Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday November 19th 2000
South Dublin Radio Club
There will be a talk and a slide show on the popular digital mode PSK31 at 8.30pm on the 21st of November at the South Dublin Radio QTH in Marian Road, Rathfarnham. This talk will be given by Mike Staunton EI3DY. Visitors are very welcome to attend.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group held their 6th Annual General Meeting on November 1st in Raheen House Hotel in Clonmel. A very well attended meeting was enjoyed by all. Hugh O'Donnell EI2HI, Ron McGrath EI6GO, Tommy Hallinan EI2IT, Paul Norris EI3EMB and John Burke EI2JB were elected to the 2001 comittee. In some new iniatives within TARG; Marie Kelly SWL was elected as QSL manageress and Eddie Kavanagh EI3FFB was elected to oversee the new TARG library, made possible by the donation of radio related books and videos from group members. The next Tipperary Amateur Radio Group meeting will be held at 8pm on December 1st in Raheen House Hotel in Clonmel and all are welcome. Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will also be holding their annual night out in The Galtee Inn in Cahir town on the 9th of December for further details please contact Hugh O'Donnell at QTHR or any TARG comittee member.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The next general meeting of SEARG will take place at 8.00pm on Wednesday the 29th of November in the Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford. The theme of the meeting will be Fast Scan Television and a talk on the subject will be given by Jim Farrell EI8IG. All are welcome.
SEARG will be starting theory classes around the end of the month so anybody that would like to take part should e-mail the club at or phone 087-6302026.
ARRL Contest Results
The ARRL SSB Contest results for 1999 were published in the November issue of QST. In the Multi-Single section, EI8IR operated by John EI8IR and Jim EI8GS finished in third spot in Europe. Also in this section was EJ3RCW operated by John EI7IG and Keith EI4FBB. Single operator EI entries listed were Ken EI4DW, Martin EI8GP and EI/EA3BOX.
DX News
The DXpedition to Vanuatu from November 19th to the 29th is gearing up to use Real-time on-line logging, live web cam, announcement board, photo gallery and live streaming audio from the DXpedition. The group have tried hard to incorporate Amateur Radio AND the Internet in order to expose Amateur Radio to non-amateurs. QSL Route is via N9PD direct OR via bureau (do not QSL via the YJ Vanuatu Bureau). For more information visit the web-site .
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR
At a recent meeting of Dundalk Amateur Radio Society on the 7th of November last, it was unanimously agreed to change the name of the club hous from "Marconi House" to "Larkin House". The new address reads, Larkin House, 113 Castletown Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth. This was done to show appreciation of a man who has done so much for amateur radio in the North East and is of course Dundalk Amateur Radio Society President Mr. Eugene Larkin EI3K.
Netherlands Special Event
On December the 15th the Radiocommunications Agency of The Netherlands (RDR) will celebrate the 50th anniversary of former intercontinental radio receiving station named "NERA". This specialised radio receiving station was opened on Dec 15th 1950 to function as the "ears" for the famous 'Kootwijk' transmitting station, some 70 miles to the east.
The original purpose of the stations was to maintain communication with the Dutch colonies. Later on other long-range communication purposes were added. "NERA" stands for Nederhorst-den-Berg RAdio. Amateur radio will be part of the celebrations. Besides the weekend before the official celebrations, on Sat/Sun Dec 9th and 10th, a special event station will be operated by employees of the Radio Agency. The callsign applied for (but not issued yet) is PC50R, a prefix never before used in The Netherlands.
Activity will be around the clock on CW, SSB or PSK31 on 70cm, 2m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 40m, 80m and 160 meters. A special QSL card will be awarded to all stations.
28MHz SWL Contest
A 28 MHz SWL Contest will take place from Saturday December 9th through the 10th, during the ARRL 10 meters contest. The aim of this challenge, opened to all SWL around the world, is to listen to the most DXCC entities, USA States and Canadian Provinces on 10 meters. Details can be obtained by sending an e-mail
Items for inclusion in Echo Ireland should be forwarded to Dave Moore EI4BZ at 021-883555 in the evenings or by e-mail to or during office hours at 021-823172 and you can fax Dave at 021-823316.
Items for inclusion in the Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall EI7IS at QTHR or via e-mail to Items can also be sent to Mark over the phone at 087-6302026. News can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services. Please note that the deadline for submission of radio news items is 9.00 pm on Tuesday of each week.