Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday December 19th 1999
Cork Radio Club Christmas Party
Cork Radio Club will be having its annual Christmas get together, which will include a bring and buy, at the club premises in Wilton Park House in Bishopstown on Monday 20th December. Refreshments will be served. All amateurs .are invited.
Paddy EI7GK will be visiting his daughter who lives in Mexico over the Christmas and the New Year. He will be QRV from his daughters QTH using the Call Sign XE1/EI7GK on the following frequencies (all + or - 10 kHz for QRM) 14.260 MHz, 21.260 MHz and 21.317MHz. Possibly also on 28.526MHz. He hopes to have the antenna up by Christmas Eve and will be delighted to work EIs, GIs & MIs. The visitors licence application was complex. Paddy had to fill out forms in Spanish (with the aid of his daughter), send copies of his EI and CEPT licence, a photo, a photocopy of his passport, and a fee of 70 U.S. dollars. A character reference from a Mexican Amateur is also required but a letter from his Mexican in-laws was accepted instead. Look out for the rare DX and if Paddy hears EI or GI or a number in Irish through the pile up you will immediately be called in. (XE1 is 6 hours behind EI).
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group held it's 5th annual Christmas Party on Saturday December the 11th. The event this year was held at the Galtee Inn Restaurant in Cahir, County Tipperary and was well supported. It was a very enjoyable night with members travelling from Cork, Waterford and Kilkenny to join their local based colleagues. The highlight of the night was the launching of the group's first newsletter entitled "TARG". The newsletter was edited and produced by John EI6FRB and covers a wide range of topics concerning the club and includes colour photographs of members. The committee of TARG wishes to express it's thanks to John for his efforts in putting together this 17 page first edition. The Tipperary Group will have its first meeting of the new millennium on Wednesday the 5th of January at Raheen House in Clonmel and all visitors are very welcome.
Millennium Club Prize
Time is running out for clubs wishing to enter for the £1000 Y2K prize. Clubs must register in advance. The form can be downloaded from It is also available from the secretary EI7IQ at QTHR. The closing date is December the 31st and the award will run for the year 2000 with the prize being Special "OT" Prefix. The Minister of Telecommunications in Belgium has allowed radio amateurs in that country to replace their normal "ON" prefix with "OT" prefix from 2300z December 3 1999, until 2300z January 5 2000. This is to celebrate the wedding of HRH Prince Philip and HRH Princess Matilde. QSL cards can be sent to the only IARU affiliated QSL bureau in Belgium at: UBA QSL Bureau, P.O. Box 900, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
Silent Key
Charles J. Harris, WB2CHO/VP2ML, (known by many as Chod) became a Silent Key on December 8th.The 50 year old Chod died in Santa Rosa, California of complications from a severe heart attack he had suffered in early November. Many EI's will remember Chod for his active roles in the DX Community as DX columnist for "CQ Magazine", the original editor of the "DX Magazine" and "The DX Bulletin" and an ARRL HQ staffer. He was also an active DXer from exotic places.
Repeater on the Internet
South Jersey Radio Association, K2AA, twinned with Limerick Radio Club, is now broadcasting its 2 metre repeater live on the internet 24 hours a day. Alan EI8EM in Ennis, a member of both the Limerick and South Jersey clubs recently made club history by calling into the Monday night 2 metre repeater net on the web. More information can be got at Dates for your Diary The Limerick Radio Club will hold their annual rally on Sunday the 26th of March 2000 in the Limerick Inn Hotel The IRTS AGM will be held in The Four Seasons Hotel on Monaghan over the weekend of April the 8th and 9th next year.
Christmas Greetings
IRTS President Paul O'Kane EI5DI on his own behalf and on behalf of the committee extends best wishes to all listeners for a happy Christmas and a joyful New Year. A sincere thank you is extended to all the voluntary workers, too numerous to mention individually, who work day in day out to provide the many services available to IRTS members.
Items for inclusion in the Radio News should be phoned to Dave Moore at 021-883555 in the evenings or to 021 823172 during office hours. You may also e-mail to or to Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR, on the phone at 01-4509514 or by e-mail to Input to either the Radio News or Newsletter can be sent by e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.