Reminder that the summer edition of the society's journal, which has gone to print, contains 44 pages of news, club updates, technical articles and more.
The regular columns, including "Excerpts from the HX Files" by Pat EI2HX and "HF Happenings" by Don EI6IL, as usual, make interesting reading. International developments affecting radio amateurs now and in the future are well covered in articles by Brendan EI6IZ, who reports on the EMC issues considered at a recent IARU meeting, and by Dave EI3IO who reports on the other issues dealt with at the same meeting. In an article entitled "Getting Going on 8 Metres", Phil EI9KP describes two projects for the 8 metre band. Also, Colm EI4KO recalls his journey to pass the Morse Test and then to bring his Morse proficiency up to speed for real QSOs.
Club updates include a "Mills on the Air" report from Skerries, as well as details of the Galway VHF Group's work on expanding digital activity in Galway and surrounding areas, along with their communications arrangements for a number of local events. Kerry Amateur Radio Group report on their involvement in the event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first radio telephony transmission across the Atlantic, East to West, between Ballybunion and Nova Scotia, while Shannon Basin Radio Club report on their recent hosting of the society's annual general meeting. There is also a report from AREN, the Amateur Radio Emergency Network, highlighting recent developments.
Mark EI6HPB outlines the activities and plans of IECRO Ireland Radio Club, which is part of a global network of communications hobbyists interested in emergency communication resilience, while Robert EI5KH and Joe EI7GY write about their recent research work on the early radio experiments by Colonel Dennis EI2B, who is generally accepted as the first ever amateur radio experimenter. Their research points to the fact that Colonel Dennis's first transmission took place in Co. Wicklow and not - as previously claimed - in London.
As well as these and other articles, the latest Echo Ireland carries photographs from many recent events, including the society's AGM along with rallies in Limerick and Enniskillen.
The Shannon Basin Radio Club is holding a meeting on Wednesday night 10th July at 20:00 in Roscommon sub aqua club house, Roscommon Town. All are welcome and refreshments will be provided. For further details please contact Brian EI8IU at “brianei8iu /at/ gmail /dot/ com”
A reminder that the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will be holding a Radio Foxhunt on Sunday the 21st of July 2019 in Castemorris Woods, Croan, Co Kilkenny at 12pm. Castlemorris Woods are located on the R701 just outside Knocktopher village in south Kilkenny. This is a fun event open to everyone young and old, licensed or SWL. Please note this event will be dependable upon weather conditions. For up to date information keep an eye on the groups Facebook page.
For anyone that wishes to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and their activities you can drop them an email to “southeasternarg /at/ gmail /dot/ com” or please feel free to come along to any of their meetings. You can check out their website and you can also join them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
Please spot the beacon if you hear it.The beacon hardware has been upgraded to an RF Zero board and is GPS locked so it can be used to check the frequency calibration of your radio. The EI 6m beacon has moved to 50.004 and now has an extended transmission time of three one minute sequences of PI4 and CW . The following two sequences will soon be taken up the the GI 6m beacon.
A reminder that plans are in place to run training, for amateur radio licensing, in Clonmellon and surrounding area. For more information or to book a place, please email Alan EI5GFB “info /at/ crossakiel /dot/ com”
A reminder, every few months the IECRO Ireland radio club in Mullingar runs an amateur radio license examination preparation course. High pass rates have been achieved in each previous sitting by candidates who undertook training through this course. All training is provided by experienced tutors in a friendly and welcoming environment. The club is now accepting applications for individuals who are planning to sit the winter 2019 exam. Anyone who wishes to enroll for this course can book a place by emailing “ireland /at/ iecro /dot/ com”
To celebrate the holding of the 2019 International Island Games in Gibraltar the special event station ZB2IG19 will be on the air until 30th July. QSL direct to P.O. Box 292, Gibraltar.
To mark the 50th anniversary of the first manned landing on the Moon several commemorative stations will be on the amateur bands including AO50MOON (Spain), XN1M (Canada), GB5EHL (England), VI50ML (Australia) and TM1MOON (France). It is expected that others will be announced during July.
The 50th anniversary of the first transmissions from the then new DXCC entity of Market Reef occurs this year and to mark the occasion there will be a number of DXpeditions to the Reef during July and later in the year. Look out for the OJ0 prefix on the HF bands and check the OJ0A entry on for interesting details of the Market Reef story.
Janusz SP9FIH returns to Bethlehem in Palestine from 6th July – 3rd August and will be QRV on 80 – 6m as E44WE. QSLs go via his home call.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.