Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 5th December 2010
Silent Key
It is with great sadness that we have been informed of the recent passing of Fintan Murphy EI8C.Fintan will be sadly missed by his family and friends.
May he rest in peace.
IRTS Outgoing QSL Service
Due to further recent losses with batches of QSLs in the post system, Tony EI8JK the IRTS Outgoing QSL Manager, has started a service whereby if he is made aware of cards being sent to the Outgoing Bureau via email, Tony will in turn advise when the cards have been received.
It is thought that already about 50% of Bureau users are already doing this and if the number can be increased it will add to the comfort of not only the Bureau Manager expecting batches but also the user being made aware of when the cards have been received etc.
For members who wish to avail of this service please email Tony him once cards have been sent, Tony’s email address is ei8jk /at/
ARRL 10 Metre Contest
The annual ARRL 10 metre contest, which takes place this coming weekend (11th and 12th December) has always been popular with EI operators as a way of working some of the rarer US states and Canadian provinces. Band conditions over the past few years have not been particularly favourable for Northern European stations, but given that conditions have continued to improve as Solar Cycle 24 progresses, perhaps this year will be better.
For 2010, for the first time, the 32 Mexican states will count as multipliers. The other multipliers in this contest are the US states, Canadian provinces and DXCC countries. The contest is an "everyone works everyone" contest, for both phone and CW. See the ARRL web site for full details.
DX News
It is 50 years since what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo gained independence from Belgium. A group of Belgian operators will be QRV from their former colony as 9Q50ON (Nine Queen Fifty Oscar November) from now until 13th December. QSLs go via ON4BR.
The DXpedition to Sable Island off the coast of Canada which had to be rescheduled recently due to mechanical trouble with their aircraft is now due to start on 6th December. Operation will take place until 13th December. The calls to look for are N0TG, AA4VK and WA4DAN with of course the /CY0 (Stroke Charlie Yankee Zero) addition to their call. This should be a popular expedition for DXCC chasers as Sable Island does not show up that often on the bands.
Zimbabwe is a country that is appearing more often nowadays and following the recent activity by Z24EA during November another visitor in the shape of VK6DXI will be there on a business trip till 17th December. He will be using the call Z21DXI and QSL info is via SP5UAF.
Following on from their successful trip to the island of Niue where the callsign ZK2A was given a good airing the same group of intrepid expeditioners is now operating as VK9NN from Norfolk Island until 19th December. QSL info is via PA3LEO. DXers will immediately associate Norfolk Island with the late Jim Smith VK9NS the celebrated DXer who lived there for many years till his death in February 2009.
A group of American operators who go under the name of The Buddies in the Caribbean DXpedition Group are returning to the island of St Lucia this month and will be active as J6/home call until 13th December. Their speciality is that they operate with 100 watts or less and use the Buddipole portable antenna system.
This week in History
1902 Marconi transmits from Cape Breton Is. to Cornwall. Recorded on tape.
1924 First photo facsimile transmitted across Atlantic by radio
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.