Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday November 21st 2021
New Transceiver at EI0MAR
Tony Ei5EM reports that on Saturday the 13th of November, the new Icom IC7300 was unveiled at EI0MAR, the amateur station in Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio in Howth. The purchase of the radio was partially funded by a grant from the IRTS and its Promoting Amateur Radio Fund, for which The Howth Martello Radio Group is very grateful. Tony EI5EM cut the blue ribbon on the new rig, which was then unboxed and installed. Several QSOs were made on CW and SSB by Tony and Ana EI5IXB respectively. Annard EI4IQB set up his Icom IC705 and portable antenna just outside the Martello Tower and made a QSO to French Guiana on SSB with only five Watts. A wonderful day was had by all. Thanks to all who attended, Ana EI5IXB, Joe EI2JZ, Annard EI4IQB, Howard SWL, Tony EI5EM and a special word of thanks to Mick EI6IKB for supplying face masks, hand gel, wipes, surface cleaner and paper towels. Unfortunately, the museum is closed to the public at present due to Covid-19, but will reopen as soon as possible. So watch this space for further announcements.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The November meeting of The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will be held on Monday the 29th of November at 8:00 p.m. sharp at The Sweep Bar, Adamstown, Kilmeaden, Co. Waterford, Eircode X91 H588. As with all public gatherings the management of The Sweep Bar will only allow access to those who are fully vaccinated and produce their EU Digital Covid Certificate and valid photographic identity for example a driving licence or passport. No cert and no ID means no entry! There will be a lot to discuss on the night including plans for the year ahead with some exciting new activations in the pipeline, so we look forward to seeing many familiar faces in attendance. Any non-members who are interested in finding out more about the hobby or the group are also very welcome on the night.
The 89th Irish Radio Transmitters AGM weekend will take place over the weekend of the 9th and 10th of April 2022 in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Kilkenny Road, Carlow. Tickets for the Gala Dinner can now be pre-booked from John EI7IG for collection on arrival at the event. Tickets cost €35 and more information including contact details for John can be found on the IRTS Gala Dinner section on the club's webpage for that event on For anyone that wishes to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and their activities you can drop them an email to southeasternarg /at/ or please feel free to go along to any of their meetings. You can check their website and you can also join them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
IARU presents award to Don, G3BJ
Former IARU Region 1 President and RSGB Past-President Don Beattie, G3BJ, was recently presented with the prestigious Michael J. Owen Award by the IARU Administrative Council. The award recognises those outstanding volunteers whose exceptional service to the IARU reflect the spirit, hard work and dedication of the late Michael Owen. IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH offered his congratulations to Don.
Reading Material for long Winter Nights
This week the Icelandic Radio Society received a large packet from the National Association of Radio Amateurs in Switzerland, USKA. The swiss amateurs sent them a collection of their magazine, HB Radio, for the years 2016 to 2021. USKA publishes 6 issues a year and each issue is 50-80 pages. The magazine provides an interesting insight into the extensive work of the National Association of Radio Amateurs in Switzerland. Articles in the paper are mostly in German, French and Italian.
Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC, DARC Honorary Member
Professor Karl Meinzer, DJ4JZ, the leading visionary, inventor and driving force behind the amateur radio satellite program has been made an honoury member of the german amateur radio organization DARC. He became a licensed ham in 1957 at the age of 17. After studying physics he worked in the development laboratories of the University of Marburg until his retirement in 2005. His university faculty hosted AMSAT-DL, and there they built the AO-10, AO-13, AO-21 und AO-40 OSCAR satellites. His latest project, Phase 3E is essentially good to go, but still awaiting a launch opportunity. Not only did he build those birds, he also wrote their operating systems from scratch, creating the software that is now used on QO-100. So it is no surprise that DJ4ZC was one of the first hams to work via QO-100. Karl Meinzner's expertise dos not only cover satellites, developed from early balloon experiments testing Arthur C. Clarke's seminal 1948 paper, in which Clarke proposed orbiting radio relays. Over 50 years later, with a special license from the german telecoms authorities, he succeeded in reflecting signals from the planet Venus, using 5 kW on 2.4 GHz, besting his earlier EME achivements. Karl Meinzner, DJ4ZC, a real oldtimer, who keeps pace with modern development.
