Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 15th November 2015
Submissions for Publication in December Echo Ireland
All clubs and individuals with articles and submissions for publication in the December edition of Echo Ireland are asked to submit these items post haste.
Submissions to newsteam /at/
Shannon Basin Radio Club
Shannon Basin Radio Club will be holding its AGM on Friday 27th November at 8.30pm in Hannons Hotel Roscommon Town. All members are requested to attend and anyone wishing to join the club is very welcome. Refreshments will be served. Please see for details or contact Brian ei8iu on 0861057325.
Cork Radio Club
The Annual Dinner for Cork Amateurs will be held in Midleton Park Hotel on Saturday December 5th where a four course meal will be served starting at 8pm.
Tickets are €25 each and are available from Dave EI4BZ on 087-6290574 or by email at ei4bz /at/
UKEI DX Contest
The first UKEI DX contest runs for 24-hours from 12 noon on Saturday 5th December. What's new is that EI and UK entrants will compete on equal terms against DX entrants,
It is SSB-only on the five contest bands from 80 to 10 metres and a similar CW only event is scheduled for late January.
There are multi-op and single-op categories and the exchange is a serial and your district code. These have two characters and for EI and GI they correspond to counties; making sure they don't clash with other UK district codes. For example, Cork is CK - because CO and CR are already in use for Colchester and Croydon.
You'll need to know your own district code and these are listed in the rules at ukeicc dot com.
This is a chance for EI and GI contesters to show we are as good as anyone and for casual contesters to have some fun. We are sure to be kept busy because district codes are multipliers on each band and DX entrants get extra points for working UK/EI.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
Our November meeting will take place on Monday 30th November 2015 at 8pm sharp. In a departure from our regular meeting format our November meeting will take place in conjunction with South East Maker Space (SEMS) and will be held at the SEMS workshops in Waterford (located at the old Munster Express printing works). Members of SEMS will give a talk about what they do and show us around the workshops. There will also be a number of projects on display for the night of the meeting. We strongly encourage all our members to make an effort to attend this meeting. For up-to-date news about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and it’s actives you can check our website and you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
World Radiocommunications Conference
The news from WRC-15 on the possibility of an allocation to the Amateur service at 5 MHz is not very heartening. Some administrations are insisting on the use of very restrictive eirp limits if an allocation is made. At the moment three major administrations are resisting any allocation at 5 MHz. The time allocated for conclusion of this item has now expired and there is a danger of a no change position being adopted if a consensus cannot be reached reasonably quickly. If a favourable consensus can be reached it would seem to be tending towards a worldwide 15kHz allocation with a power limit of fifteen watts. Unfortunately this would be quite a distance from what was hoped for. However, we live in hope and await a final decision on the issue.
DX News
An eight man multi-national team will activate Willis Island from 14th to 23rd November. The callsign will be VK9WA. This is the first significant expedition to Willis since 2008. The team ask that QSLs are requested via the Club Log OQRS system.
Two Brazilian operators are scheduled to be QRV from the Atol das Rocas from 15th to 21st November. This counts as SA-038 for the Islands on the Air Award and as Fernando de Noronha for DXCC purposes. Callsigns to look for are PY0R/PY7RP and PU0R/PU0FDN. They will operate on 40, 20 and 15m with 100w to vertical antennas.
Nick G3RWF is due back in Rwanda as 9X0NH from 18th November to 2nd December. He will be QRV all bands 80m to 10m. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World and QSL s go via the home call.
Massimo IZ0EGB, who was also recently active as Z81B from South Sudan, is now resident in Zimbabwe. He has been assigned the callsign Z21MH and hopes to appear on the HF bands soon.
Jeremy EI5GM is part of the current 3W3MD dxpedition team to Vietnam as a CW operator. Further details can be found at
28th Homebrew & OldTime QRP Contest Community
The above event takes place today Sunday 15th November. Full details can be found on
IRTS Radio News on 2m in Louth Area
Tony EI4DIB will be reading the IRTS Radio News every Monday night at 8pm on 145.4000MHz FM simplex from his home QTH in Drogheda, County Louth. Tony would appreciate it if listeners would call in to EI0IRTS with their reception reports of the news after the bulletin has been read.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.