Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 10th September 2017
Echo Ireland
Numerous reports and photographs of the activities of clubs around the country are included in the Autumn edition of Echo Ireland. Lighthouse activations for the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend in August feature in the dispatches from Tipperary Amateur Radio Group, Mayo Radio Experimenters Network, Kerry Amateur Radio Group, Limerick Radio Club and Cork Radio Club. Other activities in the club reports include visits from overseas radio amateurs and contesting. Lighthouses and contesting both feature in a report on IOTA contest participation by Stockport Radio Society from Arranmore Island Lighthouse off the coast of Donegal.
In one of the construction articles in this latest issue, Gerry EI8DRB tells us how he made a receiver test oscillator using the services of a circuit board manufacturer to produce the PCB for the project. In a separate article, an alternative approach to producing printed circuit boards is suggested by Louis EI8KI, who describes a process that involves ironing a laser printed plastic sheet onto a PCB to create the required etch resistant areas from the ink on the plastic sheet.
There are also updates on the Wild Atlantic Way Award programme, the regular columns on HF Happenings and the "Excerpts from the HX Files": this latest excerpt has some useful ideas for putting a radio and ancillary gear together for portable use. Plus plenty more: the new issue of Echo Ireland will be posted to members during the week.
Cork Radio Club
Cork Radio Club will meet in Carrigtwohill Community Centre on Wednesday next at 2030. The topic for the meeting will be computers in amateur radio. Members will also review recent activities including Lighthouses on the air and SSB Field Day. They will also look ahead to a big involvement in the upcoming Jamboree on the Air at the Scout Hall in Little Island.
New members and visitors are always very welcome and further information can be obtained by email at “info /at/ corkradioclub /dot/ ie” or by telephone on 087-6290574
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will be holding “An introduction To Amateur Radio” course on Monday the 2nd of October at 7.30pm sharp in the Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford. There will be two further classes on the 9th and 16th at the same venue and time. This will be an elementary type course designed to introduce potential candidates to the full Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC) study course. It is intended for those who might like to study for the Amateur Radio exam but feel unsure if they have the ability to complete a full course.
As far as possible it will be very much 'Hands On” Over three weeks it will cover some of the basic aspects of Amateur Radio and electrical principles with demonstrations of radio operating, basic station set ups and including some practical work such as soldering and taking electrical measurements. Places are limited and must be booked. For more info or to book a place please contact Sean EI2HZB on 083 1379764 or via email to “proffice /at/ searg /dot/ ie”
For anyone that wishes to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and its activities you can come along to any of the club meetings. You can check out the their website at and you can also join them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
Southern Ireland Repeater Group
Earlier this year the Southern Ireland Repeater Group began building their first digital voice repeater which consisted of interfacing an MMDVM board with a Motorola MTR2000 UHF repeater. It has taken a few months to complete and after been on test in Waterford City the group now have the repeater installed in it's new permanent location at Carronadavderg (301m) near Clashmore in West Waterford. The installation took place on Friday July 28th. On site were Neil EI3JE, Gareth EI7FZB, John EI8JA and John EI8IR. It's callsign is EI7CDD, output power 30w and it is capable of DMR, DStar, Fusion (C4FM) and Analog operation. Operating frequency is 439.650 MHz with a shift of -9 MHz (DVU52) which is one of the 70cm channels allocated to digital voice in Ireland and the UK. Information regarding this repeater and the groups analog network can be found at Reports can be emailed to “sirnrepeaters /at/ gmail /dot/ com”
DX News
David G4NRT will be QRV as Z21NRT in Zimbabwe until 29th September. He will be on all bands 80 – 6m SSB, CW and Digital. QSL to his home call.
E6AG will be QRV from 14th – 25th September on the island of Niue. Operator is VK5GR and it will be holiday-style as he is on vacation with his family. QSLs go via Club Log OQRS to M0OXO.
JW/OM6TC will be on from Longyearbyen, Svalbard from 15th – 20th September. QSL to his home call.
A group of 3 Russian amateurs will sign A25BI, A25SP and A25BE from Kasane in north-eastern Botswana. Dates are 15th – 25th September and they hope to be on all bands 160 – 6m CW and SSB.
A number of Czech operators will sign 5T5OK in Mauritania from 16th – 28th September. They will run 100w on SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL manager is OK6DJ and logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Mark EI6HPB on 086 355 2370.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.