Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 7th September 2014
IRTS SSB Field Day Contest
The closing date for the submission of logs for this weekends contest is 21st September. Please refer to www.irts/ie/contests for more details.
Echo Ireland
The September issue of Echo Ireland will be posted to members during the week. Clubs activities featured in this issue include the Geoparks Communications weekend activation by the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and contest participation by the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group and by Avondhu Radio Club.
Paul EI5DI gives us a personal perspective on amateur radio in a thoughtful article in which he considers the future of the amateur radio service against the background of the increasing use of the Internet by radio amateurs. There is also an interesting article by Andy EI2HH on the now-disused Radio Éireann AM Transmitters at Athlone, and the initiative to preserve the Athlone site for visitor and educational use, which it is hoped might lead to a permanent exhibition of radio-related activities.
Phil ON4TA - a frequent visitor to EI and GI for SOTA activities - provides details of an experimental dipole for 6 metres and 4 metres. Also on the subject of antennas, Doug EI2CN reviews a portable QRP loop antenna which he has used with some success.
The regular columns in the September Echo Ireland provide interesting reading: HF Happenings from Anthony EI2KC covers a diverse range of topics including propagation, logging software, cluster problems and upcoming DX activations. In his latest "excerpts from the HX files", Pat EI2HX reports on his latest acquisitions of amateur TV components at the Friedrichshafen Rally in June.
The next edition of Echo Ireland will be published in December and the closing date for the submission of articles and content is November 14th.
Next IRTS Committee Meeting
The Next IRTS Committee meeting takes place on Saturday 13th September at the Creggan Court Hotel, Athlone.
IRTS affiliated clubs are welcome to send a representative to attend committee meetings. Further details available from Ger, EI4GXB/at/gmail/dot/com.
North Cork Radio Group
The NCRG annual rally takes place today Sunday 7th September. Admission is 5 euro doors open 11am. Promises to be a great event as usual.
DX News
Nigel G3TXF and Paul ZS1S left Cape Town on Thursday last and are due to arrive at Gough Island next Tuesday (9th September). They will be there until 3 October. Nigel will operate as ZD9XF on CW and Paul will sign ZD9ZS on SSB.
Chatham Island will be activated by a group of Japanese operators from 11 – 16 September. The callsign will be ZL7X and QSL Manager is JA0VSH. Their preferred frequencies can be found on
Four Australian operators will sign VK9NT from Norfolk Island from 12 – 21 September. Look for them on all bands 160 – 10m SSB and CW.
A reminder that the 15th annual ‘Route 66 on the Air’ takes place from 6 – 14 September. As usual callsigns will be W6A through to W6U.
Mayo Radio Experimenters Network
The Mayo Radio Experimenters Network have set the date for the Radio Rally in the usual venue the Welcome Inn Hotel, Castlebar for Sunday 12th October 2014. For further details please contact the rally director, Padraic EI9JA on 0876957154.
Newly Formed UK Island Group
From 6th & 7th September 2014 the newly formed UK Island group will be signing M0UKI/p from the rare Farne Islands (IOTA EU-109).Team members EI9FBB, G0VJG, G7GLW & M0OXO will be QRV with 2 stations and aim to give this IOTA to as many chasers as possible within the short time frame. (Special attention will be given to work as many EI's as possible too!) QSL via M0OXO.
Study for the Amateur Radio Licence
Are you thinking about becoming a licenced amateur radio operator. Contact your nearest club, contact details of which are available on The complete amateur radio examination course is available as a zip file for download on and
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.