Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 30th September 2012
Z60K Activation in Kosovo
The somewhat controversial activation of Kosovo by a group of European radio amateurs earlier this month attracted a great deal of interest from the DXing community. This was because it is felt that Kosovo might at some stage be designated by ARRL as a separate DXCC entity.
Kosovo has recently declared independence, and the purpose of the recent amateur radio activation was to support the re-establishment of an amateur radio infrastructure in Kosovo. The visiting radio amateurs were joined by a number of local operators. The call sign prefix adopted by Kosovo - Z6 - is currently currently an unallocated national prefix.
Whether and when Kosovo becomes a separate DXCC entity remains to be seen, but for the time being there is no point in submitting Z60K QSL cards for DXCC credit.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will take place on Wednesday next the 3rd of October in Raheen House Hotel Raheen Road Clonmel at 8.30 pm All are welcome.
Limerick Radio Club
The next meeting of Limerick Radio Club will be on Wednesday 10 October in the Limerick Institute of Technology at 1930. Following on from a very active Summer period of events, the next number of meetings will concentrate on upcoming events including a possible IOTA dxpedition, theory classes and practical sessions. Keep an eye on for updates.
South Dublin Radio Club
On Tuesday 9th October at the South Dublin Radio Club Declan EI6FR will present a slideshow on his IOTA DXpedition to St. Kilda in May of this year.
On Tuesday 30th of October Chris G0FDZ will be giving a talk on the UK VHF beacon GB3VHF
The club is open from 8pm every Tuesday and all visitors are more than welcome.
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR
Radio Theory Classes will commence Monday 5th November at DAR Society premises ‘Larkin House’, 113, Castletown Road, Dundalk, for preparation to sit the radio theory exam early in 2013. Tuition places are strictly limited and intending candidates are encouraged to enrol at the earliest opportunity. Tuition will involve approximately 20 weeks class attendance and an investment of €100 is required. Open nights to find out more information and to enrol on the course will be held October 3rd, October 17th, October 31st. All are welcome to enrol and this will be a fun learning experience. More information from or secretary at ei7dar dot com.
DX News
No doubt many of our listeners will have noticed that HF band conditions have been superb over the last few days, with good openings to the Pacific on 10, 12 and 15 metres, while 20 metres has remained open long after sunset. Let's hope this continues!
Nobby G0VJG will be QRV from Monaco from 1 – 5 October. He will operate as 3A/G0VJG/M on SSB only. QSLs go via G4DFI.
A three-man team will operate from Niger in West Africa from 1 -15 October. They are the well known DXers TL0A, F6EXV and DJ8NK who will use the calls 5U5U, 5U6E and 5U8NK respectively. Operation will be on all bands 160 – 6m.
Dxers will be saddened to hear of the recent death of Sid ET3SID in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sid, who also held the callsigns G4CTQ and AB3OZ, was instrumental in setting up the club station ET3AA and encouraging young students to get involved in amateur radio.
Two Japanese operators, JA6EV and JJ6GVX, will be active as JT1EV and JT1GVX from Mongolia from 2 – 8 October. They will operate from the Ulaanbaatar DX Club station.
A new one for the IOTA chasers will be on the air from 5 – 11 October. This will be 7Z7AB operating from Al-Dhahrah Island. The IOTA reference will be AS-190 and QSL info is via 7Z1CQ.
Frank Pulfer,HB9BXU,writes to state that from Nov 12th to 30th 2012 he will activate together with some other Swiss radio amateurs the dreamlike island of Aitutaki. This island belongs to the Cook Islands (E51) and is situated in the Polynesian Triangle of the Southern Pacific area. The island will be activated on the amateur radio bands from 10m to 80m (including WARC bands) in the modes SSB, CW and PSK31. The DXpedition is “holiday-style” so that we can enjoy the fantastic world of the southern pacific in addition to the hard handling of endless pileups.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.