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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 14th June 2020

VHF/UHF Contest

Due to the continuing need for social distancing, VHF/UHF Field Day, which normally takes place over the first weekend of July, will not take place this year. Instead, we are running a series of one-off VHF/UHF contests over the weekend of 4th and 5th July. Stations entering the contest may be fixed or portable, provided any travel to the station QTH is in accordance with government guidelines. There are separate contests for each of the five VHF/UHF bands, with two hours each for 6 metres, 4 metres, 70 cms and 23 cms, and three hours for the 2 metres event. Full details may be found at the IRTS Contests page.


The international space station will be speaking to a school in Spain on Tuesday 16th June at 1:26pm Irish time. One side of the conversation will be clearly audible nationwide on 145.800 FM for the following 10 minutes as the ISS passes over Ireland. The contact time and date may change depending on Astronaut rescheduling.

Shannon Basin Radio Club

The Shannon Basin Radio Club net on 160m has ended for the summer. Thanks to all who took the time to call in and the swls for the reports. The nets on 80m and 2 m will continue as normal. See the club website ( or facebook page for details.

Galway Digital Radio Group

The Galway Digital Radio Group are pleased to announce that the Galway Radio Club Fusion Repeater is operational from its new site in Knockroe, Loughrea Co. Galway. The Repeater is operating in AMS Mode (Automatic Mode Select) so if it receives Analog signals it will retransmit in Analog or if it receives C4FM it will transmit C4FM. The input frequency is 145.025MHz and output is 145.625 MHz. CTCSS tones of 77Hz are required to access the Analog side of the Repeater. The repeater transmits CTCSS tones of 77Hz on the Analog Side. Special thanks to Aengus EI4ABB, Des EI5GT and Enda EI2II who set this up on Saturday the 13th of June. Initial reports are coming in over a wide area. Reports from Mayo state that the Repeater can be accessed on Low power. Wires-X will be connected allowing worldwide access.

EIDXG Summer Challenge

EIDXG members (who brought you 9N7EI, 7Q7EI,5V7EI to name a few), are running a unique Summer Challenge as a fun event beginning June 1st through August 30th. Simply work as many unique DXCCs, CQ Worked all Zones, Participating EIDXG members and 32 Irish counties as possible (each one counting just once regardless of band or mode) and whoever accumulates the most points at the end is the Winner. Full information can be found on their website: where one can see the different categories and 'small print' however this promises to be a fun event and will generate extra activity on the bands both Internationally and on a local level. Logs to be submitted by September 6th and Winners will be announced at their DX Féile event in October. Enjoy the Chase!

Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.

Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin. If you currently receive a copy of the IRTS Radio News Bulletin by email as a news reader and wish to modify your address, please inform the editor in order to have it changed on the news readers mailing list.


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