Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 18th June 2017
VHF/UHF Contest
An early reminder that the IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day takes place over the weekend of 1st/2nd July. The contest is on 5 bands 50, 70, 144, 432 and 1296 MHz.
The Open Section covers all 5 bands, and there is a Restricted Section for those operating on just one of these bands.
The contest, which runs for 24 hours from 14:00 UTC on Saturday, coincides with similar contests in the UK and continental Europe, so it provides a great opportunity to work some DX on the higher bands. Note that this is a field day contest with site and power supply requirements for anyone entering. See for full details.
5.7GHz Survey
At the request of the IARU we are carrying out a survey of use of the band 5570 to 5850GHz. Would any licensed amateurs using the band please forward details of their use of this band to Seán Nolan EI7CD. The email address is ei7cd /at/ and the landline is 01-2851599
5Mhz For Jamaica
Jamaican Spectrum Management Authority (SMA), the WRC-15 60m Amateur Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz has been granted under ITU Footnote 5.133B, which in the case of Jamaica means a maximum power of 25W EIRP.
Renewal of your Amateur Station Licence
All Amateur Station Licences, with the exception of temporary assignments, are issued for the lifetime of the Licensee. In accordance with the Regulations, all licensees are required to confirm to ComReg, in writing, each and every 5 years that their Licence details are up to date and correct. Is your amateur station licence coming up for renewal?
DX News
Members of the Chinese Radio Amateurs Club are taking part in a DXpedition to Yongxing Island in the Xisha Archipelago from 26th June to 2nd July. The callsign will be B7CRA and they will operate 80m to 6m on CW, SSB and Digital. The IOTA reference is AS-143 and the QSL Manager is BA4TB.
Bill K2HVN will be in the Faroe Islands until 26th June using the callsign OY/K2HVN. He operates mainly CW on 40m to 10m using a Buddipole. QSLs go via the home call.
Alex IZ5CMI will be at his holiday house in Calvi on Corsica Island from 18th to 24th June signing TK/IZ5CMI. He runs 100 watts to a vertical antenna. QSL to his home call.
Sookun HL1AHS will operate as VK9AA on Christmas Island from 24th June to 1st July. He will be on all bands 80m to 10m CW, SSB and Digital. QSL Manager is HL2UVH.
Jamaican Amateur Radio Association
The JARA Field Day is coming up on the weekend of June 23rd to 25th.. JARA will be QRV as 6Y5RA/p, from Port Antonio in the Parish of Portland on the North Eastern end of the Island. Keep an ear out on the bands.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.