Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 28th October 2012
Echo Ireland
The October issue of Echo Ireland, the IRTS journal, includes photos and reports from a number of recent portable operations - the Limerick Radio Club's activation of Loop Head Lighthouse, SSB Field Day in Garbally, the Galway Radio Experimenters Club trip to Inisbofin and the activation of "Achill Henge" by Galway VHF Group. Steve EI5DD explains how portable operation in parts of the West of Ireland can be difficult because of the absence of trees to use as antenna supports; he suggests that this difficulty can be overcome by using a kite-supported antenna and describes how this can be achieved.
Also in the latest journal is a report by Ger EI4GXB on his participation, along with a number of Shortwave Listeners, in the Youngsters On The Air event in Belgium and, speaking of youngsters, John EI6AH, who recently celebrated his 88th birthday, is also featured. Other articles include "Fun with QRP" by John EI2HVB along with the regular "HF Happenings" with DX news and "Excerpts from the HF Files" which describes another ATV project.
Jason, EI6GRB writes to state that he operated EI1DRC as a scout station whilst in Raphoe, County Donegal, last weekend. He has also written a blog and this can be viewed at
South Dublin Radio Club
This Tuesday 30th of October Chris G0FDZ will be giving a talk on the UK VHF beacon GB3VHF at south Dublin radio club.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The Annual General Meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will take place on Wednesday the 7th of November in Raheen House Hotel,Raheen Road, Clonmel at 8:30 pm all are welcome.
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR
Radio Theory Classes will commence Monday 5th November at DAR Society premises ‘Larkin House’, 113, Castletown Road, Dundalk, for preparation to sit the radio theory exam early in 2013. Tuition places are strictly limited and intending candidates are encouraged to enrol at the earliest opportunity. Tuition will involve approximately 20 weeks class attendance and an investment of €100 is required. Open nights to find out more information and to enrol on the course will be held October 31st and on November 5th, the start of the classes. All are welcome to enrol. More information from or secretary at ei7dar dot com.
New Zealand hope to get 50-51Mhz
New Zealand Radio Amateurs hope to get back the bottom end of 6m band when channel 1 Tv completely shuts down in November 2013.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.