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IRTS RADIO NEWS BULLETIN Sunday October 11th 1998

South Dublin Classes

Theory and Morse classes have commenced at South Dublin Radio Club starting at 8.00pm every Tuesday night in the Ballyroan Community Centre, Marian Road, Rathfarnham. These classes are free and new members are very welcome.

Jamboree On The Air

This year's Jamboree On The Air will be held over next weekend, October the 18th and 19th. The co-ordinating station for Ireland is EI5MRC, the permanent scout station at Mount Mellary and participants are asked to keep them informed of callsigns etc. To date information has been scarce. If you forget to notify in advance, please do not forget to report after the event as the information is necessary for inclusion in the international summary.

Millennium DX Marathon

The WestNet DX Group are sponsoring the Millennium DX Marathon which will run for all of 1999 with the aim of generating activity from EI on all bands and modes. The objective is for EI operators to work as many DXCC entities on as many bands and modes as possible during next year. There are two sections, one for those licensed after January the 1st 1996 and the other section covers all others. A substantial radio related prize will be presented to the winners of each section at the IRTS AGM of the year 2000. Full rules will be published in the Newsletter or if you cannot wait, send a stamped addressed envelope to EI4BZ at QTHR.

Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society was held on Wednesday September the 30th and the following officers were elected:-

President: Ken McDermott EI4DW Chairman: Jim Mimna GI8TST Vice Chairman: Frank McCarron EI6EI Secretary: Gerry Dykes EI8HO Treasurer: Chris McDermott EI7HI Asst Treasurer: Martin Gillespie EI8GP PRO: Gerry Dykes EI8HO

A discussion on the name of the Society resulted in a decision, after a vote, to call it the Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society. The Donegal Rally will be held on November the 1st and any trader who has not yet booked a table should do so as soon as possible by contacting the club secretary Gerry Dykes EI8HO. Gerry's phone number is 072-52598.


Monaghan Radio Club will host their annual hobby Radio and Computer Exhibition in the Four Seasons Hotel in Monaghan Town on Sunday next October the 18th starting at 1130. The exhibition will be held in the hotel's function room and will finish at 4.30pm. All the usual traders will be in attendance and a large display of computer equipment will be a feature of the event. The usual large bring and buy is not to be missed and of course a full range of refreshments will be available on the premises. Further information from Stephen Hand at 013657-51479 or Ken O'Reilly on 013657-38981.

The Carrigfergus Amateur Radio Group Rally will be held at the Downshire School in Carrigfergus on Sunday October the 24th. Information from GI8WBZ QTHR.

The annual Donegal Rally will be held in Jackson's Hotel in Ballybofey on Sunday November the 1st.

Cork Radio Club

Members of Cork Radio Club recently completed a construction project under the direction of Fred EI2EG. Seven members completed the construction of a logic probe and a talk on it's use will be given during the coming months. John EI2GN has indicated his intention of stepping down as AREN controller for the Cork area. Anyone interested in taking over the role should contact either John EI2GN or Finbarr EI1CS.

Fingal Rally at Ballsbridge

The Autumn Fingal Radio and Computer Exhibition took place last weekend at Jury's Hotel in Ballsbridge and was well supported by both traders and paying customers. The prize of a portable television set, drawn on the door ticket, was won by Liam O'Brien EI7FE from Clonmel, County Tipperary.

IRTS Committee Meeting

The next IRTS Committee Meeting will be held in the Prince of Wales Hotel in Athlone on Saturday next October the 17th at 2.30.

All affiliated clubs are invited to send a representative.

Items for inclusion in the Radio News can be faxed to 021-632730 or passed on the telephone to Dave EI4BZ at 021- 632444 during the day and at 021-883555 in the evening.

Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR or on 01-4509514 or on E-mail to All input to either the Radio News or the Newsletter can also be sent by e-mail to


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