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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 1st February 2015
Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups
It is once again that time of year to recall all the trophies and cups which were presented at last years AGM in Galway.
Items can be given to any IRTS committee member by March 25th, or if more convenient returned to the IRTS stand at the Phoenix Rally on Sunday February 15th, or at the very latest at the Limerick Rally on March 29th.
This will allow any cleaning, repairs and up to date engraving to be done.
Forthcoming radio rallies
The first 2015 rally is the annual Phoenix Amateur Radio Club rally, which takes places as usual in the Coolmine Community School, near Blanchardstown Shopping Centre, on Sunday 15th February.
The Limerick Radio Club will now hold their Sunday 29th March 2015. Doors open at 11am. €5 admission and under sixteen’s are free. For more details see
Shannon Basin Radio Club
The Shannon Basin Radio Club held its AGM in Roscommon on the 16th January last.
The following officers were elected, Chairman: Pat EI9HX. Secretary: Brian EI8IU. Treasurers: Fergus EI6IB & Brian EI8IU. QSL Manager: Anthony EI6GGB. Contest Manager: Mark EI6JK. Webmaster: Anthony EI6GGB. The Club would like to thank the outgoing committee for all their hard work and commitment.
Limerick Radio Club
The Limerick Radio Club AGM will take place on Wednesday 11th February at 7.30pm at the Limerick Institute of Technology. All members are requested to attend. The annual club rally will take place on Sunday 29 March from 11.00am at the Radisson Hotel Ennis Road Limerick admission is just €5 and under 16's are free. To increase 2metre activity in the Mid West, all operators in the region are invited to call in on 145.400MHz after the Monday night news.
Sota activation (Arderin) Ard Eireann Sota ref
A group of radio amateurs from Limerick Radio Club will activate Ard Eireann, SOTA Ref: EI/IE-019 today 1st February from approx 10.30 am. They hope to be active on 40, 20, 15, 10 and 2 meters on modes including CW, SSB and FM.
IRTS Region4 Radio Theory Classes
Radio Theory classes in preparation for the next Amateur Station license examination will be held in Limerick depending on numbers. Anyone interested in attending should contact Ger McNamara EI4GXB before Sunday 15 February, via email ei4gxb/at/gmail/dot/com or 061 354922/087 2532512.
UKEICC 80metre Activity
The monthly one-hour 80m contest organised by the UK & Ireland Contest Club took place last Wednesday 26th January.
This time it was SSB, with entries from ten EIs, and at least three more were active. EI9HX took second place overall with 73 QSOs in the high-power section, and EI5KF was third with 56 QSOs. In the low-power section EI2KA was second overall.
These one-hour events are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. The next one will be CW, on 25th February. Full details and results are posted at
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The January meeting of SEARG had a large attendance and everyone enjoyed the informative talk given by IRTS President Seamus McCague EI8BP. Seamus covered a range of topics including how the IRTS and the IARU work and how we need to encourage youth into the hobby. All the members of SEARG would like to thank Seamus for talking the time to come and join us and speak at our meeting.
SEARG are organising a 2metre net every Tuesday night after the IRTS weekly news. This is to promote the use of 2metres and frequency used is 145.400MHz. Everyone is welcome to join in the net and get 2metres active again. Last Tuesday’s net was a very successful one with callers from many parts of the country including Cork, Kilkenny and as far north as Dundalk in Co. Louth.
Tickets for the annual IRTS dinner, this year, held on Saturday evening 25th April at 7.00pm are now available from John Ronan EI7IG via email on irtsagm/at/searg/dot/com. Tickets are available from IRTS regional representatives and will also be available from David EI6GVB at the Phoenix Rally in Coolmine on Sunday 15th February.
For anyone wishing to stay in Hotel Kilkenny for the IRTS AGM weekend, you are advised to book your room as soon as possible. A large number of the reserved rooms have now been taken and there is no guarantee rooms will be available as the event draws nearer. When booking please use the code IRTS/SEARG RADIO to get a reduced rate on rooms.
You can follow SEARG on Facebook and on
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at The Park Hotel, Clonmel on Thursday 5th February 2015 at 8.30pm. This meeting is open to all and Short Wave Listeners are in particular very welcome to attend. A number of radio related topics are up for discussion as well as plans for participation in upcoming radio related events. For more information about Tipperary Amateur Radio Group go to the group visit the website
Fingal Radio Club
Again this week EI2FRC and EI2HD Dermot, had 6 call-ins during the 2metre call-in on Wednesday last at 7p.m. Please try and support us if possible to keep 2metres alive. The frequency is 145.7625MHz, CTCSS 88.5KHz, the Dublin repeater, the time is 7pm and the day is Wednesday, that is every Wednesday, so go on have a bash, we would love to talk to you.
DX News
Hrane YT1AD will be visiting several Pacific islands over the next two weeks. Look for him as 3D2AD in Fiji 3rd to 8th February. 5W7A in Samoa 8th to 11th February. KH8/N9YU in American Samoa 11th to 12th February. KH6/N9YU in Hawaii 13th to 14th February. He will be operating all bands SSB and CW.
Four US operators will be active from Guantanamo Bay from 6t to 13th February. Calls to watch out for are KG4AS, KG4HI, KG4RQ and KG4YL. Activity will be on all bands 160m – 6m SSB, CW and Digital.
An unusual callsign on the air for the past number of months is 4U20B. This station is located in Brindisi, Italy and commemorates the 20th anniversary of the UN Logistics Base there. The call will be used until next July and the QSL manager is 9A2AA.
The Melaka DX Club will be sending a 16 man team to Indah Island where they will operate as 9M4SI from 7th to 9th February. This island counts as AS-074 for the Islands on the Air Award and the QSL Manger for the expedition is 9M2YOT.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.