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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday August 8th 1999

Packet Radio

Users will have noted the slow decline in Packet Radio in EI and in an attempt to improve matters, John EI3DIB and John EI9DBB have been reviewing the situation. With some help from yet another John, EI8IR, they have secured enough equipment to put a 4 metre node up on Mt. Leinster with the intention of providing a trunk link for BBS traffic from Wales.

While an exact date is not yet available, the equipment is undergoing testing and should be ready soon. They are also looking at any other potential improvements to make the system more efficient. Hopefully this will increase the interest in this mode.

Some of the proposed improvements include the use of the 9k6 facility to speed transfers, with possible changes to some of the current frequencies to improve the traffic flow. This should provide users with less busy channel access and better routes between EI and GB.

DXCluster is now well established and is working very well with three nodes in EI. The Donegal node is operated by the Tir Conaill Society, the node in Dublin is run by the WestNet Group and the Cork node is the responsibility of the East Cork Group.

Any suggestions or ideas for improvements to the BBS and mail handling systems are very welcome by either EI3DIB @ TIPBBS or EI9DBB @ WATBBS and all contributions are more than welcome.

IRTS packet Co-ordinator Stephen Hand EI4FKB would also be very interested in ideas from interested parties.

Ireland’s Eye

The WestNet DX Group has once again teamed up with the Saltee Dog DX Group from Switzerland and should have been active from the island of Ireland's Eye on the East Coast of Ireland since Thursday last. Activity is scheduled to cease on the early afternoon of Monday, August 9th. Sunday listeners should still have time to get them in the log.

The callsign in use is EJ7NET and QSLs will be handled by Tony EI2GX. Activity was planned for all bands but they hoped to concentrate heavily on 6m.

Tall Ships

Special event station GS3ZET will be on the air to mark the visit of the Tall Ships Race to Lerwick in the Shetland Isles.

The racers will be stopping at Lerwick between Monday August 9th and Thursday 12th.

During that period the Lerwick Radio Club will be operating on all bands using SSB and CW to commemorate the visit. Amateurs operating maritime mobile from any of the participating vessels are invited to visit and operate the club station in Lerwick.

DX News courtesy of the OPDX bulletin

ZL9CI QSL cards are now being received in EI. QSL Manager Ken ZL2HU, reports that the Kermadec DX Association has received 11,700 envelopes containing approximately 45,000 QSOs, and all envelopes received up to and including July 31st 1999 have now been processed.

3B9, Rodriguez Island. Robert, 3B9FR, can often be found on 20 or 15 meters on 25 kHz up from band edge. Check after 0300z on 20 meters and after 1300z on 15 meters. Try 40 meters (around 7015 kHz) between 2000-2100z. QSL to the following address: Robert Felicite, P.O. Box 31, Rodriguez Island, Via Mauritius Islands.

Members of the Southwest Scania Radio Amateurs (SSRA) will activate Santorini Island, EU-067, from August 9th to the 15th.

Operators will be SM7BCX/Yngve, SM7DXQ/Mats, SM7EQL/Bengt, SM7GIB/Mats and SM7MPM/Tore. Look for the operators to sign SV8/homecall and be active on the usual IOTA frequencies SSB and CW. QSL to the respective operator's home call, direct or bureau.

OH0, Aland Islands. Hartmut, DJ7ST, will be active from here as OH0/DJ7ST until August 20th. Activity will be on all bands CW running 5 watts. QSL via DJ7ST.

Dates for your diary

The Telford Rally, popular with East Coast EI’s, is on August the 22nd.

The Coleraine Rally will be held in the Bohill Hotel, Cloyfin Road in Coleraine on August the 29th. Contact Jonathan GI7TMQ on 01265-822502.

The Counties Contest will be held as usual on Sunday August the 29th and the SSB Field Day will take place on September the 4th and 5th.

The Cork Radio Club annual rally will be held on Sunday September the 19th in the Blarney Park Hotel in Blarney.

Enquiries to Con EI7DJB QTHR or on the telephone at 021-270136.

The Leicester Amateur radio and Electronics Exhibition will be held on September the 24th and 25th The RSGB International HF and IOTA Convention will be held at the Beaumont Conference Centre, near Windsor, over the weekend of 8th to the 10th of October.

The London Amateur Radio and Computer Show will be held this year on November the 27th and 28.

Input for the radio news should be sent to Dave EI4BZ at 021-883555 in the evenings only. You may E-mail to or to

Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR or on the phone at 01-4509514 or by E-mail to Input to either the radio news or newsletter can also be sent by e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.


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