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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 13th January 2013

Revised Amateur Station Licence Guidelines

On 2 January, ComReg published a revised version of the Amateur Station Licence Guidelines in ComReg Document 09/45R1. The Guidelines include the following pieces of good news for licensed radio amateurs:

The new band at 472 to 479 kHz which we reported on recently is included in the Schedule of frequencies available to licensed amateurs. Three additional 3 kHz channels have been made available, on application, in the 5 MHz band, and On the 10 MHz band the power has been increased from 100 watts to 400 watts.

The latter two items were among the matters sought by the Society in its response to ComReg’s ‘Proposed Strategy for Managing the Radio Spectrum 2011-2013’ and which ComReg undertook to consider. The Society appreciates the very satisfactory outcome on these two issues.

The revised Amateur Station Licence Guidelines is a very useful source of information for anyone interested in amateur radio. Further details will be carried in the next issue of Echo Ireland. Licensed amateurs and those interested in obtaining an amateur station licence are, however, advised to familiarise themselves with the revised guidelines which are available on a link to ComReg’s Amateur Radio Information pages from the Downloads page of the IRTS website at

New 5 MHz Channels

Three new 3 kHz channels have been allocated in the 5 MHz band to the amateur service on a secondary basis. The three new channels are centred on 5300, 5332 and 5348 kHz. In responding to the ComReg’s Proposed Spectrum Strategy for 2011-2013, IRTS sought these channels and ComReg agreed to consider the matter in consultation with current users of that spectrum. We are pleased at the positive outcome of these consultations and we appreciate the efforts of ComReg in being in a position to allocate the new channels within the period of the Spectrum Strategy. There are now six 3 kHz channels at 5 MHz available to licensed amateurs. These are centred on 5280, 5300, 5332, 5348, 5400 and 5405 kHz. It is the convention to use upper sideband on this band.

It should be remembered that additional authorisation is required to operate on the 5 MHz band and application to do so must be made to ComReg on form 09/45(d).

Coolmine Radio Rally

Coolmine rally will be held at the Coolmine Community School on Sunday 10th February 2013. Doors open at 8.30am for traders and for member of the public at 9.30am. Admission is €5.00. Usual traders will attend and there will be a bring and buy sale. Tea and refreshments available all day during the event. Unlimited free car parking available. To book a table for the rally please call the following: Tom, 01 8211043 or Tony, 087 2439997. Everyone welcome to this excellent annual event.

Limerick Radio Club

The Annual Limerick Radio Club Rally will take place on Sunday 3rd March 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel Limerick. Doors open at 11am and admission is €5. All the usual traders will be present. Bring and Buy tables are Free of charge and will be allocated on a first come basis, they can be booked by contacting Ger McNamara EI4GXB on 087 2532512 or ei4gxb / at/gmail /dot/com.

New RSGB Manager for GI Region 8

Congratulations to Philip Hosey MI0MSO/EI8GPB recently appointed GI region 8 regional manager for RSGB. We wish him well in his new role.

Using Facebook

A new group has been formed on Facebook for amateurs wishing to organise skeds with other amateurs. So if you need a particular contact for an award, or just a chat, then go to and have a look.

DX News

Peter K8PGJ will be active as ZF2PG from Grand Cayman Island between now and 20 January. He will operate mainly 20 and 15m SSB. QSLs go via his home call. He will also upload his logs to Logbook of the World.

Leo PP1CZ will operate from the island of Fernando de Noronha from 15-21 January. This archipelago, some 500km off the coast of Brazil, is a separate DXCC entity and while there Leo will use the callsign PY0F/PP1CZ. He will focus on 80 and 160m CW and RTTY with some SSB.

Carl SM6CPY will return to Rwanda from 15-31 January and reactivate his 9X0PY callsign. He will operate mainly CW – look for him 25 kHz up. QSL to the home call.

The island of Minami Torishima will be QRV from 15 January until 15 April. This quite rare DXCC entity will see JG8NQJ signing JG8NQJ/JD1 during that period. He plans to operate 17-10m CW during his spare time on the island. QSLs go to his home call via the bureau or direct to JA8CJY.


Any member wishing go on air with EI13CLAN should contact Dave EI6AL at dave.ei6al /at/ or by phone on 0861000000.

Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.

Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.


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