Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 30th August 2015
IRTS Two Metres Counties Contest
This contest takes place today, Sunday from 2pm to 4pm local time. There are separate sections for portable and fixed stations, low power and high power, as well as an FM Only section for single ops and an SWL section.
The 2 metres counties contest is a very popular event, it's a good opportunity for individuals and groups to test VHF propagation. It's also a good excuse to head for the hills to gain valuable height advantage!
IRTS SSB Field Day Contest takes place next weekend 5th/6th September. Take a look at
North Cork Radio Group
The North Cork Radio Group are pleased to announce their annual Radio, Electronics & Hobby Rally will be held this year on Sunday 13th September 2015 at The Commons Inn, Blackpool, Cork.
As per usual, doors will open at 11am and entry is €5 per person, children under 16 are free. Raffle tickets will be available at the door.
For anyone wishing to secure a table, or stall, please contact Lisa EI9GSB on 086 8427756 or ei9gsb /at/ to ensure early confirmation. For anyone interested in taking the morse test, or to have QSLs checked, please advise us as soon as possible. Dave EI4BZ will be available on the day to conduct morse tests.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Cork Radio Club
Cork Radio resumed meetings for the new season on Wednesday last and a good turnout made final plans for the SSB Field day next weekend.
The club will enter the open section from a site in Glounthaune and anyone interested is invited to attend. An outing, facilitated by John Hearne EI2FG to view the long wave station at Summerhill in County Meath and the old Radio Eireann transmitter site in Athlone is planned for Wednesday September 16th.
Anyone interested in travelling should contact Jim Barry EI8GS by phone or text on 087-2533768 as soon as possible.
The club will meet again on Wednesday September 9th at the Community Centre in Carrigtwohill for a video night when Jim EI8GS will show footage of radio related events from his archives.
The club is seeking expressions of interest from potential candidates for the radio theory examination. Contact Dave Ei4BZ on 087-6290574 or ei4bz /at/
Looking ahead, the club’s October meeting will be held on Wednesday the 7th when Jerry EI6BT will do a presentation on Marine Communications.
UKEICC Contest
The next series of 1-hour 80m contests sponsored by the UK/EI Contest Club starts with SSB at 2000z on Wednesday 2nd September - with CW to follow on 30th September.
As before, entrants have one hour to upload logs, and preliminary results are published within the following 60 minutes.
Everyone is welcome to take part - exchange grid squares (for example IO53), with no need for reports. There were fifteen EI/GI entrants in the corresponding event last year. Rules and results are available at UKEICC dot com.
South Dublin Radio Club
South Dublin radio club is meeting every week from this week onwards. The meetings will start a half hour later, at 8:30pm and finish a half hour later at 10:30pm
Also, next Tuesday 1st September, South Dublin radio club will re-commence radio theory classes for the Amateur Radio examination. The classes are run at no cost except for the €5 weekly tea, coffee and biscuit charge. No prior experience is necessary and beginners are welcome. Please arrive early for the 8.30pm start
If at all possible please pre-register for the classes through the website. However, beginners and visitors are free to drop by any week.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at The Park Hotel, Clonmel on Thursday 3rd September 2015 at 8.30pm. This meeting is open to all and short wave listeners are, in particular, very welcome to attend. A number of radio related topics are up for discussion along with plans for participation in the up coming IRTS SSB Field Day which takes place on the weekend of 5th and 6th September. For more information about Tipperary Amateur Radio Group go to the group website
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will be QRV from the Ardattin Village Fete & Family Fun Day today from 1pm (weather permitting) Ardattin is located just outside Tullow in County Carlow. This is our first time to attend the event and many thanks to Dale McWilliams for his kind invitation as he says "to put the fair on the air" We will have two stations in operation today both HF and VHF. Many of our members will take part in the IRTS 2metres Counties Contest today and we look forward to working many of you from both events
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group are pleased to announce that they are looking at the possibility of running a theory course for the Harec exam. Depending on numbers interested we would hope to start the course in September/October. Individuals interested in attending the course with a view to obtaining an amateur radio licence are asked to get in touch with Mark EI7IS or Seany EI2HZB
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group has appointed Alan Buckley EI3HDB as the QSL manager for the club. All QSL's for SEARG activations can be forwarded to Alan via his address listed on The club would like to thank Alan for taking on this job and we wish him the best of luck in taking care of our QSL's
The August meeting of the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place in the Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford on tomorrow night Monday night 31st August at 8pm. New members or anyone interested in learning more about amateur radio are very welcome to attend.
For up-to-date news about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and our actives you can check our website and you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
DX News
JA0JHQ will be active from Port Vila, Vanuatu as YJ0NH from 3rd to 7th September. He will operate 80m to 6m SSB and CW. QSL to the home call.
Chas NK8O should be QRV as 5H3DX from Zinga in Tanzania from 4th to 28th September. Activity will be mainly on CW on all bands 20m to 6m running 100w to a Hexbeam. QSL manager is EA7FTR.
Robin ZL4IG will operate as 5W0RM from Samoa from 5th to 13th September. Holiday style operation using QRP on 40m to 15m. QSL to home call.
Heinz DF1YP will sign FO/DF1YP from Moorea Island in French Polynesia from 5th September to 1st October. IOTA reference is OC-046 and QSLs are requested via German QSL Bureau.
A group of Russian operators will be active as RT9K/0 from Dobrzhanskogo Island in the next week or so for about 7 days. The island is located in Zone 19 and this will be the first activation for the IOTA Award. The IOTA reference is AS-203 and QSL manager is RX9KM.
Hungary Issues Temporary Permits for 5350 to 5450kHz
The Hungarian telecoms regulator, NMHH (The National Media & Infocommunications Authority – Hungary) is now issuing temporary permits for operation in the band 5350 to 5450 kHz on a Secondary basis for propagation research.
The permits are initially valid for three months. All modes are permitted with a maximum power of 100W (measured at the transceiver output terminal) currently in a nominal maximum bandwidth of 3 kHz.
Activity days are planned and there is a CW beacon on 5357kHz at present using the callsign HA7SO. However this callsign will change in due course to HG7BHB.
Cavan Repeater Group
The Cavan repeater group propose to provide a technical service to newcomers and listeners in its coverage area. Topics can range from PL259 to BNC connecting practices to why you should have an earth rod in your shack, etc. Proposed times are Tuesdays /at/ 20.30 hrs on 145.7875(2 metres) CTCSS 88.5 70.2875 (4 metres) CTCSS 88.5 Cavan Repeaters linking with West Tyrone and the Southern repeater groups.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.