Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 7th October 2018
Contest News
The IRTS 40 metres Counties Contest takes place on Sunday next, 14th October. It starts at 12:00 UTC and runs for 2 hours.
There are SSB only and SSB/CW mixed mode sections for both fixed and portable stations. Multipliers are the 32 EI and GI counties as well as overseas DXCC entities.
See the IRTS Contests page at for the full rules which include permitted frequencies for this event. The Contests page also includes the contest calendar for 2019.
DMR Irish Counties Net
Steve, EI5DD will run the 32 Counties DMR net each Monday evening at 8:30 pm on the Irish Call Talk Group 2722. The purpose of this net is to establish the areas of DMR activity around the country on a nationwide basis. All 32 Counties will be called in alphabetical order. Please, only call into the net when your county is called. Should there be late call-ins, they will be taken at the end of the list. Your call to the net should consist of Callsign, Name, County and end with no traffic. This should take no longer than 15 - 20 minutes. There will be plenty of opportunity to the establish a QSO with other stations at the end of the net so don’t rush away after your have called in from your county.
Shannon Basin Radio Club
The shannon basin radio club is holding a net on 145.350 every thursday between 20.00 and 20.30. Both members and non-members are welcome to join in with the aim of promoting the use of 2 meters.
RMS Leinster
RMS Leinster, a passenger ship sailing between Dun Laoghaire and Holyhead, was torpedoed on 10th October 1918, just off the Irish coast, resulting in the death of 567 passengers and crew. As part of the arrangements commemorating this tragedy, the call sign EI100MCV (which includes the original call sign 'MCV' of RMS Leinster) has been obtained by IRTS. EI100MCV has been on the air since the beginning of the year, with almost 10,000 QSOs to date, and will continue to be QRV until the end of 2018 with maximum coverage from 10th to 15th October. Dragon Amateur Radio Club in Anglesey is activating GB100MCV as part of the same commemoration.
A special Certificate is available for contacts made with EI100MCV and GB100MCV between the dates 10th to 15th October inclusive. To qualify you must have had two QSOs on different bands/modes with both EI100MCV and GB100MCV between 0001 UTC 10th October and 2359 UTC 15th October. All details are available on under the call sign EI100MCV.
EI100MCV can be used throughout the year 2018 by any licensed EI amateur radio operator who would like to commemorate this historic centenary. Call sign usage is being coordinated by Dave O’Connor EI6AL “dave /dot/ ei6al /at/ gmail /dot/ com” or phone 086 1000000. For more information about RMS Leinster visit the website of National Maritime Museum of Ireland
JOTA (Jamboree on the Air)
Reminder: There will be a JOTA event in the Larch Hill International Scout Centre Dublin over the weekend of 20th and 21st of October. Any club or individual willing to assist in setting up or operating a station from the event please contact Brian EI8IU on 086 1057325.
Limerick Radio Club
Regular LRC Meetings will resume on Thursday 11th October at the usual time of 7:30 pm in the Limerick Institute of Technology. All are welcome. Airing of the EI100MCV will be up for discussion and a call issued for volunteers to operate the call sign on Saturday the13th October. The Dragon Amateur Radio Club in Wales will be using GB100MCV, in association with the event, during the week 10th to 15th October. Full information on the history of the sinking and the commemorative call signs and awards are available on QRZ.COM..
Along with a review of LRC events and decisions over the summer months, Albert EI5HXB will be give a talk on his latest antenna and tilt over mast. The photos of his efforts show some innovative solutions to the challenges he has had to overcome.
ON4EI is Returning
Olivier, ON4EI, is back again in Ireland from 21st to 31st October 2018 to operate EI8GQB and EI7T during the CQ WW DX SSB contest which will be taking place on the 27th and 28th October. It is interesting to note that Olivier takes part in the contests using mainly green energy, based on solar panels and a wind generator, to activate his temporary 'Field-Day-like' antenna park.
Phoenix Rally 2019
We would like to remind everyone of an important date for your diary. The Phoenix Rally will take place on 17th February 2019. For additional information contact Tony 087 2439997.
DX News
A group of amateurs from New Zealand will activate the Pacific island of Niue from 6th – 16th October. They will be on all bands 160 -10m on SSB and CW using the callsign E6Y. QSL via Club Log OQRS.
Harald DF2WO will be back on the Cape Verde Islands reactivating his D44TWO callsign from 7th – 24th October. He will focus on 160 and 80m using CW, SSB, FT8 and JT65. QSL manager is M0OXO.
Kenneth LA7GIA starts his two-week DXpedition to Chad in west Africa on 9th October. He will sign TT8KO on CW and SSB. QSL via M0OXO.
Guantanamo Bay will see W4WV and W6HGF QRV as KG4WV and KG4HF from 10th – 24th October. Look for them on all bands SSB and Digital. QSL via Club Log OQRS.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.