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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 22nd March 2015

83rd IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally – 25th/26thApril-

Kilkenny 2015

With little over a month remaining to the IRTS AGM Dinner tickets are available from any of the organising committee members. You can contact them via email at irtsagm /at/ Remaining tickets are priced at €35 and admission to the dinner is strictly by ticket only. This year’s event takes place in Hotel Kilkenny.

The rally will be on Sunday 26th, doors opening at 11am and admission is €5. Everyone Welcome!

Nominations for IRTS Awards

The IRTS Awards Committee is seeking nominations for “Awards for Services to the Society or to Amateur Radio” and “Awards to IRTS members for Other Achievements”. Details of these Awards are available at under the Awards section. Nominations should reach the Awards Manager (Jim Holohan EI4HH; e-mail holohaj2/at/hotmail/dot/com

IRTS 2m Counties Contest

The IRTS 2m Counties Contest takes place on Monday 6th April 2015. The closing date for the submission of logs is 20th April.

Southern Eastern Amateur Radio Group

SEARG will continue their 2m net on Tuesday nights after the IRTS weekly news. This is to promote the use of the band, which has seen a decline in use. The intended frequency used is 145.400MHz and net has had many stations calling in since its introduction. Everyone welcome to join in.

The March meeting of the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place in the Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford on Monday 30th March at 8pm sharp. All members are asked to attend and new members are most welcome.

Follow SEARG on Facebook and on Twitter.

Cork Radio Club

The Annual General Meeting of Cork Radio Club will be held on Wednesday next March 25th at 8.30pm in Carrigtwohill Community Centre.

All members are asked to attend this very important meeting and new members are always welcome.

The club would like to extend congratulations to vice chairman Fr. Finbarr Buckley EI1CS who celebrated the golden jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood last weekend. Enquiries about the club are welcome by emailing davebeag /at/ or by telephone to 087-6290574.

Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at The Park Hotel, Clonmel on Thursday 26th March 2015 at 8.30pm. This meeting is open to all and short wave listeners are very welcome to attend. A number of radio related topics are up for discussion as well as plans for participation in the forthcoming IRTS 2meters Counties Contest. For more information about Tipperary Amateur Radio Group go to the group website

DX News

A group of Polish operators will be in Nepal until 30 March. Callsigns to look for are 9N7CC, 9N7FD and 9N7WE. Activity will be on 40 – 10m SSB and CW.

A short operation from the Brazilian island of Trindade will take place from 2 – 4 April. Trindade is a separate DXCC entity and is normally inhabited by a small detachment of Brazilian naval personnel. The callsign will be PQ0T and they hope to be active on 160 – 6m. QSL manager is PP5BZ.

The Pacific island of Nauru will be on the air from 25 March – 4 April. A team of 4 operators will sign C21EU and be on 40 – 10m CW, SSB and Digital. QSLs go via DL2AWG.

A holiday style activation from the Maldive Islands by Ben DL1RNT who will sign 8Q7NT will be on the air from 25 March – 2 April. Operation will be mainly CW on 40 – 10m. QSLs go via the home call.


IRTS has been issued with the call sign EI90IARU to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in Paris in 1925. The call sign is available for use by any EI station in the 26 counties holding a current amateur station licence.

Anyone wishing to use the call sign can do so subject to notifying Dave O'Conner EI6AL of the times/ bands/modes prior to going on the air so as to avoid any potential duplication. Anyone applying to use the call sign is considered to be undertaking to use it in accordance with the ComReg Regulations, Technical Conditions, Frequency allocations and Guidelines relating to amateur stations.

It is also essential that logs (preferably in ADI format) are kept when using the call sign and copies emailed to Dave EI6AL so that a central log can be held for QSL or other purposes. Dave can be contacted at dave.ei6al /at/ or by phone on 086 1000000

South Dublin Radio Club AGM

This years South Dublin Radio Club AGM will take place on Tuesday 14th April at 8pm. All members are asked to attend.

Limerick Radio Club Rally

Regretfully, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Limerick Radio Club Committee has decided to cancel this years’ rally, which was scheduled for Sunday 29th March 2015. We sincerely apologise to all concerned and regret any inconvenience caused.

Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.

Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.


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