Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday June 20th 1999
Donegal Rally
The Donegal Rally will be held on Sunday next June 27th in Jackson's Hotel in Ballybofey. Doors open at 12 noon and admission is £2.00. All the usual traders will be present plus a few new ones. This is the only rally in EI that caters extensively for the computer user. There will be several stands with hardware, software and peripherals available. Another feature of this rally is the huge bring and buy stand and the now famous auction at the end of the evening. The rally covers two rooms and refreshments will be available all day. Enquiries to Gerry EI8HO on 072-52598.
Limerick Radio Club
Six members of Limerick Radio Club spent a full day working on their repeater site on Tountinna on Saturday last June 12th. The building and the two towers were painted, the feeder to one tower was replaced with low loss coaxial cable and a new colinear was fitted to the two metre digi-peater. The club would appreciate reports on the performance of the new aerial. The six who travelled were Brendan EI0CZ, Liam EI4GB, John EI5FOB, Mike EI6AXB, John EI6IW and Tony EI9IL. Well done lads! Further work is planned for the coming weeks. The club is actively looking at getting its 70 centimetre repeater on RB5 back on air again.
Congratulations to John EI6IW on his new callsign. John formerly held the callsign EI5FAB.
USA implement CEPT T/R 61-01
The Federal Communications Commission in the United States has with effect from June the 7th implemented the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations Recommendation T/R 61-01. This means that US amateurs visiting CEPT countries and amateurs from CEPT countries visiting the USA do not need special licences to operate their equipment.
The usual CEPT regulations apply, that is, you sign your own callsign preceded by the call sign prefix of the country you are visiting. You may only operate portable or mobile under this agreement and it only applies to short term visits.
Participating CEPT countries as of June 7th include Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including Corsica, Guadeloupe, Guiana, Martinique, St. Bartholomew, St. Pierre and Miquelon, St. Martin and Reunion), Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and The United Kingdom.
Worked All Ireland
Congratulations to George GI4SRQ and Pat EI6DA who have successfully claimed Worked All Ireland Thousand Awards number two and three respectively.
Declan EI9HQ maintains the Worked All Ireland Web page and it is always up to date with current information. He is running a list of squares worked and activated and you are invited to submit your totals to him for inclusion on the lists.
IRTS Committee Meeting
A well attended meeting of the IRTS Committee was held in Athlone on Saturday last, June the 12th. Liam EI7FE was appointed as acting AREN Co-ordinator and Dave EI4BZ filled the new post of rally co-ordinator. Congratulations were extended to Mark Boothman EI9IB for being the 1,000th IRTS member and he was granted a years free membership to mark the occasion. Details of the Millennium Club Competition were finalised and all clubs that entered will be hearing from the secretary shortly. Concern was expressed at the lack of input for the Newsletter and we appeal to all members, especially club PRO's for a better effort. The next IRTS committee meeting will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel in Athlone on Saturday July the 10th at 1100 a.m.
Dates for your diary
Contests for next weekend include the BARTG RTTY Sprint, The SP QRP CW Contest and the ARRL Field Day.
The next IRTS field day event will be the VHF/UHF one and it will be held in two weeks time on July the 3rd and 4th. Entries received to date include the Tipperary Group who will operate from the summit of Slievenamon and the East Cork Group who will travel to their usual site on White Mountain on the Carlow/Wexford border.
The Islands On The Air Contest will be held on July 24th and 25th.
The Telford Rally, popular with East Coast EI's, is on August the 22nd. The Coleraine Rally will be held in the Bohill Hotel, Cloyfin Road in Coleraine on August the 29th. Contact Jonathan GI7TMQ on 01265-822502.
The Counties Contest will be held as usual on Sunday August the 29th. SSB Field Day will take place on September the 4th and 5th.
The Cork Radio Club annual rally will be held on Sunday September the 19th in the Blarney Park Hotel in Blarney. Enquiries to Con EI7DJB QTHR or on the telephone at 021-270136.
Input for the radio news should be sent to Dave EI4BZ at 021-883555 in the evenings only. You may E-mail to
Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR or on the phone at 01-4509514 or by E-mail to Input to either the radio news or newsletter can also be sent by e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.