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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 1st April 2012

IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally

Just three weeks remain until the 80th Anniversary IRTS AGM and Rally. As you can appreciate this is a very special anniversary and you are asked to make all reasonable efforts to attend. Dinner tickets are just €32, a reduction on previous years and represents great value for this very special dinner. B&B is €55 for single and a double is €65. The Venue is Fairways Hotel Dundalk, telephone 042-9321500. The radio rally and exhibition will be held in the large conference hall with lots of space to move about and to peruse at your leisure. It all happens over the weekend of April 21st & 22nd.

Dinner tickets can be bought now by contacting Thos EI2JD on 087-2953256 or email thoscaffrey /at/ or by contacting any IRTS committee member. A very warm welcome awaits you.

North Cork Radio Group

The North Cork Radio Group will be activating Mizen Head Visitors Centre again this year for Marconi weekend. The callsign, EI0IMD, will be on the air from 20th April - 22nd April inclusive. As you may know, Marconi Day is on 21st April this year and we will be operating over the full 24 hour period on this day in order that collectors of the Marconi Award will have the opportunity to add us to their list. Mizen Head is a beautiful location and well worth a visit.

Limerick Radio Club

Following the recent very successful Limerick Radio Club rally the following are the list of raffle prize winners.

Watson Wireless Weather station, donated by Gary O'Hanlon South East Communications, won by Roy Stewart

BHI DSPKR donated by Graham Somerville BHI UK, won by Brendan Kilmartin EI0CZ

AirVenture Flight Simulator Family Coupon donated by Eddie Ryan of AirVenture won by Roland E Hall EI6CZ

28A 12V PSU donated by Raymond Long of Long communications won by Stephen Boyd.

The 5Mhz Newsletter

The Spring Edition of The 5 MHz Newsletter has now been published and features information on the recent WRC-12 conference.

A subscription is not needed and the Newsletter can be freely read or downloaded from Google documents at

A paper copy can be obtained by sending an SASE large enough to take folded A4 to the Editor, G4MWO, who is QTHR and on

A chart is also maintained of current Worldwide 5 MHz Amateur Allocations. This can be found at

World Amateur Radio Day

On April 18, 2012 we will celebrate the World Amateur Radio Day on the 87th Anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union, IARU. This year´s theme for the World Amateur Radio Day is “Amateur Radio Satellites: Celebrating 50 Years in Space" in remembrance the launching of OSCAR 1 on December 12, 1961 and the launch of OSCAR 2 on June 2, 1962. For this reason there will be several special event stations from IARU’s Member Societies active on different dates during April: 6H6IARU, 3G73IARU and LZ1WARD. If IARU's Member Societies plan to have a special event station for this reason in April let us now so we can publish the details before the end of this month. Send us an email to news/at/ with the information.

Japan to launch Amateur Radio satellites

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has announced the launch of five amateur radio satellites on two launches taking place in May and July. The first H-IIA launch takes place on May 17, 1639-1642 UT and will carry the amateur radio satellite HORYU-2. The second launch on July 21, 0218 UT of the HTV3 will deliver the JEM-Small Satellite Orbital Deployer (J-SSOD) to the International Space Station (ISS).

Titanic - GB100MGY will be on 502 kHz

GB100MGY will be operating on 502 kHz from the Fort Perch Rock marine radio museum in the Wirral, UK during the Titanic commemoration, April 14th & 15th.

Lough Erne Rally Today April 1st

The Lough Erne Radio Rally is on today at the SHARE Centre in County Fermanagh. Those planning to attend include two amateur radio presidents, Dave Wilson M0OBW, the RSGB President, with Peter Lowrie Mi5JYK, the Regional Manager And Eric Prince G3KPU, the President of RAOTA – the Radio Amateur Old Timers Association.

For more about how the rally visit:-

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will operate as EI2WRC for the IRTS 2 metres Counties Contest on the bank holiday Monday (9 April) from Devils Bit. Members wishing to get involved should contact the club at; info/at/

For those who have expressed interest in participating in Theory Classes leading to the Amateur Radio Licence with South Eastern Amateur Radio Group, there will be an information / planning session at our next general meeting which takes place at 8:30 p.m. on Monday 30 April in the Roanmore Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford. All are welcome!

The Geoparks communications weekend this year takes place on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 May. South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will again operate from Tankardstown on the Copper Coast Geopark in Co. Waterford. The callsign is EI2GEO (pending approval). Activity will mainly be on HF. Anyone wishing to get involved should contact the club on info/ at/ or phone Mark Wall on 087-6302026. For more information about the Geopark, visit

For more information about SEARG visit the clubs web site on

Luxembourg to Celebrate 75 years of Amateur Radio

A special postage stamp to 75 years of amateur radio in Luxembourg is to be issued by the country’s post and telecommunications authority.

ZD8, Ascension Island

The ZD8, Ascension Island bureau has closed. A full list of countries that do not have a bureau is available on the

Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.

Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.


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