Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 30th June 2013
Silent Key
Joe Duffin EI8GT/W2ORA passed away on June 16th last, aged 88. Joe was licensed in the early 1940's and was an Honorary members of the IRTS and a member of South Jersey Radio Association, which was twinned with Limerick Radio Club in 1989. To Joe's Wife Connie and family, we extend our deepest condolences. May he Rest in Peace.
Become a Member of the IRTS
Log onto and download a free edition of ECHO Ireland magazine and at the same time you can also download a membership application form. The IRTS is your amateur radio national society. Come join us at the IRTS. Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter.
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society had the use of " The Gathering " call sign EI13CLAN on Saturday 22nd June. Operating on all bands and modes. The members had a very enjoyable 24 hour activation and would like to thank the IRTS for the opportunity to put this unique callsign on the bands for the day.
Fingal Radio Club
Fingal Radio Club now meet most Tuesday evenings at 8.00pm in the KittyHawks Bistro in the Carlton Hotel on the old airport road just outside Dublin Airport.
We would also like to hear from any amateurs who might be interested in 4 day trip to the UK to visit the enigma machine among other items on display in Bletchley Park Museum.
We hope to do this in conjunction with 11-13 OCTOBER RSGB CONVENTION.
For further details please contact Christopher, EI7AAB,at yeatesdsl/ /at/ /eircom/dot/net or on 087-2463303.
Olivier ON4EI 7th to 31st July 2013
Olivier ON4EI is back to Ireland to operate EI8GQB/EI1A from a caravan using green energy. He will also activate EI1A callsign during: -the IARU HF Worldchampionship contest July 13-14, -the CQ WW VHF contest July 20-21 (on 50 MHz only), -the Island On The Air contest July 27-28.
Follow the activity and antenna experimentation on where you will find a live information banner with on air frequencies and information. Also LIVE video streaming from the caravan will be provided on
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group activated Kells Priory CASHOTA activation EI023/C in County Kilkenny over last weekend Saturday and Sunday the 22nd and 23rd of June. Kells Priory had never been activated before and even though band conditions were poor a large number of QSO’s were logged. We had many visitors to the station both fellow amateurs and non-operators. The club also participated in the 80metres Counties Contest on the Sunday before the station came to a close.
A great weekend was had by all and we gained lots of interest in the hobby of Amateur Radio from the general public which hopefully will lead to many more people taking up the hobby and becoming operators. The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group would like to thank everyone who called to the station over the weekend. The crew would especially like to thank Mrs. Bernadette Drennan for the excellent dinner she cooked for all the lads on the Saturday evening. It was very much appreciated. The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will hopefully return to activate Kells Priory again in the near future.
The final session of the refresher course for the radio theory examination will take place on Monday 1st of July at the Roanmore Centre at 7pm. All the members of The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group would like to wish all examination candidates sitting the exam on the 4th July the very best of luck in the examination.
For up-to-date news about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and its activities you can check our website and you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Bangor Rally
The Bangor and District ARS Summer Rally will be held on July 6th Donaghadee Community Centre. County Down. Doors open at 11.30am. Contact Bill GI4AAM for further details and log onto
North Cork Radio Group & Radio Electronics Fair
The NCRG will hold their radio rally on Sunday 15th September 2013. The event will be held at the Commons Inn, Blackpool, Cork and doors open at 11.00am. Log onto or contact Edwin EI2HEB.
DX News
Antonio EA4GBA will be working in Mozambique from now until mid-December 2013. While there he will operate as C91GBA. He hopes to be QRV on all bands 80 – 10m. Logs will be uploaded to ClubLog and QSLs are via his home call.
Phil G3SWH finishes a few days as 8P9PW in Barbados on 1 July and QSYs to Jamaica. From 2 – 9 July he will sign 6Y5/G3SWH. Operation will be CW only.
Hans PB2T returns to Ghana from 2 – 7 July and will reactivate 9G5AA during his spare time. Cards go via his home call.
TU5DF will be on the air from the Ivory Coast from now until mid-October. The operator will be F5SWB who has operated from a number of African countries in the past.
A group of Belgian operators will be active from Luxembourg from 30 June until 5 July. They will sign LX/OO6P and QSLs go via ON6ZV.
Ger, EI4GXB will be QRV as ES/EI4GXB on CW/SSB from 3-7 July on all HF bands.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.