Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 5th November 2017
Evening Counties Contest
A one-hour IRTS 80 metres Counties Contest takes place at 20:00 on Tuesday next, 7th November. There are SSB Only and mixed-mode SSB/CW sections, with double points for CW QSOs in the mixed-mode section. See for permitted frequencies, the power limit and other rules. For EI and GI stations, multipliers are the Irish counties plus overseas DXCC entities worked, while for overseas stations multipliers are the EI and GI counties.
Amateur Station Licence Examination
There are just less than two weeks to the closing date for the next Amateur Station Licence Examination which will be held on Thursday 7th December in the ComReg Offices in Dublin. Quite a number of applications have already been received and as places are limited and are allocated on a first come first served basis, those intending to sit the examination would need to apply very soon. Full details, including entry procedure, examination fee and how to pay the fee online are available at Please note that it is necessary to download the application form from the web page and forward the completed form and the appropriate fee so as to secure a place for the examination.
It is important to note that even If you pay the fee online you must still complete and forward the application form.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Thursday 16th November.
Four Exam Reports which were previously published in Echo Ireland are available on the Downloads section of the website at under "Studying for the Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate". These reports contain very useful information for anyone studying for the Licence Examination. Intending candidates are advised to pay particular attention to the syllabus for the examination especially Annexes 1 and 2.
Wild Atlantic Way
As we enter the last two months of the Wild Atlantic Way initiative to promote Amateur Radio, the number of requests to the WAW QSL manager has increased significantly - especially for Leitrim EI22WAW, Sligo EI33WAW, Mayo EI44WAW and Galway EI55WAW. Help from licenced individuals and clubs, operating in EI, to increase the number of QSOs will be very much appreciated - so please contact the co-ordinators for those call signs. For more information checkout the IRTS web site at and from the activities menu on the top of the page, choose “Wild Atlantic Way”, where you will find the list of co-ordinators under Wild Atlantic Way - Operators Wanted.
Limerick Radio Club
The LRC October meeting will take place in Limerick Institute of Technology on Thursday 9th October at 19:30.
LRC members Harry EI2KL, Brendan EI0CZ and Tom EI5CA will continue with CW instruction for beginners on the LRC 2 metre repeater each Monday after the IRTS News, which is read at 20:00 . On the following Tuesday evenings at 20:00 there will be instruction aimed at those who have gone a little 'rusty'. Sessions generally will last up to 3/4 of an hour.
If there is sufficient interest, a practice class/classes can be arranged in Atlantic Air Ventures Shannon. Please contact LRC Club Secretary Harry EI2KL at “contact / at / limerickradioclub / dot / ie”
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
Congratulations to the members of the group who had success in the recent 40 metres IRTS counties contest. The EI2WRC/P team of David EI6GVB, Mark EI7IS and John EI3HQB took 1st place in the SSB Only Portable – 100W max, EI/GI Stations section. In the SSB Only Fixed, EI/GI Stations the combined team of Dale EI7HDB and Wayne EI7HKB won that section and in the SSB/CW Portable – 100W max, EI/GI Stations top spot went to Keith EI5KJ. Well done to all!
For anyone that wishes to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and its activities you can come along to any of their meetings. You can check out their website and you can also join them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
Cork Radio Club
The November meeting of Cork Radio Club will be held on Wednesday next the 8th in Carrigtwohill Community Centre at 2000. Anyone interested in studying for the licence examination is invited to attend this meeting where plans for classes will be discussed and finalised. If you cannot attend, please advise the club by email to “info / at / corkradioclub / dot / ie” or by ringing 087-6290574.
Members will also recap on the excellent talk given by Don EI8DJ on the new digital repeater at the October meeting and a special thanks to National Repeater Co-ordinator John McCarthy EI8JA who also attended that meeting and advised on current and future digital repeater developments. We also hope that club members Dave EI9FBB and Jeremy EI5GM will have safely returned from their DXpedition to Liberia and we look forward to hearing of their experiences. Visitors and new members are always very welcome and further information on the club’s activities can be obtained by emailing “info / at / corkradioclub / dot / ie”.
Activity on Cork's WIld Atlantic Way callsign EI99WAW has been quiet of late and a special effort is being sought for the month of November.
Please contact Dave EI4BZ on 087-6290574 if you would like to help. All band and mode slots are available. You do not have to be resident in County Cork to activate the callsign.
The EIDX Group (who brought you 9N7EI earlier this year) are delighted to announce their next DXpedition for 2018. A team of 14 operators will be QRV for 2 consecutive weekends from March 21st to April 3rd also taking in the WPX SSB contest.
The team have carefully selected an ideal location on the shores of lake Malawi and will be QRV as 7Q7EI on all bands from 160m through 10m, SSB, CW and RTTY. They are delighted to announce that their website is now up and running and can be visited at, so please visit their site from time to time as they will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
DX News
John-Paul HB9ARY will be back in Mauritius from 4th – 18th November and will sign his 3B8HC callsign. This is a holiday-style DXpedition and he will be active on 10 – 80m CW and SSB. QSLs go to NI5DX.
A multi-national team led by N7QT will activate Mellish Reef from 3rd – 16th November. Callsign will be VK9MA and they will be on all bands 160 – 10m CW, SSB and RTTY. QSLs are requested via Club Log OQRS.
An experienced German team led by Sigi DL7DF will sign VP2MDL from Monserrat from 6th – 20th November. Activity will be on all bands 160 – 10m CW, SSB and RTTY. QSLs go via DL7DF OQRS.
Gary G0FWX will be in the Caribbean on the Island of St Kitts from 8th – 15th November. He has been issued with the callsign V47FWX and will be operating from the shack of John V47JA. QSLs go via M0URX OQRS.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.