Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 29th June 2014
The IRTS UHF/VHF Field Day take place on Saturday and Sunday July 5th/6th 2014. The closing date for the submission of logs is 20th July 2014. Full details available on
IRTS Technical Panel
The IRTS Technical Panel is a group of volunteers who have expertise in, or experience of, different aspects of amateur radio. Our aim is to help radio amateurs with technical or operational problems. Please send your queries to irtstech/at/irts/dot/ie with as much information as possible to describe your technical difficulty. The proposed solution to your query will then be emailed to you.
The North Cork Radio Group
The North Cork Radio Group will be holding their annual Radio & Electronics Rally on 7th September 2014 at the Commons Inn, Blackpool, Cork. Doors open at 11am and admission is €5 per person (children under 16 are free).
As per usual, raffle tickets will be sold on the door at €5 for 3 strips. There are some great prizes to be won. The usual traders will be present, as well as some first time visitors to the Cork Rally, so hopefully plenty of bargains on the day. There will also be a bring and buy stand for anyone wishing to re-home an item or two.
Tables in the venue are going fast, so should anyone wish to book please contact the Group Secretary, Lisa Cummins, on 086 8427756 or ei9gsb/at/me/dot/com
NCRG Annual Radio & Electronics Rally
The NCRG rally takes place on Sunday 7th September 2014 in the Commons Inn, Blackpool, Cork. Doors open at 11am and admission is 5euro with under 16’s get free admission. Contact Lisa EI9GSB at ei9gsb/at/me/dot/com. Website is
Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society
Bangor and District ARS will hold their annual summer rally on Saturday 5th July 2014. The event will be hosted in the Donaghadee Community Centre, County Down. Doors open at 11.30am.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will be QRV as EI2WRC/P from The Promenade Festival in Tramore Co. Waterford over the weekend of Friday, Saturday & Sunday 4th, 5th & 6th July. A huge variety of exciting attractions & family friendly activities including sand art, street entertainment, a regatta, maritime heritage events, stalls along the prom, performances & light shows have been organised over the course of the weekend.
The festival also celebrates the work of the Emergency Services who will showcase their skills to the public with exciting displays & demonstrations. SEARG will set up a station displaying the great hobby of Amateur Radio. For more information about the festival please see and for updates on our participation see The June meeting of the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place in the Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford on tomorrow night Monday 30th June at 8.30 p.m. Please note the change of time from 8 to 8.30 pm. This meeting will be preceded by a committee at 8.00 p.m. sharp. New members and anyone interested in learning more about amateur radio are very welcome to attend. For up-to-date news about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and it’s actives you can check our website and you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
DX News
Dmitry RM2A will be visiting several Fijian islands between 1 – 13 July. While in Fiji he will sign 3D2ML. While there he will make a side trip to Samoa between 3 – 7 July where he will use the call 5W0ML. QSLs go via his home call.
David OK6DJ will operate as SV5/OK6DJ from Rhodes in the Dodecanese Islands from 1 – 7 July. This will be a holiday style operation.
Laurent F8BBL will use the special callsign TK14CC from Corsica from 5 – 19 July while on holidays there. Operation will be mainly CW on 80 – 6m.
Alexander UA3IPL will be active as JW/UA3IPL from Spitsbergen until 28 August. QSL Manager is RW6HS.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.