Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday November 14th 1999
South Dublin Radio Club
Declan EI6FR will give a presentation on the ZL9CI Campbell Island DXpedition in the SDR club rooms in the Ballyroan Community Centre on Tuesday evening November the 23rd.
The centre is located beside the church on Marian Road, off Ballyroan Road.
All are welcome to attend this interesting presentation.
IRTS Contest Entries
Contest Manager John McDonnell EI6IR, told the recent IRTS Meeting that contest entry logs were going all over the place. Participants in contests, he said, should make sure that their entry goes directly to him.
The correct address is John McDonnell, EI6IR, Burrin, Ballyglass, Claremorris, Co. Mayo.
Logs can be submitted on e mail, in text only format, to John at the following address,
Leonids Meteor Shower
The Leonids meteor shower is expected to present a spectacular display again this year with a promise of exciting conditions on VHF bands. The expected peak is on the night of the 17th/18th Nov at around 0200utc.
Listen around 144.200 from midnight. Meteor Scatter operation follows very exact procedures which ensures minimum interference with other stations. Check out these procedures in your VHF handbook, set your clocks exactly and join in the experiments on 6, 4, and 2 metres.
Cork Radio Club
The club recently had a very enjoyable video night when a video of the SSB field day taken by Frank EI6EVB was shown. Our new windom antenna has been erected at our QTH at Wilton Park House and is performing very well. We would like to thank Jeremy EI5GM for his expertise in aerial erection.
We congratulate Andrew Baker EI7FFB on getting his new callsign. Since the summer the club has had a 10% increase in membership and an interesting programme is being prepared for the coming months.
EI4HF in Rwanda
Mike EI4HF is on his travels again. He departed these shores last Sunday for 9X (Rwanda). He will be in Rwanda for about 4 months doing work for Concern.
He arrived in Kigali on Monday evening and was at work immediately upgrading the IT section for Concern. He will be travelling all around the areas being dealt with by Concern in Rwanda and may possibly also visit some of the neighbouring countries. It is hoped that he will be QRV at some stage. We wish Mike a safe time in Rwanda and hope he will be able to get on air.
Medium Wave DX
Now that the winter months are with us Ciaran EI8IH, Aengus EI4ABB and William Davies SWL are testing some beverage antennas in the Ballyconneely area of Connemara, near where the original Marconi site was located.
They will be laying long wire antennas in excess of one thousand meters long in an endevour to log some North American medium wave stations. This site has not been used by the group in the past but they are hopeful of some catches despite the high sunspot numbers. They will be on site from Wednesday the 11th to Sunday the 14th.
Minute Books The IRTS has received a considerable amount of old minute books and other memorabilia from Mr. Martin O’Dea EI3FI, a former secretary of the society.
Ken McDermott EI4DW, on behalf of Martin presented the material to the current secretary.
The Society wishes to sincerely thank Martin for the material, which has been stored very carefully, and now adds considerably to the Society’s records.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
On Wednesday October the 6th, John Lofthouse EI3DIB gave a packet demonstration at Raheen House, Clonmel to a very well attended meeting.
People travelled from counties Cork, Limerick, Waterford and Kilkenny to join members of the T.A.R.G. for this demonstration.
John covered all aspects of packet including accessing the local TIP BBS and TIP 21 node of which John himself is the system operator.
Also covered in the demonstration was the ECDX Packet Cluster in East Cork and the WIP IP ‘wormhole’ in Waterford Regional College.
John used a very modest set-up of a dumb terminal for the demonstration to show how easy it is to get set up in this mode.
The committee of the TARG wish to express its thanks to John for his efforts and to all who attended this very informative evening.
Dates for your Diary
The North Wales Radio and Electronics Exhibition will take place in Llandudno on 6th and 7th November.
The IRTS AGM will be held in The Four Seasons Hotel on Monaghan over the weekend of April the 8th and 9th next year.
Items for inclusion in the Radio News should be phoned to Dave Moore at 021-883555 in the evenings or to 021 823172 during office hours. You may also e-mail to or to Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR, on the phone at 01-4509514 or by e-mail to
Input to either the Radio News or Newsletter can be sent by e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.