Today we celebrate the 80th year of the foundation of the Irish Radio Transmitters Society. This takes the form of the traditional radio rally and in the afternoon approximately 14.30 we have the annual general meeting at the Fairways Hotel in Dundalk, hosted by the Dundalk Amateur Radio Society. Today is a milestone and an important day in the life of the Society which represents the interests of Amateur Radio Operators both at home and to the International Amateur Radio Union. Thank you for being part of the Irish Radio Transmitters Society.
The next Amateur Station Licence Examination will be held on Thursday 28th June at 2 p.m. in the ComReg Offices in Dublin. The examination may be held on that day at other centres where warranted by the number of candidates. Full details, including entry procedure, examination fee and how to pay the fee online are available by clicking on the Licence Exam button on the IRTS homepage at Places for the examination are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Please note that it is necessary to download the application form from the web page and forward the completed form and the appropriate fee in order to secure a place for the examination. If you pay the fee on line you must still complete and forward the application form.
The Northern Ireland Amateur Radio Conference – brought to you by West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club, Technology Education Centre, 2 Spillers Place, Omagh. Lectures/Seminars, Demonstrations, Special Interest Groups, Trade Stands, National Societies, Disabled Facilities, Door Prizes, Raffle, Catering. The event this year takes place 16th June 2012.
For those who have expressed interest in participating in Theory Classes leading to the Amateur Radio Licence with South Eastern Amateur Radio Group, there will be an information / planning session at our next general meeting which takes place at 8:30 p.m. on Monday 30 April in the Roanmore Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford. All are welcome!
The Geoparks communications weekend this year takes place on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 May. South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will again operate from Tankardstown on the Copper Coast Geopark in Co. Waterford. The callsign is EI2GEO (pending approval). Activity will mainly be on HF. Anyone wishing to get involved should contact the club on info/ at/ or phone Mark Wall on 087-6302026. For more information about the Geopark, visit
(F4KIR) is an amateur radio association located in Saint Malo, France. The Tall Ships Race (TSR) is the biggest European sailing event and will be organized in Saint Malo next July.
In celebration of the event a special call will be activated from 29 June to 9 July from Saint Malo with special QSL and award. The website address is
The North Cork Radio Group is pleased to announce confirmation of their annual rally, to be held on Sunday, 9th September 2012 at the Roebuck Room, Commons Inn, Blackpool, Cork. Doors open at 11am and admission is €5 per person (children are free, as per usual). Raffle tickets will also be available at the door. The usual traders will be present, and anyone wishing to reserve a table, or would be interested in setting up a stall, should contact Edwin Van Mierlo (EI2HEB) on 086 3885741 or via email at ei2heb /at/ More details will be available in the coming months.
Six Australian operators from the Oceania DX Group will be QRV from Vanuatu in the Pacific. Callsign will be YJ0VK and dates of the DXpedition are 21 April until 5 May. It is expected that 3 stations will be active on the HF bands. QSL manager is VK2CA.
Franck F4DTO and Patrick F4GFE will air the callsign ZA100I (ZA one hundred I) during a trip to Albania. They start on 22 April and will QRT on 29 April.
Seppo OH1VR returns to Crete on holiday and will be active as SV9/OH1VR until 28 April. QSLs go via the home call.
Larry W6NWS has been QRV recently as XV2W from Vietnam. He will be there until 12 June. QSLs are via his home call and QSOs are usually uploaded to Logbook of the World on a daily basis.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.