Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 8th June 2014
Silent Key
The death has occurred of RSGB Deputy Regional Manager Melvyn Irvine, MI0MSR, who passed away suddenly on Thursday 29th May 2014. Melvyn was a faithful member of the Region 8 team and was well known as Jim Bob’s sidekick at rallies the length and breadth of the country.
His funeral took place Sunday 1st June 2014 at 2pm from his home, 7 The Brambles, Devrock, Co. Antrim.
May he rest in peace.
Silent Key
The death has occurred of Michael Ryan, RIP. Michael EI7ET was a former member of IRTS & Limerick Radio Club, Formerely of Fairgreen, Limerick. The funeral took place Wednesday 4th June 2014 burial took place at Mount St. Oliver Cemetery Limerick.
May he rest in peace.
Echo Ireland, June 2014
In the June issue of the society's journal, Echo Ireland, we have a statement of the Annual Accounts and Committee Report for 2013, which were circulated to members at the AGM, and would be of particular interest to those who were unable to attend the meeting. Other material from the AGM includes a list of the awards presented at the meeting and photos of some of the award presentations.
In his regular column "HF Happenings", Anthony EI2KC covers recent and upcoming DX activations with some comments also on band conditions. Another regular contributor, Pat EI2HX, offers his readers "something completely different" - we'll keep you in suspense until the journal arrives in your letterbox!
Club activities covered in the June Echo Ireland include an interesting activation at Malin Head by the Carndonagh Amateur Radio Club as well as contest operations and antenna experiments by a number of clubs. Anyone aspiring to obtain an amateur station licence will be interested to read the article by Alan EI3HYB, who was licensed less than a year ago and writes about his start-up experiences.
All this, and plenty more, in the June Echo Ireland
IRTS Contests
The closing date for the submission of logs for this weekend’s IRTS CW Field Day is June 22nd 2014.
The IRTS 80m Contest takes place June 22nd and the closing date for submission of logs is 6th July 2014. Full details are available from
International Museums Weekend 2014
International Museums Weekend takes place on two consecutive weekends in June 14/15 and 21/22. The Howth Martello Radio Group will be participating on Saturday 14th from the Radio Museum located in the Martello Tower using the call-sign EI0MAR. This event is not a contest but awards are available for working the various award stations of which EI0MAR is one. It is planned to be QRV from about 0900 UTC until at least 1700 and visitors will be most welcome.
Sligo Amateur Radio Club
Sligo Amateur Radio Club is pleased to announce that a new 2m voice repeater (EI2TKR) has been installed back on Truskmore Mountain in Co Sligo (IO54TI ). Channel RV56 (R4). Output Frequency 145.700MHz Input frequency 145.100MHz. CTCSS only 77Hz. As a new antenna location is being used, the Club would appreciate signal reports and these can be sent to either EI7CS or EI8BEB.
DX News
John K9EL will be on the Caribbean Island of Saint Martin from 8 – 27 June. He will use the callsign FS/K9EL. The station is located on a hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. He will be active on all bands 160 – 6m.
OK1QQ will be QRV as SV5/OK1QQ from the island of Kos in the Dodecanese Islands from 16 – 26 June. QSLs go via his home call.
Look out for two new Palestinian calls on the air soon. Husband and wife, Walaa and Mai, have been issued with the callsigns E41WT and E41MT. Their QSL manager will be KB9GSY.
Rock music fans who attended the ‘Eagles’ concerts in Dublin last week would probably have been surprised to learn that the legendary guitarist Joe Walsh is an enthusiastic amateur radio operator. Joe holds the callsign WB6ACU.
2014 is the centenary year of the Panama Canal. To celebrate the event two stations will be on the air until August. Look for 3E100PC and HO100CANAL.
The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
Registrations in the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend in August are ahead of this time last year, with 270 received so far from 33 countries.
To register for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend on August the 16th and 17th, visit the website
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.