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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 8th December 2013

Silent Key – Tom EI6GB

The death has occured of Tom Hughes EI6GB of Rathnew, Ardmore Park Bray and Point Road Dundalk. Tom died peacefully at his home on Monday last. Tom was a regular caller on the Sunday radio news bulletins and was a great 10metre enthusiast. The Society was represented at his funeral on Thursday last in Ashford by the Vice President, Jim Smith Ei4CP. To his partner Frances, his sisters Mary and Valerie, his brother Billy and to his extended family we offer our deepest sympathy. May he rest in peace.

SDR Net - First Anniversary

In late 2012, some members of the South Dublin Radio Club discussed the possibility of establishing an EI Net on the 40metre band

In early December 2012, John EI7BV, Tom EI7HT and Tony EI7GUB took the first tentative steps in establishing what has become known as the' SDR Net'. Since then it has become a regular feature on the 40meter band, not only among SDR Members but also with a number of EIs from around the country as well as a few regular GIs.

As we celebrate our first anniversary this week-end, we thank everyone who has supported the net and extend an invitation to all EIs to call in.

Custom and practice has now established 7110 kHz +/- QRM as the Net frequency. It normally commences around 11.30 following the 40m news call-ins and typically runs for 45 minutes to an Hour.

Tipperary Amateur Radio Group – AGM

On Wednesday 27th November 2013 last, members of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group met in Clonmel at 8.30pm for their 19th AGM. This was a well attended meeting with group members travelling from Co Kilkenny, Co Waterford, Co Limerick and Co Cork joining their Co Tipperary based colleagues. Paul EI3ENB chaired this very productive meeting with John EI7IG reading the minutes from last years AGM. The group treasurer Thomas EI2IT reported a healthy financial situation for the group, which was formed in October 1994. A detailed review of the years’ activities took place. Particular praise was given to Eddie EI3FFB for reading the weekly IRTS news every Sunday evening at 8.30pm on 145.450mhz FM. A venue change for group meetings was proposed and as from 2014 all future meetings will be held at The Park Hotel, Clonmel. The new committee was then elected for the coming year and the meeting concluded at 11.30pm when Paul EI3ENB thanked all for their input and efforts in attending this most important event of the calendar year for TARG. The new committee was elected as follows:-

Chairman- Paul Norris EI3ENB Vice Chairman - Eddie Kavangh EI3FFB Secretary - John Ronan EI7IG Treasurer - Thomas Hallinan EI2IT Group PRO - Hugh O'Donnell EI2HI

Limerick – Radio Theory Classes

Radio theory classes in preparation for the next Amateur Station License will begin in January 2014. The classes will be held in Limerick City, and anyone from Region 4, which comprises Clare, Kerry, Limerick & Tipperary, are welcome to attend. If you are interested please contact Ger McNamara EI4GXB via email ei4gxb/at/gmail/dot/com or by phone to 087 2532512 / 061 354922

Kerry Amateur Radio Group

The Kerry Amateur Radio Group is pleased to announce another step in the groups ongoing 70cms repeater upgrade program. The repeater has moved to a new home. Situated on Mullaghanish, Co. Kerry with a new callsign EI7MGR, the better coverage will ensure a greater availability of the repeater to the amateur radio community in Co. Kerry and beyond. Reception reports have already been received from areas not covered from the previous location. The Kerry Amateur Radio Group look forward to receiving reception reports to and to working you on the air. The Kerry Amateur Radio Group wish to thank all those who have assisted with the continuing repeater upgrade program.


The EI DXCC list on the IRTS web site shows the EI call sign holders who have obtained ARRL's DXCC award. We are delighted to see three new "faces" in the latest update of the list. They are Alan EI3HDB, who lives in Wexford, Joe EI5EV from Kilkenny and Roscommon-based Anthony EI6GGB. Some of the long-standing DXCC holders have also increased their award totals: the EI DXCC list at is updated monthly, with new entries and other changes highlighted.

Limerick Radio Club.

The Limerick Radio Club annual Christmas quiz will take place on Wednesday 11th December next at the Limerick Institute of Technology /at/ 19.30. Lots of prizes up for grabs!! Plans & operations for 2014 will also be announced.

Network Southern Area Radio Experimenter Club

Network Southern Area Radio Experimenter Club, EI9E, will operate the call sign EI13CLAN from December 14th 1200UTC until 15th December 1200UTC. The mode of operation will be data for the majority of the time, however, some CW/SSB will be used on bands from 12metres up to 160metres.

DX News

Three U.S. amateurs, KI1U, N1TA and K0BJ will be active as 8P8T in Barbados during the ARRL 10m Contest but will also be active between 9th and 16th December as 8P9IU, 8P9TA and 8P9BJ respectively. QSLs go via the home calls.

Scott K7ZO will be QRV as YN5Z in Nicaragua from 11 – 18 December. Operation will be mainly on 20 – 10m using a Spiderbeam. QSL via K7ZO.

A special callsign, 3A60ARM, will be in use until the end of this month in Monaco to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Association des Radioamateurs de Monaco. QSLs should be sent via the 3A2 bureau and a special QSL card will be available in early 2014.

Ivo 9A3A is at present in Sierra Leone and is active as 9L1A. QSLs go via 9A2AA. Please note that 9L1A is a reissued callsign and the previous operator IK2CKR handles his own QSLs.

Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.

Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.


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