Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday July 18th 1999
Radio News in the Irish Language
With effect from Sunday next, July the 25th the IRTS news bulletin, broadcast from Donegal, in the Irish language, every Sunday morning will move from the present frequency on 80 metres to 7.068 MHz on the 40 metre band at the usual time of 1130.
This bulletin is translated and broadcast by Danny EI6GS and Mickey EI6HY is the back up newsreader.
Please support this service by calling in after the bulletin.
Millennium DX Marathon
A reminder that there is still plenty of time to get involved in the Millennium DX Marathon being sponsored by the WestNet DX Group. The aim is to work as many EXCC entities on as many bands and modes as possible during 1999.
There are two sections, one for amateurs licensed before January the 1st 1996 and one for those licensed after that date.
There are substantial radio related prizes available to the winners of both sections.
The full rules are available from any member of the WestNet Group or from the news team.
Islands On the Air Contest
The Annual RSGB promoted Islands on the Air Contest will take place next weekend, starting at 12 noon utc on Saturday and finishing at noon utc on Sunday.
As well as the section for multi-operator stations, there are sections for single operators both over 12 hours and 24 hours. Single operators may enter as CW only, SSB only or mixed mode.
The IRTS DX Trophy is presented to the leading EI single operator station in this contest.
The exchange is signal report, serial number and your IOTA number. In our case, on mainland EI, the IOTA number is EU 115.
In last year’s contest, EI operators did well with the Dalkey Island group operating WP2Z from St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands finishing in eight position. The East Cork Group travelled to Bere Island and finished in tenth position. South Dublin Radio Club made a first entry in this section and finished in 47th position.
In the Island 24-hour single operator mixed section, Paul EI5DI finished in sixth position.
In the island 24-hour single operator SSB section, Mike EI2IB finished in 14th place while Anthony EI2HY made it to 27th place.
Other EI stations listed in the results include Ken EI4DW, fifteenth in the 12 hour mixed section and Martin EI8GP, fifteenth in 12 hour CW section.
Paul EI5DI was presented with the IRTS DX Trophy as the leading EI single operator in the contest.
We look forward to an even bigger entry this year. Listen out for island stations WP2Z, EJ2HY, EJ4GK, EJ7M and EJ7MRE.
Worked All Ireland
The moving of the Worked All Ireland net to 40 metres frequency of 7.068MHz has been an outstanding success and activity continues to increase.
One of the problems being encountered is that some EI stations are not aware of their WAI square. If you are in that position, a call on the frequency will usually get you the necessary information.
The Worked EI Counties Award is also proving very popular but the old problem of getting the required QSL cards still persists. One of the problems is that some active stations are not members of the Society and so do not get or send cards through the bureau. It pays to ask at the time of the QSO if the bureau route is acceptable.
AMSAT-UK Colloquium
The 14th AMSAT-UK Colloquium will be held at Surrey University, Guildford, Surrey, over next weekend from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th of July. The usual social events will be held, including Command Station visits, the Annual Dinner and Auction, AMSAT-UK annual meeting, and other light-hearted fun. There will also be beginners' sessions and the RSGB microwave group members will be bringing test equipment to do noise figure measurements from 10 MHz to 1500 MHz and other equipment for tests up to 47GHz.
You do not have to be a member of AMSAT-UK to come to this event.
Colloquium Application forms were sent out recently but, if you're not a member, the form is available on AMSAT-UK's web pages which are at the following URL:
This event is well worth a visit if you have any interest at all in space matters.
Dates for your diary
As already mentioned, the Islands On The Air Contest will be held next weekend July 24th and 25th together with the Venezuela DX Contest and the Russian RTTY event.
The Telford Rally, popular with East Coast EI’s, is on August the 22nd.
The Coleraine Rally will be held in the Bohill Hotel, Cloyfin Road in Coleraine on August the 29th. Contact Jonathan GI7TMQ on 01265-822502.
The Counties Contest will be held as usual on Sunday August the 29th and the SSB Field Day will take place on September the 4th and 5th.
The Cork Radio Club annual rally will be held on Sunday September the 19th in the Blarney Park Hotel in Blarney.
Enquiries to Con EI7DJB QTHR or on the telephone at 021-270136.
Input for the radio news should be sent to Dave EI4BZ at 021-883555 in the evenings only. You may E-mail to or to
Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR or on the phone at 01-4509514 or by E-mail to Input to either the radio news or newsletter can also be sent by e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.