Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 29th December 2019
New Year's Day Contest
A reminder that the IRTS 80 metres Counties Contest takes place on Wednesday next from 15:00 to 17:00 UTC. There are SSB only and SSB/CW mixed mode sections. Multipliers are the 32 EI and GI counties, while overseas DXCC entities are also multipliers for EI and GI stations. See for the full rules which include permitted frequency ranges.
The new EI1KNH five meter beacon is now operational on the air from its site near Enniskerry Co. Wicklow. Frequency is 60.013 MHz.
It has been working successfully for the past few days since its installation on the 16th of this month. It shares the site with EI4RF and EI0SIX.
For additional information please visit the beacons profile.
ARISS SSTV Transmissions
ARISS will be supporting SSTV transmissions worldwide in memory of cosmonauts Alexei Leonov, Valery Bykovsky and Sigmund Jaehn.
The transmissions are scheduled from 28th December 2019, starting at 11:00 UTC, until 1st January 2020 at 18:20 UTC when the system is scheduled for shutdown.
Transmissions will be on the standard frequency of 145.800 MHz and in the PD 120 format.
The Polish ARISS Team prepared an award for participants to this SSTV experiment. Please see
Signals should be very strong as it is being transmitted from the Russian section on the ISS in excess of 5watts. So a 2 meter vertical high up and in the clear should be able to receive from horizon to horizon within Ireland.
Phoenix Rally
Important reminder that the Phoenix Rally in Coolmine is planned to take place on Sunday 16th Feb 2020. As usual the event will be a great opportunity early in the new year for hams from all over the country to meet up with each other again. Further details and booking of tables can be obtained through Tony 087 2439997
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group remind everyone that are intending to book their hotel rooms for the IRTS AGM 2020 weekend in April 2020 to book them as soon as possible please. Gala Dinner tickets are now available from John EI7IG and on the IRTS webpage. Details about the weekend including room prices and dinner tickets can be found at
A reminder that the next South Eastern Amateur Radio Group meeting will be on Monday the 27th January 2020 in the Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford at 8.00 p.m. sharp. IRTS President Jim Holohan EI4HH and Vice-President Pat O’Connor EI9HX will be in attendance. All members are please asked to attend. As always new members are very welcome to attend also.
For anyone that wishes to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and their activities you can drop them an email to “southeasternarg /at/ gmail /dot/ com” or please feel free to come along to any of their meetings. You can check out their website and you can also join them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
Shannon Basin Radio Club
The clubs two meter net is running every Thursday evening at 20:00 on 145.350 MHz however the club is also now running a net on 3.740 plus/minus qrm every Wednesday evening at 20:00. Everyone is welcome to give a call.
DX News
A team of 8 UK operators will be QRV from the Sovereign Base Area of Cyprus from 2nd – 7th January. They will use the callsign ZC4UW on all bands 160 – 10m on CW and SSB. QSL via Club Log OQRS.
A joint group of Tunisian and Algerian amateurs will be active as 7X7X from 28th December – 2nd January. They will focus on 160 and 80m and digital. QSL manager is 7X2RO.
Island chasers may be interested in working Ron PY6/PP2RON who will be on Itaparica Island until 1st January. This one counts as SA-023 for the Islands on the Air Award and QSLs go via his home call.
Col MM0NDX and Jonathan MM0OKG are spending a few days in Iceland. Look for them signing TF/OJ0Y from 30th December – 2nd January. QSL via EB7DX.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin. If you currently receive a copy of the IRTS Radio News Bulletin by email as a news reader and wish to modify your address, please inform the editor in order to have it changed on the news readers mailing list.