home call.
IOTA enthusiasts will be on the lookout for the callsign AT5RP from 13 – 17 August which will be an operation from Pamban Island off India’s Tamil Nadu State. The IOTA reference is AS-173 and this reference number has only been activated once before. QSL Manager is VU2LU.
Giovanni IZ2DPX is QRV from Montserrat using the callsign VP2MPX until 28 August. He is on all bands 160 – 6m. QSL via IK2DUW.
A group of English operators will be active from Rathlin Island from 14 – 20 August. They will use the callsign GN0GRC and plan to operate from three lighthouses while there. QSLs go via G0RCI.
The next edition of Echo Ireland is due for publication in September. Submissions and articles for publication are most welcome and the closing date is Friday August 15th. Please send to newsteam /at/
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.