Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 24th October 2010
Echo Ireland
The October edition of Echo Ireland has now been mailed to members. It includes plenty of news about DX, with the regular "HF Happenings" column by Dave EI9FBB covering recent and upcoming DX activities. There is also an article celebrating Dave's remarkable achievement of 10 band DXCC over a six year period.
DX of another kind is covered in the newsletter, with an account of the Marconi Company’s station in Ballybunion which was responsible for the first wireless telephone communication across the Atlantic, in March 1919.
The newsletter also contains another episode on the ATV experiments by Pat EI2HX, updates on amateur satellites, an article on AREN participation in the Burren Walk and news of Worked All Ireland activity on 80 metres.
Contest activities are well covered with a report on the World Radiosport Team Championships and, closer to home, the Galway VHF Group's entry in the recent SSB Field Day. Results for CW Field Day and the June 80 metre Counties Contest is also included.
The results of the theory examination for the Amateur Station Licence held on 6 October were issued during the week by ComReg. Of the 14 candidates who sat the examination 9 passed. Congratulations to those who passed and we hope to hear you on the air soon.
Since IRTS took over responsibility for setting, organising and correcting the theory examination in May 2005, twelve examinations have been held. A total of 234 candidates have sat these examinations and 139 were successful in obtaining the Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC).
The next theory examination will be held in early July 2011.
EI8GQB aka ON4EI - Benneshill 25th-31st October
Oliver will again be QRV from Ireland near Fethard (IO62EL) on top of Benneshill (170m ASL) with his Irish callsign EI8GQB, from October 25th to 31st 2010. He will enter the CQ WW SSB CONTEST as SOAB Low Power Non Assisted (October 30-31).
Reference frequency before the contest is 7.150 MHz +/- QRM. During the week before the contest Oliver will build 2 reflectors East-West for 40m and 2 for 80m on a 5/8 40m vertical, using the SPITFIRE ARRAY concept developed by K1VR and W1FV.
Equipment: 18m vertical top loaded monopole and Inverted V for 160/80/40. Spider beam for 20/15/10. Rig is Elecraft K3 100 W. Oliver will hold a daily expedition blog with all the details of the experimentation, please see for more details.
Science Week 2010
Science Week is being held from the 7 to 14th Nov. Clubs are encouraged to take advantage of the publicity generated by Science Week to promote their activities, perhaps by putting on a special event station or partnering with some other local Science Week project.
More details on the Website
AREN Training Event
AREN announces its first ever weekend training and social event. Taking place over the weekend of the 13th and 14th of November on the shores of Lough Derg. This central picturesque location has been popular with other Voluntary Emergency Services for training and social activities.
Saturday’s activities will include practical training and a taste of GlobalSET. It will wind down with a tour of the local RNLI station followed by dinner before moving on to the Whisky Still bar for ‘craic agus ceoil’ with local trad’ musicians.
Attendees can arrive on Friday night or Saturday morning ,An afternoon finish on Sunday will ensure you are home early that evening. Our host Declan EI2GE has kindly arranged generous rates for accommodation and meals. Full details will be circulated to members in due course.
AREN also hold a net on the 7th and 21st of the month at 1930 local on 3660 plus or minus. This is a training net for AREN members. However anyone interested in finding out more about AREN activities is more than welcome to call in once the net is established.
CY0, Sable Island update
The Web page will be updated as they are completed. The original flight to the Island on Thursday the 21st had to be cancelled due to a low ceiling of only 200 feet and marginal sea conditions.
Please check the Web for updates at:
For further details on Rallies please see
History this Week
1861 First transcontinental telegraph msg from San Francisco to Washington. The Pony Express completed its last run this same day.
1879 Edison invents the incandescent electric lamp.
1884 Edison patents 2 element lamp. (Diode valve)
1915 First Trans Atlantic speech relay by radiotelephone by AT&T Arlington to Paris.
1922 BBC is formed in Britain.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be
forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.