Archived News Script
IRTS RADIO NEWS BULLETIN Sunday February 22nd 1998
Cork Radio Club are hosting this years IRTS Annual General Meeting over the weekend of April the 18th and 19th.
The annual Dinner Dance will be held on the Saturday night in Jurys Hotel on the Western Road in Cork City and tickets cost 19.00 and are available from Dick Bermingham EI6HH and Tony Stack EI9ID.
A special rate has been agreed with the hotel for overnight accommodation so be sure to mention the IRTS AGM when you book in. Those who do not wish to stay in Jurys can avail of a good range of Bed & Breakfast establishments adjacent to the hotel.
On the Sunday, the rally and the AGM itself will also be held in Jurys. Anyone wishing to book a table at the rally should contact Con EI7DJB at 021-270136 as soon as possible.
Morse testing will also be held on the Sunday and intending candidates should note that testing will cease at 1400.
Club Annual General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting of South Dublin Radio Club will take place on Tuesday next the 24th of February at 8.30 pm, in the club's QTH at the Ballyroan Community Centre, Marian Road, Rathfarnham. All members are requested to attend.
The Annual General meeting of the South East Amateur Radio Group will take place in Egans Lounge Bar on Wednesday March the 11th at 8.30pm. All members are expected to attend this meeting. Intending members are also very welcome.
The AGM of the Dundalk Amateur Radio Society will be held on Tuesday March the 10th at Marconi House, 113 Castletown Road, Dundalk.
East Cork A.R.E.N.
The inaugural General Meeting of the East Cork A.R.E.N. Group was held on Tuesday last February the 17th in the Old School in Ladysbridge.
Mike EI4HF was elected controller, Denis EI6HB was elected as administrator and Ger EI8HT is the Groups treasurer.
Several members of the group are already involved in classes for the marine MF/HF and VHF licence and another course is scheduled to start on March 10th if sufficient people are interested. The course will run for three nights the first week, three nights and Saturday on the second week with the examinations being held on the Monday of the third week.
The course fee is 50 pounds and anyone interested should contact Denis O'Flynn EI6HB at 021-667137.
Phoenix Rally
The first rally of 1998 was organised by the Phoenix Radio Club at the Coolmine Community School on Sunday February the 8th and was declared a success by traders and organisers alike.
Although the number of shack clearout stalls was small, all present enjoyed the usual friendly atmosphere, especially the traders who appreciated the early opening of the refreshment stall.
To celebrate 100 years of radio, a QRP CW station was operational all day from the hall stage. Using the QRP Index transceiver, the operators, Tom EI2AJ, Dan EI3AE and Keith EI5IN worked a steady pile-up all afternoon. The Club would like to thank all who made the day such a success.
The Phoenix Club holds classes evry Wednesday night, with CW starting at 7pm followed by theory at 8pm. The Club meets ever Thursday night at 8.30pm and all this happens at Coolmine Community School. Further details from Rory EI4DJB on 8382234 or Tony EI7GI on 8252074.
Marconi Lecture
On Monday next, February the 23rd, the Institution of Engineers of Ireland will host a lecture on Marconi by Paddy Clarke, Broadcasting Historian in Radio Telefis Eireann.
The lecture will start at 8pm in the Engineers Education Centre, 22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
Visitors are welcome and a particular welcome will be extended to radio amateurs and shortwave listeners. Admission is free.
Morse Testing
Morse tests are now available at all rallies where facilities are made available by the organisers. The IRTS panel of morse testers has recently been extended by the addition of Ken EI4DW and Martin EI8GP who both passed the appropriate qualifying morse test.
Congratulations to both and their appointment means that most areas of the country are now covered with examiners.
South Dublin Spring Challenge
Listeners are reminded that the South Dublin Spring Challenge runs until the end of the month and you still have time to see how many DXCC you can get in the log. You can either enter single band on CW or multi-band, any mode.
Items for inclusion in both the Radio News and Newsletter can be faxed to 021-632730 or passed on the telephone to Dave EI4BZ at 021-632444 during the day and at 021-883555 in the evening.
Mail can also be sent on packet to EI4BZ on cluster or at the EI7DKB BBS or by E-mail to The Radio News Editor John EI7DNB can be contacted at 021-353277 after 1800 or on cluster or on Internet at