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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 13th March 2011
IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011
You are warmly welcomed to attend the IRTS AGM weekend, including Annual Dinner and Rally will be held this year on Saturday March 26th and Sunday March 27th. The event will be hosted by the Limerick Radio Club. The venue is the Radisson Blu Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick.
For more information contact, Ger McNamara EI4GXB on
087 2532512 or ei4gxb/ at /gmail/ dot/ com. A new website for the Rally in Limerick on 27 March 2011 is now available, please go to for more details.
The AGM dinner tickets priced at €35 are now available from Tony Condon EI2AW at QTHR or by email to condona /at / eircom/ dot/ net.
IRTS Stand at Friedrichshafen Rally
IRTS members attending the Friedrichshafen rally this year and who are willing to be in attendance at the IRTS stand for some of the time whilst there are requested to contact Sean Nolan, EI7CD on email ei7cd / at / gofree / dot/ indigo / dot / ie .
IRTS AGM Dinner Tickets.
Tickets will be available at the next Committee meeting on 12 March from Ger McNamara EI4GXB. Please make contact with your club or regional representative who may be attending the meeting to collect tickets on your behalf. Payment can be made by cheque payable to Limerick Radio Club or by cash.
South Dublin Radio Club
South Dublin Radio Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place in Terenure College on Tuesday 29th March at 8pm sharp.
All members are welcome and asked to attend. Also, at the South Dublin Radio Club, amateur radio theory classes will be held on a weekly basis and morse classes will be held in the near future.
North Cork Radio Group
North Cork Radio Group will be active EI1NC/P from the old governors house at Cork City Gaol and Radio Museum on the weekend of the 19 and 20th of March, The intention of the activation is to gain publicity and awareness for the Museum as an attraction for radio enthusiast both in Cork city and for visitors to the county in general. The Gaol houses the restored 6CK radio Broadcast studio in addition to an audio visual dedicated to Marconi and his Irish connections along with a wide collection of nostalgic artefacts from the golden age of Irish radio.
Foyle and District ARC
Foyle and District ARC have been allocated the callsign GB5SPD to celebrate St.Patrick's Day, 2011. This has been an annual event for several years and is the most popular activity in the club's calendar. The station will be active from Wednesday March 16th until Friday 18th. A special qsl card will be issued to each station worked.
Special Event Station GB2SPD
Special Event Station GB2SPD will be operating from the QTH of (Martin 2I0WAI) from the 17th of March to celebrate St. Patrick,s Day.
The station will operate all bands open to us on the day, and hope to have a psk31 station also on air.
QSL info and all details are as listed on qrz .com
Special Event for St Patrick’ Day
As part of Omagh District Council’s annual St Patrick’s Day celebrations, West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club, will be on air from Omagh Arts Centre from 12 noon until 5pm on Thursday 17th March 2011 with the callsign GB1SPD, as well as being active on all bands the club will be demonstrating Amateur to the general public.
The Shannon Basin Radio Club
The Shannon Basin Radio Club will be holding a meeting in Hannons Hotel, Roscommon on Wednesday night the 23rd of March at 20:30.
All members are requested to attend and anybody wishing to join the club is more than welcome to attend. Should anybody require more info, they can contact Brian, EI8IU on 0862514822.
ARRL have now updated their DXCC listings to take account of the reorganisation of the Netherlands Antilles. This reorganisation gave rise to 2 existing DXCC entities being deleted and 4 new entities being created, the new entities being Curacao (PJ2), Bonaire (PJ4), Saba / St. Eustatius (PJ5/PJ6) and Sint Maarten (PJ7). Not surprisingly, there has been plenty of DX activity from these new entities, and of course plenty of interest in the new entities.
The updating of the DXCC listings results in some changes in the DXCC Honor Roll membership; confirmation that 331 current entities have been worked is now required for the Honor Roll. Have a look at to see the latest placings by EI stations.
Amateur Radio for All at the Erne Rally
Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club is delighted that the Radio Amateur Invalid and Blind Club will have a stand at the Pearl Anniversary Rally on Sunday 17 April.
RAIBC is the charity working for radio amateurs with disabilities. The rally venue, SHARE is another registered charity that provides activities for disabled and able bodied to enjoy together. Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club is based at SHARE and runs courses there for Foundation and Intermediate licenses.
Course members include some with a disability or who are Carers, and all value amateur radio as an excellent hobby. Take one example. Tommy from February’s Intermediate course requested the call 2i0RVH from Ofcom. His chosen suffix RVH means the Royal Victoria Hospital where he had a life-saving operation a few years ago. Amateur radio enthusiasm and achievement is helping Tommy build a new life.
RAIBC were invited to the Erne rally to help spread the word that amateur radio is for all and can be an ideal interest and activity for many with a disability, or their carers. There will be information about RAIBC services and membership, and about amateur radio opportunities at SHARE with Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club.
Other amateur radio groups with word to spread about their interests and activities are also very welcome to take a stand at the Lough Erne Pearl Anniversary Rally. It is only five weeks away, so please contact the Club as soon as possible.
Michael Clarke, Mi5MTC Chairman Lough Erne ARC Mi5mtc / /at/ / learc / dot/ eu
DX News
Maurizio, IW1GGN will be active holiday-style from Martinique (NA-107) between 12 to 18 March, 2011. Activity mainly 20m. Callsign requested is TO1N – if not available then FM/IW1GGN.
A0SC, UA0SE, UA0SW and RZ0SR will be working from Senegal between 17 to 28 March.
During RDXC and WPX contests they will be active as 6V7D. Before and after they will use 6W/home calls. They will be working on all HF bands and all modes. QSL for 6V7D via UA0SE. 6W/ via home calls.
Joe, DK5WL (9N7WL); Ernst, DK7AN/(9N7AN); Georg DL4SVA and Franz DL9GFB plan to be active from Nepal in a period stretching from mid-March to early-April 2011.
Beginning March 16th, Ernst 9N7AN will commence solo activity from Kathmandu, with the main part of the DXpedition starting on March 26th once the rest of the team arrive in Nepal. They will operate all bands/modes therefater until April 8, 2011.
Hugo PA2HW, Robert PA2RDK, Frank PA3CNO, Paul PA3DFR and Gert PE0MGB will be active from the Swedish/Norwegian peace monument “Morokulien” as LG5LG and SJ9WL from April 10-16.
Activity will be on 160-6m in CW, SSB and digital modes. The callsign will change every day at 00:00 UTC. An award will be available for 2 contacts with each call on different bands and different days. QSL via buro.
TE8X will be active from Venado Island (IOTA NA-116) starting 10 March 2011.Activity will be on HF Bands. QSL via TI5AA.
Kells Radio Club
Ronnie, EI9ED, writes and tell us that the Kells Radio Club would like to announce the switching on of EI2LLX crossband facility. For the moment this Cross band connects to SEARG repeater networks and can be activated by DTMF *470 with a T.O.T. of 15 minutes. This crossband repeater can be activated from SEARG repeater network and also GI stations can activate the southern repeater system via the Cavan repeater EI2LLX using the same codes. To disconnect the repeater use DTMF #6
During this week stations were heard from Northern Ireland to Cork, from VK via IRLP through Waterford, Cavan to Northern Ireland.
Further updates will be forthcoming.
Practical Wireless - FUNcube Dongle Article
The April edition of Practical Wireless magazine has a special treat for all satellite enthusiasts and VHF/UHF listeners - a two page article on the AMSAT-UK FUNcube Dongle radio. The FUNcube Dongle (FCD) Software Defined Radio (SDR) was developed as part of the AMSAT-UK FUNcube satellite project.
Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.