Archived News Script

IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday December 17th 2000

South Dublin Radio Club

The South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party will be held on Tuesday 19th December at 8.00 p.m. in the Yellow House, Rathfarnham. All are welcome to attend. It is hoped that former members and others who occasionally attend club meetings will join club members at the party.

Greetings from Denmark

Ernie Berkenheier EI4CY, in Denmark hopes to be on the air sometime in the New Year. Ernie passes on his best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to all IRTS news listeners and in particular would like to pass on 73’s to Dave EI4BZ, Rod EI3CZ, Con EI9V, and Paul EI5DI. Listen out for Ernie during the New Year and we look forward to receiving news items from him.

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

The 2001 Annual General Meeting of South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday the 31st of January 2001 in the Roanmore Social & Sports Club, Cleaboy Road, Waterford.

Anyone interesting in getting involved in the theory classes leading up to the Class ‘B’ licence can contact the club on 087-6302026 or via e-mail to Contest News The G-QRP club will be running a QRP contest from 26th of December to the 1st of January. This contest is open to anybody who wants to operate QRP CW. Activity will take place in and around the usual QRP frequencies of 3.530; 7.030; 14.060; 21.060 & 28.060 MHz. The award given is for the person who has the most interesting log.

This contest is aimed at the QRP people and QRP to QRP contacts and would be of interest to QRP'ers in EI. Entrants can use any equipment they want (i.e., homemade QRP or ordinary commercial rigs).

DX News

The Israel Amateur Radio Club (IARC), invites all Radio Amateurs and SWL's to participate in the Holyland DX Contest 2001 on 21st to the 22nd of April 2001. For the 10th Anniversary celebration the rules a bit, so that more Trophies and Certificates can be issued to more participating amateurs. The IARC would like to hear the entire Amateur Radio Community on the bands as a giant birthday party to demonstrate the amateur radio spirit of friendship. An abundance of Holyland DX Contest Trophies and Certificates will be issued to participants.

Space News

The International Space Station is up and running and so is the ARISS amateur radio station on board. While solar wings were being deployed and brought on line to provide power to the station, the international team that set up ARISS met at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center to pin down rules and regulations and set up the plans for operating the station now and into the future. Delegates from the United States and Russia were joined by their counterparts representing a consortium of European nations, Canada and Japan. A committee was elected to administer the ARISS group for the next two years. In final, approved form, the ARISS station will continue on the air with the present equipment and antenna in the FGB section of ISS Alpha. The crew is currently is using voice on 2 meters. They plan to commence packet operation in the next week or so. Frequencies for public contacts are 145.800 MHz for packet and voice downlink and 145.990 MHz packet uplink. Other Uplinks can be found in the ARISS web page. Call letters are NA1SS and RZ3DZR.

Russia's Chief Delegate, Sergej Samburov, RV3DR, was given approval to send up another station, using upgraded MIR hardware next Spring, to be installed in the Service Module. SSTV also should be activated around that time. There was much discussion of school contacts and third party traffic. It was agreed that this is one of the most important aspects of ARISS. The first school contact will be set up as soon as possible. ARISS hopes the astronaut/cosmonaut busy schedule may accommodate a school contact a week once the station settles into routine operation. The delegates also agreed on a QSL card for ARISS.

Items for inclusion in Echo Ireland should be forwarded to Dave Moore EI4BZ at 021-4883555 in the evenings or at 021-4823172 during office hours. Items can be submitted to Dave by e-mail at and you can fax him at 021-4823316.

Items for inclusion in the Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall EI7IS at QTHR or via e-mail to Items can also be sent to Mark over the phone at 087-6302026. News can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services. Please note that items for next weeks news should be submitted as early as possible during the coming week (preferably no later than lunch-time on Tuesday) in order to make the Christmas post.

The IRTS would like to wish a very happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all our radio news listeners. Thank you for your support over the past year and we look forward to your continued news input during 2001.
