Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday August 29th 1999
Amateur Radio Emergency Network
The Amateur Radio Emergency Network, commonly referred to as AREN, has been in operation for many years with several groups regularly engaged in training exercises.
The Irish Radio Transmitters Society intends to establish a sub-committee to further develop this emergency service and hopes that it will be formed from those who are actively involved in AREN or who are willing to give a commitment to do so.
It is intended that the sub-committee will elect it's own chairman when set up.
Existing AREN Groups are asked to nominate the most suitable member of their group.
Becoming involved is not likely to be to demanding of your time. There would be occasional attendance at public events covered by AREN and at practice exercises to improve technique.
AREN activities fulfil a very important role in the utilisation of our bands and provide a practical opportunity of developing many different skills associated with our hobby.
It is also one of the best ways of introducing the hobby to members of the public, as several of the existing groups can testify.
Normally, amateurs are licensed to communicate amongst themselves only, but, as Ireland adopted Resolution 640 (1979) of the International Telecommunications Union, The Office of the Director of Telecommunications Regulation has extended the licence terms and conditions of AREN operators to permit them to pass traffic on behalf of the designated emergency services.
These services include the Fire Service, the Gardai, Health Boards, Civil Defence, Mountain Rescue and the voluntary ambulance services.
AREN will be organised in a tier system, from the member of a local group through to provincial, national and International Networks. Thus AREN will be capable of being activated to any level to cater for a specific emergency.
AREN will be self-contained and non-dependant, providing it's own equipment, operators, portable power supplies and if possible own transport and catering.
AREN personnel will be communications experts. They will be skilled in setting up and operating emergency communications networks from their home stations, in the premises of an emergency service or at the scene of an accident.
A detailed article on AREN by Liam EI7FE appears in the current IRTS Newsletter and should be read by anyone interested.
If you wish to get involved or need more information please contact the Society Secretary John EI7IQ or the Acting AREN Co-ordinator Liam EI7FE.
CW Field Day
The CW Field Day, held over the June bank holiday weekend, attracted only two entries.
In the open section, the East Cork Group EI7M had 1022 QSOs and a score of 3401 points and in the Restricted section, Joe Ryan EI7GY had 301 QSOs and 1072 points.
While the entry is very disappointing, both stations report a most enjoyable contest.
IRTS Committee meeting
The next IRTS committee meeting will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel in Athlone on Saturday September the 11th.
An important item on the agenda will be the briefing of delegates Paul EI5DI and Dave EI4BZ who will be representing the society at the IARU Region One conference in Lillehammer in Norway in mid-September.
Members with any views they wish to convey should make them known in writing to the Secretary John EI7IQ or to any committee member.
Midland Radio Experimenters Club
The monthly meetings of the Midland Radio Experimenters Club will resume at the Royal Hotel in Roscommon on Tuesday the 7th of September at 8.00 pm. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.
Information on the club from Noel Mulvihill EI6HW on 0902-74726.
SSB Field Day
The SSB Field Day will take place next weekend, starting at 1300utc on Saturday and running until 1300utc on Sunday.
Don't forget to notify the Contest Manager John EI6IR of your proposed location. His telephone number is 094-60127.
The full rules appear on page 9 of the 1999 Year Book.
Dates for your diary
The Cork Radio Club annual rally will be held on Sunday September the 19th in the Blarney Park Hotel in Blarney.
Enquiries to Con EI7DJB QTHR or on the telephone at 021-270136
The Leicester Amateur Radio and Electronics Exhibition will be held on September the 24th and 25th The RSGB International HF and IOTA Convention will be held at the Beaumont Conference Centre, near Windsor, over the weekend of 8th to the 10th of October.
The North Monaghan Hobby Radio and Computer Exhibition will be held this year on Sunday the 24th of October in the Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan.
The London Amateur Radio and Computer Show will be held this year on November the 27th and 28.
Input for the radio news should be sent to Dave EI4BZ
at 021-883555 in the evenings or to 021-823150 during offie hours..
You may E-mail to or to
Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR or on the phone at 01-4509514 or by E-mail to Input to either the radio news or newsletter can also be sent by e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.