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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 9th December 2018

Echo Ireland

A reminder that the Winter edition of the IRTS members' journal, Echo Ireland, is currently being printed. This is a bumper-sized edition, running to 48 pages, and filled with club news, construction, DX and lots more.

A report by Brian EI8IU on JOTA 2018 (Jamboree On The Air) from the Larch Hill National Scout Centre highlights a very effective way of bringing amateur radio to a wide range of possible recruits for the hobby. There is also coverage of the recent RMS Leinster Commemoration by members of the National Maritime Museum Radio Club. Also included are reports on DXpeditions to Malawi and Kosovo.

Tony EI5EM is a regular contributor on construction projects and in this issue he describes a CW/SSB transceiver kit build; as usual, Tony has modified and improved on the original design.

Clubs featured in this issue include those from Shannon Basin, Skerries, Dundalk, Tipperary, Lough Erne and Limerick.

Other club reports include the story of the first two-way 8 metre band contacts in EI by members of the Mayo group, and there is an interesting account by Adrian EI9HAB on South Dublin Radio Club's participation in RTE's "Join a Club Week" promotion.

Reports by IECRO Ireland and Galway VHF Group include updates on new and upcoming voice and digital gateways, including the geographical coverage of these new facilities.

The Silent Keys remembered in this issue include an appreciation by Gerry EI8CC of our recently deceased honorary vice-president Seán EI7CD. Gerry's article will bring tears and smiles to those who knew Seán.

All of this, plus the regular DX news, contest news and "HX Files" excerpts are in the latest Echo Ireland, which will be circulated shortly to members.

South Dublin Radio Club

This year's South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party will take place on Tuesday 11th December.

The venue will be the same as last year, "The Morgue", Tempelogue Village from 8.00 pm until late.

Members of other clubs and visitors are as usual very welcome to this social event. Limited free food will be available for paid-up members; visitors can choose from the bar menu until 9.00 pm.

The club will then break for Xmas and return on January 8th 2019

Limerick Radio Club

The December meeting of the club will take place, as usual, in the Limerick Institute of Technology at 7:30 pm on this coming Thursday 13th December. Please note that annual subs for 2019 fall due in December. All are welcome.

Along with the usual club business Liam EI7DSB will give a talk on Digital Modes and the rise of FT8.

IECRO Ireland Radio Club

Next meeting of the IECRO Ireland radio club, will take place in Mullingar on the 15th December. The club will then break for Christmas. Training classes will start again in January for anyone who would like to sit the HAREC assessment Summer 2019. We hope to arrange for an examination hall for the midlands if numbers are large enough. There is already a list of applicants and if we can increase the number a bit higher the examination centre could become a possibility.

Additional information about any of the above services can be obtained by emailing “info /dot/ iecro /at/ gmail /dot/ com”, telephone 086 355 2370 or request submission via

EI100MCV, Last Chance to Operate

Reminder that as we approach December 31 the National Maritime Museum of Ireland Radio Club would like to invite EI licence holders to operate Special Event Call Sign EI100MCV before the licence expires. This commemorates the centenary of the sinking, by torpedo, of RMS Leinster in the final days of World War 1, resulting in the largest loss of life in the Irish Sea.

Any EI licensed operator can operate the call from their own QTH between now and Dec 31st. Anyone wishing to do so should contact Dave O’Connor EI6AL for further information.

Those who have already used the call can still use the Google doc. form to register their desired Date, Time and Mode.

Logs should be forwarded in ADI format to Dave O’Connor EI6AL.

Catch a Net

A reminder of some radio nets which will be taking place this week.

VHF Galway Group will be hosting their DV-combined mode net at 8:30pm on Monday using DMR TG 2724, CQ-IRELAND Wires-X (Fusion) Node 41411, YSF Node 04251, Allstar Node 29884, and Echolink 883269. Please remember to leave a gap between overs to allow the network components to reset.

The Shannon Basin Radio 2m will be holding a net at 8pm on Thursday on 145.350MHz.

DX News

Tom N9EAW is signing HQ9T from Roatan Island, Honduras until 18th December. He is QRV on CW and SSB. The IOTA reference is NA-057 and QSLs go via his home call.

Andre ON7YK is active again from his station in Gambia using the callsign C5YK. He will be there until early March 2019. QSL to his home call from mid-March onwards.

Harry JG7PSJ will be back on Ogasawara Island from 17th December – 2nd January. He will reactivate his JD1BMH callsign. Ogasawara counts as a separate entity for DXCC purposes. QSL to his home call.

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Radio Amateur Association of Greece a special station is on the air this month with the callsign SX60RAAG. QSL via Club Log OQRS.

Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.

Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.


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