Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 2nd February 2020
Silent Key
We wish to inform all listeners of the passing of Thomas Russell EI5EF who passed away last week at Tallaght Hospital after a long illness. Tom was a keen radio amateur for a long number of years.
As a young man, he learnt radio in the Irish Merchant Navy, built his own transmitter, aerials etc at home. During his time as an amateur radio operator it is believed that he spoke to the aga Khan, who was also a radio amateur, back in 1970’s.
Radio in general was his passion and frequently attended his local club in Terenure. He built up many radio friendships throughout the years, including Billy Bowles and Luigi from Inchicore.
The IRTS Awards Committee would like to remind the winners of last year’s Cups and Trophies to please return them as soon as possible.
The IRTS is seeking nominations to the Committee for the coming year. Please forward your nominations to our Honorary Secretary Robert Brandon EI5KH.
The Committee is also seeking nominations for “Awards for Services to the Society or to Amateur Radio”.
Amateur Station Licence Exam
A reminder that the next Amateur Station Licence Exam will be held on Thursday 7th May 2020 in the ComReg Offices in Dublin and at other centres if warranted by the numbers. The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Thursday, 23rd April 2020. See for full details on how to enter for this exam. This page also includes links to the exam syllabus, the Course Guide and other study material. Exam candidates who feel they could benefit from assistance with any aspect of the syllabus are invited to contact Robert Brandon EI5KH, Secretary of IRTS, who will try to put them in touch with a radio club in their area that may be able to help. Robert's contact details are on the IRTS web site.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
On Tuesday 21st January last the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group held its AGM at the Clonmel Park Hotel. The meeting was well attended with members travelling from neighbouring counties. Chairman Andy EI5JF opened the meeting and the minutes from the previous AGM were read and approved.
Club treasurer Tommy EI2IT presented the financial status of the club which was in healthy order. A number of administrative items were dealt with and ratified. The committee for the forthcoming year was elected which was as follows: Chairman Andy Jay EI5JF, Vice Chairman Brian Kelly SWL, Secretary John Ronan EI7IG, QSL Manager Paul Norris EI3ENB, Treasurer Tommy Hallinan EI2IT & PRO Ronan Daly EI4KN.
The Club also extends its best wishes to their vice chairman Brian on his upcoming wedding.
New members and SWLs in particular are always welcome to attend their meetings. Further information can be found on or by contacting Ronan EI4KN at QTHR.
Shannon Basin Radio Club
The Shannon Basin Radio Club is holding a meeting on Wednesday 5th February at 20:00 in Hannons Hotel Roscommon. New members are of course always welcome. See club facebook page or for details.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
Close on 30 club members attended the January meeting of the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group which was held on Monday the 27th of January in the Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford at 8:00 p.m. Special guests on the night were IRTS President Jim Holohan EI4HH and Vice-President Pat O'Connor EI9HX. Club Chairman John EI3HQB opened the meeting and welcomed both Jim and Pat to the club meeting. Jim then went on to address the members with a few words about the everyday running of the society. He thanked the club members for the massive amount of stuff they do each year to help the society and the hobby in Ireland. He paid particular attention to the club’s hosting of the IRTS AGM in Kilkenny in 2015 saying it was probably the best run IRTS AGM event he had ever attended.
Following on from Jim, Pat EI9HX said a few words and said he was both amazed and delighted to see such a large attendance at a club meeting. Pat also spoke about ways to try and encourage more people into the hobby. John EI3HQB then gave a report on the club’s events for 2019. The 2020 events schedule was then discussed by Sean EI2HZB. The formal side of the meeting was then finished off by Ray EI6HFB with an update of how things are going for the AGM weekend in April.
Following the formal side of the meeting there was a questions and answers session with many topics and ideas being talked about. The club then made a small presentation to both Jim and Pat and the meeting concluded. Everyone at EI2WRC would like to thank both Jim EI4HH and Pat EI9HX for taking the time to come down and visit them for the meeting. The club members hope they both enjoyed the visit and look forward to welcoming them both back soon again. For anyone that wishes to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and their activities you can drop them an email to “southeasternarg /at/ gmail /dot/ com” or please feel free to come along to any of their meetings. You can check out their website and you can also join them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
EIDX Group
As the EIDX Group (EIDXG) prepare for their upcoming activities, the group have organised a workshop/activity weekend as they maintain/service some of their equipment. Stopping for dinner and a social evening in the local village, all things radio will be discussed along with plenty of help/advice on hand.
This is an ideal opportunity and an open invitation for any newly licensed Amateurs or new recruits to get hands-on and learn how to build antennas, solder coax cables, repair masts etc.... and maybe even make some QSOs!
Why not pop down to the wonderful Ballyhoura Luxury Hostel, Kilfinane, Co. Limerick on the weekend of March 14/15th and if you'd like any further information please feel free to contact “ei6fr /at/ gofree /dot/ indigo /dot/ ie” or “ei9fbb /at/ gmail /dot/ com”
DX News
Members of the Italian DXpedition Team will be QRV from Zanzibar Island from 4th – 18th February. They will use the callsign 5I5TT on CW, SSB and RTTY. On FT4 and FT8 the callsign will be 5I4ZZ. The IOTA reference for Zanzibar is AF-032. QSLs can be obtained by OQRS.
Bob W0YBS will activate Caye Caulker Island, off the coast of Belize, from 4th – 25th February. He will operate CW, FT8, RTTY and possibly some SSB on 80 – 10m. IOTA reference is NA-073. QSLs go via the home call.
Members of the F6KOP Radio Club will operate as E44CC from Bethlehem in Palestine from 5th – 17th February. They will be on 160 – 10m on CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, FT4 and FT8. QSL via Club Log OQRS.
Matteo IZ4YGS will be visiting Ghana from 1st – 16th February. He will reactivate his 9G5GS callsign on 160 -20m using mainly FT8 and SSB. QSLs go via his home call.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin. If you currently receive a copy of the IRTS Radio News Bulletin by email as a news reader and wish to modify your address, please inform the editor in order to have it changed on the news readers mailing list.