Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 24th April 2016
Silent Key Tom EI2AJ
The death has occurred on 18th April of Tom Kelly EI2AJ. Tom was a good friend of the late Dan Lloyd and like him worked for Marconi International for a period and up to the mid 1990's was with BIM. From the mid 1990's Tom was a regular attender at the Phoenix Radio Club gatherings on Thursday evenings in the Coolmine Community School. Tom was a keen CW operator. Tom's health had been declining in recent years and he had become less active in the Phoenix Club.
We offer our sincerest sympathy to his wife Anne to his daughter Margaret and to his sons Michael and Nick as well as to his extended family and friends. Tom's funeral took place on Thursday last.
May he rest in peace.
Amateur Station Licence Examination
The next Amateur Station Licence Examination will be held on Thursday, 2nd June at two centres, the ComReg Offices in Dublin and the Waterford Institute of Technology.
Those applying from now on for the examination who reside outside the greater Dublin area should write their centre of choice on the top of the application form.
Applications are rolling in, so those intending to sit the examination and who have not yet applied are advised to do so in the very near future. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Full details, including entry procedure, examination fee and how to pay the fee on line are available at .
Please note that it is necessary to download the application form from the web page and forward the completed form and the appropriate fee so as to secure a place for the examination.
If you pay the fee on line you must still complete and forward the application form.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Thursday, 19th May.
Three Exam Reports which were previously published in Echo Ireland are available on the Downloads section of the website at under Studying for the Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate. These reports contain very useful information for anyone studying for the Licence Examination.
Intending candidates are advised to pay particular attention to the syllabus for the examination especially Annexes 1 and 2.
IRTS AGM 2016 – Awards
Annually IRTS, presents awards, in the form of trophies and cups, to individuals and or clubs. Here are some of the award recipients. The IRTS DX Trophy was awarded to Claus Stehlik EI7JZ. The Hal Hodgens Trophy was awarded to Gerard Scannell EI5KF. The IRTS IOTA Trophy, awarded to Papa Lima DX Group EIJ1Y. The Pete Daly Memorial Cup, awarded to Joe Ryan EI7GY/P.
Full details of awards and recipients can be viewed on
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR, will host the 85th IRTS Annual General Meeting in Dundalk at the Crowne Plaza Hotel over the weekend of 8th/9th April 2017.
DAR has already started to put together a list of topics and speakers for the very popular Saturday afternoon talks presentation during the AGM weekend. You may also email AGM2017/at/ei7dar/dot/com.
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR
The Dundalk Amateur Radio Society would like to advise members that it's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday night, 4th of May 2016 at 8.30pm sharp at Larkin House, 113 Castletown Road, Dundalk. The current committee urges full attendance of ALL members at this important meeting. Everyone and new members welcome.
The winner of the VHF Handheld was Don Brennan EI6IL. Don has kindly donated the handheld back to the club for someone who has the need for a handheld and will use it.
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society have organised a Radio Shacks Photography Competition. As it is a photographic competition emphasis should be on a quality photograph. Any shack of any size is eligible.
You must email your photograph of no less than 1meg and no more than 3meg in jpeg format to myshack/ at/ ei7dar/dot/com.
A small monetary fee is required for entry and is payable on Paypal, this must accompany your submitted radio shack photo. Winners will be announced at the 2017 IRTS AGM in Dundalk. Full details are on
DX News
Koji JI1LET will operate as JD1BOI from Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Archipelago from 26th April to 6th May. Ogasawara is about 1000km south of Tokyo and counts as a separate entity for the DXCC Award. Koji will be on all bands 80m to 6m CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via the home call.
A new IOTA reference (AS-202) will hit the airwaves on 27th April. Look out for A91HI which will be manned by experienced operators including our own Dave EI9FBB and Jeremy EI5GM. In all a total of 11 amateurs will remain on Hawar Island until 1st May. Hawar Island is located in the Arabian Gulf off the southern coast of Bahrain. QSLs should be requested by ClubLog OQRS and will be handled by M0OXO.
Chris HB9LCA will be active from Vanuatu as YJ0CS from 1st to 27th May. He will be mainly on CW and will be working holiday style. QSL to the home call.
The Ukrainian team who have been operating as ET7L in Ethiopia since mid-January have passed the 40,000 QSO mark and still have another week or two to go. If you have not yet got them in your log now is the time to do something about it. QSLs go via ClubLog OQRS.
The Russian Digital Radio Club
The Russian Digital Radio Club invites radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the 3rd Russian WW MultiMode Contest 2016.
All licenses amateur radio operators are invited to take part in the contest from 12.00 UTC on Saturday 30th April till 11:59 UTC on Sunday 1st May, 2016. Types of modulation: BPSK63, CW, RTTY, SSB. Full details maybe viewed on and follow the links.
Earthquake in Ecquador
Amateur Radio Operators are requested to keep 7060kHz clear as it is being used in rescue operations.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.