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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 20th January 2013
IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally
This year the 81st IRTS AGM is hosted by Shannon Basin Radio Club. The event takes place in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel in Athlone. Tickets for the Dinner on Saturday night (8.00 for 8.30pm) will be available at 30 Euro each from Brian EI8IU QTHR and through IRTS Committee Members.Dress code, as usual, is smart/casual.Menu details is available from the irts website. More updates to follow.
Return of IRTS Award Trophies
It is time once again to recall all trophies presented at last years IRTS, AGM.
Trophies and Cups can be returned to the IRTS Stand at the Phoenix Radio Club Rally in Coolmine on Sunday 10 th February or to any IRTS Committee Member before end of February 2013.
This will allow for any engraving to be done, or to allow any repairs as needed. Early return will be appreciated. Peter EI4HX ei4hxperimental/at /eircom/dot/net. More details to follow next week.
Greenland Gets Full 5 MHz Allocation
Greenland has changed to a full 5 MHz band allocation of 5250 to 5450 kHz. This replaces the channelised arrangement first introduced in February 2008. This development is particularly interesting as this is the frequency segment in which WRC-15 will be considering a worldwide allocation to the amateur service. Let's hope more countries follow this lead.
Coolmine Radio Rally
Coolmine rally will be held at the Coolmine Community School on Sunday 10th February 2013. Doors open at 8.30am for traders and for member of the public at 9.00am. Admission is €5.00. Usual traders will attend and there will be a bring and buy sale. Tea and refreshments available all day during the event. Unlimited free car parking available. To book a table for the rally please call the following: Tom, 01 8211043 or Tony, 087 2439997. Everyone welcome to this excellent annual event.
Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Rally
The Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Rally rally takes place Saturday March 2nd at The Village Centre,7 Ballynahinch Road, Hillsborough BT26 6AR Doors open 11:30 a.m. Admission is £3.00. Everyone Welcome.
Lough Erne Rally
The thirty second Lough Erne Rally is only nine weeks away – on Sunday 24 March.
From the first Enniskillen Rally back in 1982 this rally has been a great gathering of radio amateurs and experimenters from the whole of Ireland. This 2013 Rally will be the sixth held in the SHARE Centre near Lisnaskea in County Fermanagh.
The Radio Amateur Old Timers Association had a stand at last year’s Rally and recruited a large number of new members. The Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club again offers amateur radio clubs and organisations a stand at this year’s rally to promote their particular interest to this rally’s usually wide and numerous attendance.
Contact Iain Mi0IIG, Rally Organiser. Tel 028/048 -6632-6693. Email iain
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The next monthly meeting of the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place in the Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford on Monday the 28th January at 8.30 p.m. The meeting will be preceded by a committee meeting at 8.00 pm sharp. Plans for club activities for 2013 will hopefully be discussed at the meeting and will include the possibility of running a CW course for those interested and also the running of a refresher course for anyone who wishes to re-sit the next exam. Membership subscriptions are now due for 2013. The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group is open for anyone to join that has an interest in amateur radio or anything related to the hobby. You don’t have to be a licensed operator to join. SWL’s are just as welcome to join. Cost is €30 normally and €20 for students, unemployed and those in receipt of pension. Membership should be paid by the end of March. Anyone who paid in November or December are automatically fully paid up for the year 2013. You can give your payment to any committee member or you can pay at the next general meeting on the 28th January.
For up-to-date news about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and it’s actives you can check our website and you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Any member wishing go on air with EI13CLAN should contact Dave EI6AL at dave.ei6al /at/ or by phone on 0861000000.
DX News
A group of American operators will be active from the Bahamas from 20-27 January. Calls to look out for will include C6AGH and C6DX. They plan to have three stations on the air on all bands 160-10m.
The Indian Ocean DXCC entity of Reunion Island will be visited by two French amateurs who will operate as FR/F8APV and FR/F8EOI from 21 January until 8 February. They will focus mainly on 30m CW and 20m SSB. QSLs go via their home calls.
Bernie W3UR, the well-known editor of ‘The Daily DX’, together with his father Tony N3ME, will be on the Caribbean island of Dominica using the callsigns J77A and J76A respectively. J77A will be active from 22 January until 1 February and J76A from 22 January until 11 February
Peter HA3AUI has returned to Africa and is at present active as 6W2SC in Senegal. He also plans to travel to Guinea-Bissau where he will reactivate his J5UAP callsign. Exact dates are not available but he will be in Africa until around 10 March. QSLs go to his home call.
The F6KOP, Radio Club de Provins team will be QRV from Uganda signing 5X8C from February 6th to the 18th. Previously QRV as 5H1C, J5C, PJ4C, XT2C, TS7C, TO7C, TK7C, 5V7C to name a few, this multi-national team will run 6 high power stations simultaneously on all bands/modesfrom 160m to 10m. Unfortunately 6m is not allowed by the UCC (Uganda Communications Commission).
IRTS member, Dave Deane, EI9FBB is a team member on this DXpedition and I'm sure he'll pay special attention to getting as many EI's as possible into the log. See: for full information.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.