Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday May 3rd 1998
Mayo Club
The venue for the Radio Experimenters Theory and Morse examinations due to be held in Castlebar on Thursday next May the 7th is the Headquarters of the Vocational Education Committee at Newtown. The building is in fact the old vocational school and is a very well known building in the town.
The theory examination will begin at 2.00pm and the morse testing will commence at 5.00pm. The examinations are open to everybody and the Mayo Group would appreciate hearing from you in advance if
you intend participating. Ring John Corless at 094-81818 during office hours or John McDonnell on 094-60127 anytime.
The Mayo Experimenters Network will operate a talk-in on 145.375MHz for an hour before both examinations to assist anyone trying to locate the venue.
IRTS AGM Trophy Presentations
One of the highlights of every IRTS AGM is the presentation of trophies and there are several awarded for services to the hobby or to the society.
The Presidents Cup, awarded by the President, this year goes to Eugene Larkin EI3K of Dundalk for his long service to the hobby.
The Pat Conway Cup was presented to the WestNet Group for their outstanding achievement in gaining first place in the 1997 IOTA Contest.
The Arup Cup was awarded to Revere Richardson EI9EYB for his excellent media work promoting amateur radio following his QSOs with the Russian Space Station MIR.
The Collins Cup was presented to Declan Lennon EI9HQ for his great contribution to the success of the Worked All Ireland Award Scheme. Declan has been very active, both from home and while mobile and has activated over 400 squares from Donegal to West Cork.
The Folan Shield for home construction was won for the third time in a row by Tony Breatnach EI5EW who submitted an excellent aerial tuning unit.
The Sheila Piper Trophy was awarded to Anthony EI2HY for his consistent DX reports to the Newsletter and the Hal Hodgens Key was won by Ken EI4DW as the highest scoring single operator in the 12 hour section of the IOTA Contest.
The South Dublin Spring Challenge trophies were presented by Joe Ryan EI7GY on behalf of the club and the open section was won by Tony EI2GX and the restricted section was won by Paddy EI1DG.
Midland Radio Experimenters
The Midland Radio Experimenters will hold their AGM on Tuesday next May the 5th at the Royal Hotel in Roscommon at 8.30pm.
Congratulations to John Corless EI7IQ who passed his CW at the Limerick rally and also Paraic Loughnane EI5FEB and John McDonnell EI2FNB who passed their CW at the Cork rally and are currently awaiting their new callsigns.
Some members will be traveling to Castlebar on Tuesday for both the theory and morse examinations and we wish them every success. Thanks to Ari EI5IP and Mary EI2IJ for their help with the theory classes and to John EI8DL for his CW instruction.
Fingal Rally in Ballsbridge
Fingal Radio Club will host their Spring Radio and Electronics Exhibition in Jurys Hotel in Ballsbridge on Sunday next May the 10th. The event will run from 11.00am to 4.00pm and admission will be two pounds. A door prize of a 14 inch portable colour TV with teletext will be drawn on the entry ticket.
The club will also have a QSL card prize on the day and everybody is asked to bring their QSL card with them. Blank cards will be available for those who forget their own. The prize will be an Aiwa CD stereo player with tape deck and 3 band radio.
The Fingal recently celebrated 21 years in existence and they would like to thank all their friends and fellow amateurs for their help and support over the years.
Repeater News
The Mount Leinster 2 Metre Repeater is back in action following maintenance work carried out over the weekend of April 18th and 19th.
The Cork repeater is back on air from a temporary location and should be restored to its normal site very soon.
IRTS Committee Meeting
All IRTS Committee members and club representatives are reminded that he first meeting of the new committee will be held on Sunday next, May the 10th at the Mount Herbert Hotel at 2.30pm. The Mount Herbert is quite close to Jury's in Ballsbridge.
This is probably the most important meeting of the year as all the jobs will be allocated and a full attendance is vital.
As a matter of interest, the make-up of the new committee has 5 members from Dublin and one each from Cork, Derry, Donegal, Down, Louth, Mayo, Roscommon and Westmeath.
Carlow and District Amateur Radio Group
The AGM of the Carlow Group was held recently and the chairman Jim Murphy EI8HA welcomed members and gave a summary of activities over the past year.
The Treasurer, Sean Corry EI6BPB reported on the groups financial position and reminded members that only a small percentage paid their subscriptions for 1997 and warned that unless the situation improved, the groups future could not be guaranteed.
The Secretary, Pat Hutton gave a detailed report on the past years activities and he expressed concern that despite extensive local publicity, the attendance at meetings had fallen off.
Jim Murphy EI8HA was elected Chairman, Sean Corry EI6BPB was elected Treasurer and Pat Hutton EI6HF was elected Secretary.
Items for inclusion in both the Radio News and Newsletter can be faxed to 021-632730 or passed on the telephone to Dave EI4BZ at 021- 632444 during the day and at 021-883555 in the evening.
Mail can also be sent on packet to EI4BZ and EI7DNB on cluster or at the EI7DKB BBS. The Radio News Editor John EI7DNB can be contacted at 021-353277 after 1830.
All input to either the Radio News or the Newsletter can be sent by e-mail to