Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 16th October 2011
IRTS AGM and Rally 2012
The IRTS AGM and Rally will take place April 21st and April 22nd 2012. Dundalk Amateur Radio Society ,EI7DAR, will host the event at the Fairways Hotel, Dundalk. Amateur Radio Clubs requiring a table/stand at the event is requested to contact Dundalk Amateur Radio Society on All enquiries are welcome.
Foyle and District Amateur Radio Rally
The Foyle and District Amateur Radio Club Rally takes place November 6th 2011 at the White Horse Hotel, 68 Clooney Road, Derry, BT47 3PA. Doors open at 12 noon. The usual traders will be present and IRTS will have a stand also on display. Further details from .
Limerick Radio Club
Limerick Radio Club have started their club meetings for the current season. We had a very good turnout of members and started with a talk on the recent IARU conference by Ger EI4GXB. The club repeater which developed a fault in the last few weeks has been repaired by Simon EI7ALB and is now QRV. Tom EI5CA will conduct CW classes for club members on Tuesday nights at 7.30pm at the Tait Business Centre, Dominic Street. Limerick.
Shannon Basin Radio Club
The Shannon Basin Radio Club will be having a meeting on Friday the 28th October in Hannons Hotel, Roscommon at 20:30. All members are asked to attend and non-members are welcome. Please see for details.
EI8GNB /at/ CQ WW DX SSB Contest
David EI8GNB will be part of the PJ2T team for the upcoming CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 29th-30th October. David currently resides in Canada using the call VA7DXC, but as an Irish national uses his EI call when abroad. In the days running up to the contest keep an ear out for PJ2/EI8GNB from Curacao.
Benneshill October 24th-31st 2011
Oliver will again be QRV from Ireland near Fethard (IO62EL) on top of Benneshill (170m ASL) with his Irish callsign EI8GQB. He will enter the CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST as SOAB Low Power Non Assisted (October 29-30).
During the week before the contest Oliver will set up 5 antennas to support SO2R operation. Reference frequency is 7.100 MHz +/- QRM.
Equipment: -18m top loaded vertical monopole for 160-80m bands + 32 radials. -2 Spiderbeam antennas for 20/15/10m bands. -200m long beverage East-West. -3 elements East-West bi-directional inverted V beam for 40m band. -Rigs are Elecraft K3 & Kenwood TS2000.
Olivier will hold a daily blog on
DX News
A group of amateurs from Germany and Poland will be active from Guinea in West Africa from 18 October until 1 November. The callsign in use will be 3XY1D and they will be found on all bands 160-6m. The QSL Manager is DL7DF
Following on from the TX3T activity mentioned last week the team will travel on to the Marquesas Islands from 19 October to 1 November where the callsign TX7M will be used. During the CQ WW DX SSB Contest on 29-30 October the call will change to TX5A. The Marquesas Islands are quite a rare DXCC entity so this is a good chance to log it.
A not too common prefix for the island of Malta will be aired by a group of German operators when they sign 9H9OP during the period 14-22 October. QSL Manager is DH7WW.
The well-known husband and wife team of DXers Lot DJ7ZG and Babs DL7AFS will be on the Cocos Keeling Islands from 19 October until 9 November using the callsign VK9CX. They will operate on all bands 80-6m.
East Kiribati (T32) DXpedition
The T32C DXpedition now has over 120,000 QSOs in the log. Over the past week, propagation to Europe has improved somewhat; there are now more than 50 EI stations and 20 GI stations in the log. So far, top band has eluded most Irish stations - at the time of writing, Dick GI3OQR is the only Irish station with a 160 metre QSO in the T32C log.
There is still plenty of time to work T32C; the group plans to be on the air for another 10 days.
CEPT proposes frequency allocation for amateur radio
A small allocation of about 15 kHz in parts of the 500 kHz band to the amateur radio service on a secondary basis - this proposal has been made by a project team of about 50 representatives of European governments and other stakeholders in preparation for the next World Radiocommunication Conference WRC12. They followed an invitation of the Federal Network Agency in Germany and met by the end of September in Mainz. The discussion led to a compromise in the size of the amateur radio band, namely 480 kHz - 472 kHz, with a maximum power of 5 W EIRP.
30th anniversary of UoSAT-1 (OSCAR-9)
On October 6, 1981 the United Kingdom's first Amateur Radio Satellite UoSAT-OSCAR-9 was launched. Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) celebrated the 30th anniversary of the launch of Surrey's first satellite, UoSAT-1. Launched into orbit on 6th October 1981, UoSAT-1 was designed and built by a team from the University of Surrey led by SSTL founder Sir Martin Sweeting, G3YJO.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.