Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 27th January 2013
IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally
This year the 81st IRTS AGM is hosted by Shannon Basin Radio Club. The event takes place in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel in Athlone. Tickets for the Dinner on Saturday night (8.00 for 8.30pm) will be available at 30 Euro each from Brian EI8IU QTHR and through IRTS Committee Members. Dress code, as usual, is smart/casual. Menu details is available from the IRTS website. More updates to follow.
Return of IRTS Awards & Trophies
It is time once again to recall all trophies presented at last years IRTS, AGM. Trophies and Cups can be returned to the IRTS Stand at the Phoenix Radio Club Rally in Coolmine on Sunday 10 th February or to any IRTS Committee Member before end of February 2013.
IRTS Awards Nominations.
It is time once again for nominations for the several awards for IRTS Trophies and cups that are required from within the membership, this includes the awards for:
Service to the Society or to Amateur Radio.
Awards in this category can be to members or non - members.
Awards for Other Achievements:
Awards in this category include the 4 and 6 M Shields; the SWL Award; and the awards for Quality Construction Projects.
These are confined to Members Only.
When considering your nomination, please refer to previous successful winners, please refer to
Nominations may be from Clubs or individuals, must be by post or e-mail, and can be forwarded to the Awards Committee Members, Pat EI2HX, Jim EI4HH or, Peter EI4HX, Chair of awards committee, QTHR or by e-mail to ei4hxperimental/at eircom/dot/net
Closing date for nominations is February 28th 2013.
Coolmine Radio Rally
Coolmine rally will be held at the Coolmine Community School on Sunday 10th February 2013. Doors open at 8.30am for traders.11am is the time the doors open for the public. Admission is €5.00. Usual traders will attend and there will be a bring and buy sale. Tea and refreshments available all day during the event. Unlimited free car parking available. To book a table for the rally please call the following: Tom, 01 8211043 or Tony, 087 2439997. Everyone welcome to this excellent annual event.
Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Rally
The Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Rally rally takes place Saturday March 2nd at The Village Centre,7 Ballynahinch Road, Hillsborough BT26 6AR Doors open 11:30 a.m. Admission is £3.00. Everyone Welcome.
Any member wishing go on air with EI13CLAN should contact Dave EI6AL at dave.ei6al /at/ or by phone on 0861000000.
DX News
K8AQM will be in the Cayman Islands until 2 February. Look for him using the callsign ZF2TA on 20–10m CW and SSB. QSL to his home call. Logs will also be uploaded to Logbook of the World.
Sam K0YAK will operate as ST2SF from the Sudan until mid-April. He hopes to be on 40-10m. QSL to his home call.
The well-known ‘Buddies in the Caribbean’ group are off to Barbados for their next trip. Listen for the 8P9 prefix during the period 29 January to 6 February. There will be at least eight separate callsigns in use. As usual they will have their trademark Buddipole antennas.
Prefix hunters will be interested to hear of TC16BURSA which is active until 10 March. This station is located in Bursa, Turkey and operated by members of local branch of the Turkish Radio Amateur Club.
Sean Carvin EII2CR writes to us stating he will be visiting Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands from 01 Feb until 04 Feb 2013. He will operate "Holiday Style" 40M - 10M using callsign KH0/EI2CR.
Lough Erne Rally
The thirty second Lough Erne Rally is only nine weeks away – on Sunday 24th March. More details to follow.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.