Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 27th October 2019
Contest Results
Results of the one-hour 80 Metres Evening Counties Contest held on 8th October have been published. There was good support for this short contest. 28 transmitting station logs and one SWL log were submitted, showing activity in 21 EI and GI counties. See for full details.
Licence Exam
Thursday next, 31st October, is the closing date for applications to sit the Amateur Station Licence Exam, due to be held on 14th November. Please see for details of how to apply to sit this exam.
Portugal 5 MHz
HF Manager José, CT1EEB of the Portuguese IARU Member Society (REP) has informed all HF Managers in CEPT countries that a number of stations have been monitored using the 60m / 5 MHz frequency band from Portuguese territory. These stations were using their home call-signs, believing this to be compliant with the regulations governing the CEPT Radio Amateur Licence as specified in CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01.
The use of 5 MHz frequencies in Portugal is only permitted if a special authorisation from ANACOM (the Portuguese telecommunications regulator) is obtained as the frequency band is shared with the military. This applies to both the WRC-15 frequencies and the earlier provided frequency assignments of 5288.5 kHz, 5371.5 kHz, 5380.5 kHz and 5403.5 kHz which are not included in the CEPT privileges applicable in Portugal.
Therefore all stations signing CT7 (mainland Portugal), CT8 (Azores) and CT9 (Madeira) /XXXXX/P are probably not authorised to use 5 MHz unless they have obtained a permit from ANACOM to use the 5 MHz frequencies mentioned above.
Newsreaders Database
Important Reminder: All IRTS news readers are being asked to make contact with the bulletin editor Mark EI6HPB if they have not done so already. They should provide to the editor updated details of times, frequencies and locations from which they transmit the IRTS radio news on a weekly basis. The contact details for the editor are as follows: Telephone 086 355 2370 and email “newsteam /at/ irts /dot/ ie”
SWL Update - Radio Caroline Maintenance
It was discovered this month that two of the six power amplifier modules within Radio Carolines transmitter had shutdown, which may have occurred as a result of lightning strikes. A general overhaul of the equipment was undertaken, the cooling fan air filters were cleaned, all electrical connections were assessed and audio adjustments were made.
AREN Training and Social weekend
On the 9th and 10th of November, AREN will hold a national training and development weekend in Dromineer, County Tipperary. Accommodation is available at the Lough Derg House & The Lake Cafe, booking is required, please contact EI4JN at QTHR.
Topics for the weekend include Go-Kit demonstrations, a swapmeet, JS8Call, PAT, ARDEN (possibly a presentation from Cisco TacOPS), ARDOP and PV systems demonstrations as well as plenty socialisg. Any licenced Amateur Radio operator is welcome to come along, please contact EI4JN or EI7IG to let them know you are interested.
Radio Luxembourg
Back in 1933 the station started broadcasting. Often mistakenly referred to as a ‘Pirate Radio Station’, Radio Luxembourg offered an English speaking commercial service for more than 60 years and it shaped the radio landscape for future commercial broadcasting in Britain.
A blue plaque has been unveiled on Friday 25th October at 38 Hertford Street, London W1 to celebrate this broadcasting history.
Galway Digital Radio Group
On Saturday 26th October the Galway Digital Radio Group carried out, throughout the day, the installation of their digital voice Abbeyknockmoy repeater. Installation of this repeater had been delayed over the past two weeks due to recent weather conditions. Further tests are expected to be conducted on the repeater over the coming days.
DX News
Three Polish operators, SP5EAQ, SP7VC and SP5ES, are at present QRV from Norfolk Island. Calls to look out for are VK9NE, VK9NC and VK9NG. The DXpedition will last until 4th November. They are on all bands 160 – 6m.
Steve WB4GHY will be on Ascension Island until 4th November using his ZD8SC callsign during his spare time. He operates on 80 – 10m on SSB and digital. QSLs go via his home call.
Members of the Mediterraneo DX Club are active as D68CCC from the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean. They plan to be on all bands 160 – 10m until 2nd November.
Two Russian operators, RZ3FW and R4WAA, will be QRV from Vanuatu from 4th – 20th November. They will use the callsign YJ0RRC from the IOTA islands OC-104 and OC-111. This will be followed by the callsign YJ0FWJ from OC-035.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin. If you currently receive a copy of the IRTS Radio News Bulletin by email as a news reader and wish to modify your address, please inform the editor in order to have it changed on the news readers mailing list.