Archived News Script

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IRTS RADIO NEWS BULLETIN Sunday October 4th 1998

South Dublin Classes

Theory and Morse classes commence on Tuesday next October the 6th at South Dublin Radio Club starting at 8.00pm in the Ballyroan Community Centre, Marian Road, Rathfarnham. These classes are free and new members are very welcome.

Jamboree On The Air

This year's Jamboree On The Air will be held over the weekend of October the 18th and 19th. The co-ordinating station for Ireland is EI5MRC, the permanent scout station at Mount Mellary and participants are asked to keep them informed of callsigns etc. In particular, reports from each station after the event are requested for inclusion in the international summary.

LF Allocation licensed in Russia

Reports suggest that Russian Amateurs may now use the LF allocation 135.7 to 136.8kHz on CW only with a power output of on watt erp. More information is available from UA9OBA at

Mayo Radio Experimenters Network AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Mayo group will be held in the Wishing Well Tavern, Ballyvary on Wednesday next October the 10th at 2100. All members are asked to attend to review a very successful year and elect officers and plan for the coming twelve months.


Monaghan Radio Club will host their annual hobby Radio and Computer Exhibition in the Four Seasons Hotel in Monaghan Town on October the 18th starting at 1130. The exhibition will be held in the hotel's function room and will finish at 4.30pm. All the usual traders will be in attendance and a large display of computer equipment will be a feature of the event. The usual large bring and buy is not to be missed and of course a full range of refreshments will be available on the premises. Further information from Stephen Hand at 013657-51479 or Ken O'Reilly on 013657-38981.

The Carrigfergus Amateur Radio Group Rally will be held at the Downshire School in Carrigfergus on Sunday October the 24th. Information from GI8WBZ QTHR.

The annual Donegal Rally will be held in Jackson's Hotel in Ballybofey on Sunday November the 1st.

Upcoming HF Contests

Upcoming HF contests include the VK/ZL Oceania CW Contest next weekend, October 10th and 11th. The European Autumn CW Sprint is on next Saturday the 10th from 1500 to 1900 while the Asia/Pacific sprint is on the following Saturday from 1230 to 1430. The biggest contest of the year is the SSB CQ Worldwide and this will be held on October the 24th and 25th. For SWL's, there is a contest running in parallel with the Worldwide and full rules are available from the news team.

News on the MIR Space Station

Scott, WA6LIE, reports that the amateur radio station on-board the Mir space station was off the air recently due to an internal spacewalk performed by the crew of Mir within the Spektr module which houses the amateur radio equipment. The station has been turned back on. Currently, 145.985 MHz is used for 1200 baud packet and voice contacts with the cosmonauts. The SAFEX module frequencies are: 437.950 receive and 435.750 transmit- PL 141.3 SAFEX repeater 437.925 receive and 435.725 transmit- PL 151.4 SAFEX crew QSO mode

The packet radio mailbox uses a callsign of R0MIR-1. The SAFEX UHF repeater uses a callsign of RR0DL. Packet connections to R0MIR do not connect with the mailbox, and are basically a waste of time. QSL cards must be sent along with a business-sized self-addressed stamped envelope (the card will not fit in a regular-sized envelope) if a card in return is desired. Please include two IRCs for international QSL requests. The IRCs must be dated 1998 because the post office will NOT accept IRCs over one year old. European QSLs go to: Radio-Club "F5KAM - QSL Manager de "R0MIR", "Carrefour International de la Radio" 22, Rue BANSAC - 63000 - CLERMONT-FERRAND - FRANCE

MIR will be passing over EI in the evening time during the coming week.

IRTS Committee Meeting

The next IRTS Committee Meeting will be held in the Prince of Wales Hotel in Athlone on Saturday October the 17th at 2.30.

Items for inclusion should be with the news team by 2000 on Tuesdays at the latest and can be faxed to 021-632730 or passed on the telephone to Dave EI4BZ at 021- 632444 during the day and at 021-883555 in the evening.

Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR or on 01-4509514 or on E-mail to All input to either the Radio News or the Newsletter can also be sent by e-mail to


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