Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 6th October 2013
EI6IJ Fund in support of Affiliated Clubs
The IRTS Committee will consider the awarding of a number of grants to Affiliated Clubs. These grants will primarily be funded by a kind donation of the late John O’Riordan EI6IJ. The grants will be of around €300 and usually not exceeding a total of €1000 in any one year. These grants will assist with the holding of public special event stations by clubs affiliated to IRTS. The stations should have significant public exposure with the specific intention of demonstrating Amateur Radio to members of the public. The funds may be allocated in one or more grants, or not at all, depending on the nature of applications received.
Further information and terms and conditions are on the IRTS website at
Limerick Radio Club
Limerick Radio Club will meet after their Summer break on Wednesday 9 October at the Limerick Institute of Technology at 7.30pm. The club had a very busy Summer season and took part in numerous events which will be summarized at the meeting. Further information on Limerick Radio Club can be got by visiting the club website,
Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group Rally
The Carrickfergus ARG will hold their radio rally in Downshire Community College Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim BT38 7DA, on Saturday 19th October.Doors open at 11:30. Contact Tim, MI0TBL on email, carg (at) Hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk.
Cork Radio Club
Cork Radio Club will meet at the Community Centre in Carrigtwohill on Tuesday October 15th at 2000. New members are always very welcome.
Irish Amateur Television Club
The IATC welcome visitors to their website, Should any amateur radio operator have an ATV project they would like to be featured on the IATC website, details of how this can be achieved are available by visiting the above site.
The Dublin ATV repeater is running a test card on 2390.00Mhz. This frequency is just below the 2.4Ghz video senders section. All reports are welcome and should be sent to Tom, EI7HT at South Dublin Radio Club.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group have been asked to take part in an event which runs from mid-October until the end of the year. We are looking to get some CW operators who would maybe be interested in getting involved in this project. If any CW operators out there would have a few hours to spare on any Saturday between now and Christmas and would like to help out please get in touch with Mark Wall EI7IS on 087 6302026 or Sean Byrne EI2HZB on 083 1379764. Even if you haven't used Morse in a while, this is an ideal opportunity to get back into practice as the code can be sent at any speed at the discretion of the operator.
DX News
Two American operators, W4WV and W6HGF, will be active from Guantanamo Bay from 11 – 25 October. They will use the callsigns KG4WV and KG4HF respectively. They intend to work all bands 160 – 6m using SSB, RTTY, PSK and some CW. QSLs go via the home calls.
Luc F5RAV will be back in Senegal as 6V7T from 8 – 17 October. He and 6W7RV plan to make a side trip to N’gor Island (IOTA AF-045) from 11-14 October where he will sign 6V7T/P.
Thierry F4BDG will be QRV as TO4FM from the Caribbean island of Martinique from 5 – 19 October. IOTA reference for this one is NA-107. QSL manager is EA5GL and logs will be uploaded to Logbook on The Air.
Fabio IZ0YIZ will be in the South Cook Islands on holidays this month. He will use the callsign E51YIV. From 9 – 13 October he will be on Rarotonga Island (IOTA OC-013) and from 13 – 17 October on Aitutaki Island (IOTA OC-083). QSLs go via his home call.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.