Hams in Space
Raja Chari, KI5LIU, is the newest commander of a NASA space mission. Raja and his three fellow members of SpaceX Crew-3 are now aboard the International Space Station. It promises to be a busy six months for the crew, which includes Matthias Maurer KI5KFH from the European Space Agency. The German astronaut will be involved in more than 35 experiments while on board the ISS. He will also be using the German callsign DP0ISS during a dozen scheduled contacts with German schools through the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station program. The first of those contacts is set for a school in Bavaria sometime between the 29th of November and the 5th of December.
This year's Scandinavian Activity CW Contest preliminary scores from 1442 logs have been published. Congratulations to Gerard, EI5KF, his 226 QSOs resulted in a score of 17854, giving him 49th place in Europe. The highest european entry was by LZ5R, operated by LZ3ND with 636 QSOs giving him a top score of 98.580 points. Scandinavia is counted separately from all other regions, the top 3 ranks are held by three finish stations with close to 5000 contacts each.
Members of the K1USN Radio Club, who are also members CWops, short for the CW Operators’ Club, run a one-hour slow speed CW contest called the SST. For those who prefer a more leisurely CW pace or are new CW operators or contesters, this just might be what you're looking for. The SST runs every Friday from 2000 to 2100 UTC and on Mondays from 00:00 to 01:00 UTC. There is more info on
The last major contest for this year is the CQ WW DX Contest on the 27th and 28th of November, starting 0000 UTC on Saturdays and ends at 2359 UTC Sunday. 48 hours contesting certainly requires endurance.
The DX Window
Lee, DS4NMJ broadcasts as DT8A from King George Island, IOTA AN-010 until the end of the year. He operates in his spare time on all HF bands with CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via DS5TOS
Until the middle of December, Peter, G4ENL is on air from Bhutan with the callsign A52CC on 80m to 6m with SSB and FT8.
V31HT - until next weekend, Damian, G4LHT operates as V31HT from San Pedro, IOTA NA-073 off the Coast of Belize. QSL via homecall G4LHT or eQSL.
Ali, EP3CQ, is once again active as 6O1OO from Mogadishu until sometime during the first week in December. Activity has been on 30 meters with FT8 and FT4. His activity is limited to his spare time because he works for the UN Department of Safety and Security in Mogadishu. He will also use 40m and 20m FT8, but also on CW and SSB with up to 180 Watts into basic antennas. Ali suggests to listen for him from after 1800 to 1900 UTC until midnight. The 6O1OO station is currently the only active and licensed Amateur Radio Station in Somalia.
In case you think you missed part of the suffix when talking to hams in ON: As of this week, individual Belgian amateurs can apply for a secondary 2+1 vanity callsign with all possible ITU-prefixes for Belgium except ON.
The Propagation Horoscope
After last week's bathing in solar wind, Earth will receive the next wave from a large coronal hole near the sun's south pole. The plasma stream is already making an impact as you listening to this bulletin. NOAA forecasters say that a so-called corotating interaction region is traveling just ahead of the stream. And that sparks geomagnetic activity and some arctic auroras this weekend. As of Friday night the solar flux eased off to around 80, the x-ray flux is at the class A2 level. The other two visible active regions are quiet. As we go into the winter, the higher bands don't give as many opportunities any longer, and there is little respite on 7 MHz due to the ongoing severe interferences blotting out most of the voice segment, leading to crowding in the usable portions. 80 and 160m have become most lively thanks to a shorter day time for the D layer to persist, and for the first time this year reliable topband contacts to North America are possible again.
That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week’s radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The deadline is midnight on Friday.