Archived News Script
IRTS RADIO NEWS BULLETIN Sunday August 30th 1998
South Dublin Radio Club
South Dublin Radio Club will resume its weekly meetings on Tuesday next September 1st. The club meets every Tuesday at 8.00pm in the Ballyroan Community Centre, Marian Road, Rathfarnham.
Club members provide free theory and Morse classes, starting in September, so they are particularly anxious to welcome new members to the club around this time of the year.
Charles Farnan EI7HG will be co-ordinating the classes this year.
Limerick Radio Club
Limerick Radio Club in conjunction with the local VEC are hoping to run theory classes again this coming Winter subject to sufficient interest being shown. The classes will run for ten weeks and the fee will be 40.00. Anyone interested should contact Brian EI9AL QTHR or on the telephone at 061-227639.
The Limerick Club will resume monthly meetings at the Institute of Technology in Moylish on the second Thursday in September.
Enquiries about the club to Paul EI6FE on 061-360122.
Report of a stolen radio
Chris Yeates EI7AAB reports that an Alinco DX 70 transceiver was stolen from his home recently. The rig had the 50Mhz band included and the model number is 1076.
Anyone who may have information about the radio should contact their local Garda station or they can ring Chris on 087-2394961.
The annual Coleraine Rally will be held on Sunday next September the 6th. This year its at a new venue in the Bohill Hotel and Country Club and the doors will open at 12 noon. Admission will be one pounds fifty pence and talk-in will be on S22, that is 145.550MHz.
Further information from John MI0AAZ on the telephone at 01265-54930. Johns E-mail address is
Cork Radio Club will host their annual rally on Sunday September the 20th in the Blarney Park Hotel in Blarney. Information on this one can be had from Con EI7DJB on 021-270136.
Fingal Radio Club will hold their Autumn Radio & Electronics Show in Jury's Hotel in Ballsbridge on Sunday October the 4th.
Limerick Repeater
Since it was moved to Keeper Hill, the Limerick repeater has been working into a pair of phased Yagis beamed in a westerly direction. The club now plan to experiment with an omni-directional aerial for a trial period and apologise in advance to anyone who suffers a reduced signal strength. Reports will be appreciated. If the experiments are successful, it is planned to increase the output power of the repeater.
EI4HF goes to Sudan
In the wake of recent crises such as Somalia and the Great Lakes, the Irish Government published its White Paper on Foreign Policy which outlines a plan of action to maximise Ireland's capacity to respond to future humanitarian disasters. A key element of this plan is the establishment of a Rapid Response Register of suitably qualified personnel who are willing and able to make their services available to Irish and international humanitarian organisations at short notice.
Earlier this year the Agency for Personal Services Overseas (APSO) advertised on the national newspapers for suitable qualified people to apply to become members of the National Rapid Response Team which could be mobilised at short notice to travel to any location in the world to give humanitarian assistance.
Mike EI4HF applied to become a member of this team as he has experience in working in the third world and has qualifications in communications and logistics. After a lengthy interview process he was selected to become a member of this team which comprises of approximately 32 people of various backgrounds. During the month of July he underwent training in Dublin. Since then he has been asked to travel to Afghanistan for an assignment and is now due to go to South Sudan with "Concern" to take up a position for 4 months organising communications and logistics for the relief of the famine victims under "Operation Lifeline Sudan". Mike has previously worked in Somalia and several times in Romania and is the co-ordinator of East Cork Aren.
Mike is looking forward to this trip and all the members of the East Cork AREN Group wish him well on this venture. Mike hopes to be QRV from either 5Z and/or ST0. Further information from his QSL Manager Denis EI6HB
IRTS Contests
The annual SSB Field Day will be held over next weekend, running from 1500 local on Saturday to 1500 on Sunday. The 2 metre Counties contest will be held on Sunday September the 20th. We will have the Spring results next week.
CW News Bulletin
The Society has been broadcasting a news bulletin on CW on 80 metres for some time now. The transmissions are made by Tom EI3HH in Abbeyfeale with back up from Pat EI9EZ in Cappoquin. The initial response to the broadcasts was quite good but unfortunately, support has diminished with time and we are now at the stage that only one or two stations call in with reports.
This of course may not reflect the true picture as there may be regular listeners out there, especially newer licensees who cannot transmit on 80 metres. There is quite a bit of work in the preparation and transmission of this bulletin as Tom has to retype an edited version onto his machine for transmission by computer and this involves a weekly commitment of several hours on Toms part.
If there is no support for the bulletin, it is obvious that it will be discontinued.
If you listen to the CW news but cannot call in. please drop a card to Tom EI3HH with a report. Of course, those of you equipped for 80 metres are asked to give a shout after the bulletin. The news is broadcast at 1030 local time on 3.535MHz every Sunday morning and callers are invited to join a net for a chat on 3.540MHz after the call-ins.
Midland Radio Club
The Midland radio club will resume their meetimgs on Tuesday next September the 1st at the Royal Hotel in Roscommon starting at 8pm.
Items for inclusion in the Radio News can be faxed to 021-632730 or passed on the telephone to Dave EI4BZ at 021- 632444 during the day and at 021-883555 in the evening. Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR or on 01-4509514 or on E-mail to
All input to either the Radio News or the Newsletter can also be sent by e-mail to